Geostrategic magazine (it-en, october 26, 2023)

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Israel-Middle East – Collecting analyses from global think tanks

Daily from global think tanks

Worlds (Australia-Iran-China; Australia – South Korea; Australia-Ukraine; Belarus; China; China-Middle Corridor; Indonesia-BRICS; Russia; South Caucasus; South China Sea; USA)

Australia – Iran – China

Arianto Patunru scrive che, nel marzo 2023, l’Iran ha dichiarato di aver scoperto un enorme deposito di litio, dell’ordine di 8,5 milioni di tonnellate. La Cina è il più grande consumatore di litio, che importa soprattutto dall’Australia, il più grande esportatore di litio al mondo. Ma la scoperta del litio in Iran potrebbe mettere in discussione il dominio dell’Australia sul mercato cinese (East Asia Forum)

Arianto Patunru writes that, in March 2023, Iran claimed to have discovered a huge lithium deposit, in the order of 8.5 million tonnes. China is the largest consumer of lithium, importing mainly from Australia, the world’s largest lithium exporter. But the discovery of lithium in Iran could challenge Australia’s dominance of the Chinese market (East Asia Forum)

Leveraging lithium and nickel stocks to boost the EV industry | East Asia Forum

Australia – South Korea

Afeeya Akhand e Alex Bristow scrivono che, nell’attuale contesto geopolitico, occorre implementare la partnership tra Australia e Corea del Sud (ASPI The Strategist)

Afeeya Akhand and Alex Bristow write that, in the current geopolitical context, the partnership between Australia and South Korea needs to be implemented (ASPI The Strategist)

The Australia–South Korea partnership is ripe for a refresh | The Strategist (

Australia – Ukraine

Brendan Nicholson scrive che un aereo E-7A Wedgetail della Royal Australian Air Force userà il suo sistema radar per cercare missili lanciati da centinaia di chilometri all’interno della Russia e della Bielorussia mentre sorveglia le linee di rifornimento dell’Ucraina dall’Europa. La richiesta di schierare il Wedgetail per l’Ucraina è arrivata all’Australia dal Comando europeo dell’esercito statunitense a Stoccarda, in Germania (ASPI The Strategist)

Brendan Nicholson writes that an E-7A Wedgetail aircraft of the Royal Australian Air Force will use its radar system to search for missiles launched from hundreds of kilometres inside Russia and Belarus while guarding Ukraine’s supply lines from Europe. The request to deploy the Wedgetail to Ukraine came to Australia from the US military’s European Command in Stuttgart, Germany (ASPI The Strategist)

RAAF Wedgetail to protect vital supply lines to Ukraine | The Strategist (


Grigory Ioffe scrive del dibattito politico in Bielorussia e si domanda quale strategia prevarrà nel lungo periodo: le richieste dell’opposizione in esilio di ulteriori sanzioni per isolare ulteriormente la Minsk ufficiale  o i maggiori sforzi della Bielorussia e dei suoi vicini per rilanciare la politica estera multivettoriale del Paese ? (The Jamestown Foundation)

Grigory Ioffe writes about the political debate in Belarus and wonders which strategy will prevail in the long run: the exiled opposition’s that demands for further sanctions to further isolate official Minsk, or the increased efforts of Belarus and its neighbours to revive the country’s multi-vector foreign policy? (The Jamestown Foundation)

Belarus Looks to Revive Its ‘Multi-Vector’ Foreign Policy – Jamestown


Jacinta Keast scrive del forum cinese del decennale della Belt and Road Initiative. L’Autrice sottolinea che, con quasi 1.000 miliardi di dollari di finanziamenti concessi nel corso degli anni, la BRI rimane un formidabile strumento di statecraft economico per la Cina. Ma la scarsa partecipazione dei leader mondiali al forum della scorsa settimana e la mancanza di attenzione internazionale nei suoi confronti sarebbero ben lontani da ciò che Xi ritiene meriti la sua iniziativa (ASPI The Strategist)

Jacinta Keast writes about China’s 10-year anniversary forum of the Belt and Road Initiative. She points out that, with nearly $1 trillion in funding provided over the years, the BRI remains a formidable tool of economic statecraft for China. But the poor attendance of world leaders at last week’s forum and the lack of international attention to it would be far from what Xi believes his initiative deserves (ASPI The Strategist)

No one paid attention to last week’s Belt and Road forum—and that’s bad for Xi | The Strategist (

China – Middle Corridor

Genevieve Donnellon-May (Lowy The Interpreter) scrive dell’interesse di Pechino per il Middle Corridor, anche noto come Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (Lowy The Interpreter)

Genevieve Donnellon-May (Lowy The Interpreter) writes about Beijing’s interest in the Middle Corridor, also known as the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (Lowy The Interpreter)

Beijing’s interest in the Middle Corridor | Lowy Institute

Indonesia – BRICS

Jürgen Rüland scrive delle prospettive di adesione dell’Indonesia al gruppo BRICS (East Asia Forum)

Jürgen Rüland writes about the prospects of Indonesia joining the BRICS group (East Asia Forum)

