Geostrategic magazine (it-en-fr, 21 june 2023)

Perspectives from think tanks

Carta Geografica, Scoperta, America


BRICS – India

Kanishk Shetty (ORF) scrive della prospettiva dei Paesi BRICS di dotarsi di una moneta comune, alternativa al dollaro. Tra opportunità e limiti, Shetty guarda all’atteggiamento dell’India – Kanishk Shetty (ORF) writes about the prospect of the BRICS countries having a common currency, an alternative to the dollar. Between opportunities and limitations, Shetty looks at India’s attitude – Kanishk Shetty (ORF) écrit sur la perspective des pays BRICS d’avoir une monnaie commune, une alternative au dollar. Entre opportunités et limites, Kanishk Shetty examine l’attitude de l’Inde – BRICS currency: Is it a feasible idea? | ORF (

Germany – India

Rajeswari (Raji) Pillai Rajagopalan (ORF) scrive dell’importanza della partnership tra India e Germania nel settore della difesa, per la produzione di nuovi sottomarini per Delhi e oltre – Rajeswari (Raji) Pillai Rajagopalan (ORF) writes about the importance of the partnership between India and Germany in the defence sector, for the production of new submarines for Delhi and beyond – Rajeswari (Raji) Pillai Rajagopalan (ORF) écrit sur l’importance du partenariat entre l’Inde et l’Allemagne dans le secteur de la défense, pour la production de nouveaux sous-marins pour Delhi et au-delà – Can Germany Help India Overcome Its Submarine Troubles? | ORF (


Ramanath Jha (ORF) scrive della situazione dell’India rispetto agli SDGs. Particolare attenzione viene posta all’SDG 11, città e comunità sostenibili – Ramanath Jha (ORF) writes about India’s situation with regard to the SDGs. Special attention is given to SDG 11, sustainable cities and communities – Ramanath Jha (ORF) écrit sur la situation de l’Inde en ce qui concerne les ODD. Une attention particulière est accordée à l’ODD 11, villes et communautés durables – Sustainable Development Goal 11 and India | ORF (

Latvia – Estonia

Olevs Nikers (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive della scelta strategica di Lettonia ed Estonia di dotarsi del sistema di difesa aerea IRIS-T dalla Germania – Olevs Nikers (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about the strategic choice of Latvia and Estonia to acquire the IRIS-T air defence system from Germany – Olevs Nikers (The Jamestown Foundation) écrit sur le choix stratégique de la Lettonie et de l’Estonie d’acquérir le système de défense aérienne IRIS-T auprès de l’Allemagne – Latvia and Estonia Agree to Joint Acquisition of IRIS-T Air Defense Systems – Jamestown


Paul Globe (The Jamestown Foundation) descrive le difficoltà di Mosca nel modernizzare la flotta navale – Paul Globe (The Jamestown Foundation) describes Moscow’s difficulties in modernising its naval fleet – Paul Globe (The Jamestown Foundation) décrit les difficultés rencontrées par Moscou pour moderniser sa flotte navale – Moscow’s Plans for Russian Fleet Unlikely to Be Realized Anytime Soon – Jamestown

Russia – Iran

Sine Ozkarasahin (The Jamestown Foundation) descrive il riavvicinamento tra Mosca e Teheran che va di pari passo con l’aumento del commercio bilaterale, con il rafforzamento delle relazioni strategico-militari e con una significativa tendenza all’aumento delle transazioni legate alla difesa, con nuovi accordi sulle munizioni e sull’artiglieria, nonché sulla produzione congiunta di armi – Sine Ozkarasahin (The Jamestown Foundation) describes the rapprochement between Moscow and Tehran that goes hand in hand with an increase in bilateral trade, a strengthening of strategic-military relations, and a significant upward trend in defence-related transactions, with new agreements on ammunition and artillery, as well as on joint arms production – Sine Ozkarasahin (The Jamestown Foundation) décrit le rapprochement entre Moscou et Téhéran qui va de pair avec une augmentation du commerce bilatéral, un renforcement des relations stratégiques et militaires et une tendance à la hausse significative des transactions liées à la défense, avec de nouveaux accords sur les munitions et l’artillerie, ainsi que sur la production conjointe d’armes – Dirty Business: The Russian-Iranian Strategic Partnership Intensifies – Jamestown

USA – India

Samir Saran (ORF) sottolinea come USA e India debbano rafforzare la cooperazione strategica nei campi dell’innovazione tecnologica – Samir Saran (ORF) emphasises how the US and India must strengthen strategic cooperation in the fields of technological innovation – Samir Saran (ORF) souligne comment les États-Unis et l’Inde doivent renforcer leur coopération stratégique dans les domaines de l’innovation technologique – India and the U.S. can together make tech more accessible to all | ORF (

Sameer P. LalwaniDaniel Markey, Tamanna Salikuddin, Vikram J. Singh (USIP) analizzano la visita di Modi a Washington, strategicamente importante al di là delle differenze – Sameer P. Lalwani, Daniel Markey, Tamanna Salikuddin, Vikram J. Singh (USIP) analyse Modi’s visit to Washington, strategically important beyond differences – Sameer P. Lalwani, Daniel Markey, Tamanna Salikuddin, Vikram J. Singh (USIP) analysent la visite de Modi à Washington, stratégiquement importante au-delà des différences – Modi’s Trip to Washington Marks New Heights in U.S.-India Ties | United States Institute of Peace (

Tanvi MadanDavid Dollar (Brookings) discutono, in occasione della visita di Modi a Washington, delle relazioni tra USA e India, della partnership tecnologica strategica e di come la guerra tra Russia e Ucraina e la Cina influiscano sulle relazioni – Tanvi Madan and David Dollar (Brookings) discuss, on the occasion of Modi’s visit to Washington, US-Indian relations, the strategic technology partnership, and how the war between Russia and Ukraine and China affects relations – Tanvi Madan et David Dollar (Brookings) discutent, à l’occasion de la visite de Modi à Washington, des relations américano-indiennes, du partenariat technologique stratégique et de l’impact de la guerre entre la Russie et l’Ukraine et la Chine sur les relations – A look at India-US relations as Prime Minister Modi visits the White House (

War in Ukraine

The daily report of the Institute for the Study of War – Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 20, 2023 | Institute for the Study of War (

The 12-20 June Russia Matters report – Russia Analytical Report, June 12-20, 2023 | Russia Matters

Published analyses do not necessarily correspond to the strategic line of The Global Eye


Marco Emanuele
Marco Emanuele è appassionato di cultura della complessità, cultura della tecnologia e relazioni internazionali. Approfondisce il pensiero di Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. Marco ha insegnato Evoluzione della Democrazia e Totalitarismi, è l’editor di The Global Eye e scrive per The Science of Where Magazine. Marco Emanuele is passionate about complexity culture, technology culture and international relations. He delves into the thought of Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. He has taught Evolution of Democracy and Totalitarianisms. Marco is editor of The Global Eye and writes for The Science of Where Magazine.

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