Why Indonesia chose autonomy over BRICS membership | East Asia Forum


Vadim Shtepa scrive del ritorno della ‘sindrome afghana’ tra i soldati che rientrano dalla guerra in Ucraina. L’Autore sottolinea che, mentre i rimpatriati dall’Ucraina hanno dimostrato la tendenza a commettere un elevato numero di reati, le autorità locali non possono punirli severamente perché sono ufficialmente considerati “eroi patriottici” (The Jamestown Foundation)

Vadim Shtepa writes about the return of the ‘Afghan syndrome’ among soldiers returning from the war in Ukraine. The author points out that while returnees from Ukraine have shown a tendency to commit a high number of crimes, local authorities cannot punish them severely because they are officially considered ‘patriotic heroes’ (The Jamestown Foundation)

Russia Experiencing a New ‘Afghan Syndrome’ With Soldiers Returning From Ukraine – Jamestown

Alexander Taranov scrive che Putin ha chiarito che la Russia intende riprendere i test nucleari e ha accennato alla Duma di Stato che la ratifica della Russia del Trattato sulla messa al bando totale degli esperimenti nucleari dovrebbe essere ritirata (The Jamestown Foundation)

Alexander Taranov writes that Putin has made it clear that Russia intends to resume nuclear testing and hinted to the State Duma that Russia’s ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty should be withdrawn (The Jamestown Foundation)

The Kremlin Resumes Nuclear Testing in Escalation of Conflict With Ukraine and the West (Part One) – Jamestown

Hlib Parfonov scrive che la continua riorganizzazione delle unità militari da parte del Cremlino ha permesso alle forze russe di riorganizzarsi efficacemente per difendersi dalla controffensiva ucraina e prepararsi a lanciare future offensive (The Jamestown Foundation)

Hlib Parfonov writes that the Kremlin’s continued reorganisation of military units has allowed Russian forces to reorganise effectively to defend against the Ukrainian counteroffensive and prepare to launch future offensives (The Jamestown Foundation)

Moscow Re-Organizes Russian Armed Forces (Part One) – Jamestown

Paul Globe descrive il progressivo crollo demografico in Russia e le conseguenze sia per l’economia interna che rispetto all’evoluzione della guerra in Ucraina (The Jamestown Foundation)

Paul Globe describes the gradual demographic collapse in Russia and the consequences for both the domestic economy and the evolution of the war in Ukraine (The Jamestown Foundation)

Russia’s Demographic Decline Will Be Deeper, Last Longer, and Hurt More Than Expected – Jamestown

South Caucasus

Vasif Huseynov scrive della spinta dell’Azerbaigian per soluzioni regionali ai problemi del Caucaso meridionale (The Jamestown Foundation)

Vasif Huseynov writes about Azerbaijan’s push for regional solutions to South Caucasus problems (The Jamestown Foundation)

Azerbaijan Advocates for Regional Solutions to Regional Problems in the South Caucasus – Jamestown

South China Sea

Peter Layton scrive delle azioni della Cina nel Mar Cinese Meridionale e sottolinea che Pechino, per garantire la pace regionale, ha bisogno di lavorare in modo produttivo con gli altri e di costruire solidi protocolli e processi di gestione delle crisi (Lowy The Interpreter)

Peter Layton writes about China’s actions in the South China Sea and points out that Beijing, in order to ensure regional peace, needs to work productively with others and build robust crisis management protocols and processes (Lowy The Interpreter)

As the world looks elsewhere, China stirs trouble in the South China Sea | Lowy Institute


Vanessa Williamson scrive che la manipolazione strategica è diventata caratteristica ricorrente delle elezioni statunitensi e ci sono buone ragioni per dubitare che i tribunali proteggano adeguatamente i diritti di voto mentre il Paese si avvia verso le elezioni presidenziali del 2024. Dal 2018, le dinamiche politiche fondamentali che hanno portato all’erosione della democrazia statunitense rimangono invariate (Brookings)

Vanessa Williamson writes that strategic manipulation has become a recurring feature of US elections and there is good reason to doubt that the courts adequately protect voting rights as the country heads towards the 2024 presidential election. As of 2018, the fundamental political dynamics that have led to the erosion of US democracy remain unchanged (Brookings)

Democratic decline in the United States: Strategic manipulation of elections | Brookings

Tonantzin Carmona e Noreen M. Sugrue scrivono della comunità latina negli USA: la ricchezza dei latinos dovrebbe essere esaminata da tutti i punti di vista, prendendo in considerazione i fattori di differenziazione dei latinos, come la diversità razziale, lo status di immigrazione, i tempi di migrazione, la geografia, le differenze generazionali, le esperienze vissute e il modo in cui questi fattori sono correlati alla creazione di ricchezza (Brookings)

Tonantzin Carmona and Noreen M. Sugrue write about the Latino community in the US: the wealth of Latinos should be examined from all perspectives, taking into consideration the differentiating factors of Latinos, such as racial diversity, immigration status, timing of migration, geography, generational differences, lived experiences, and how these factors are related to wealth creation (Brookings)

Closing the Latino wealth gap: Exploring regional differences and lived experiences | Brookings


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