Il Giappone darà l’ok al nuovo reggimento dei Marines americani a Okinawa (fonte: Defense News)

Joe Gould Japan on Wednesday will formally approve U.S. plans for a new Marine quick-reaction force on Okinawa and unveil plans to deepen military cooperation on Japan’s remote...

Il Kosovo ribadisce il suo impegno a rafforzare il partenariato con gli Stati Uniti (fonte: Anadolu Agency)

Mustafa Talha Öztürk Kosovo's senior politicians meet with US State Department Counselor Derek Chollet, discuss dialogue with Serbia. Kosovo reaffirms its commitment to stronger partnership with...

Il Segretario della Marina USA avverte: se l’industria della difesa non riesce ad aumentare la produzione, armare sia l’Ucraina che gli Stati Uniti potrebbe...

MARCUS WEISGERBER If weapons makers can’t boost production in the next six to 12 months, the United States may find it “challenging” to continue arming...

Esercito statunitense. E’ giunto il momento di correggere la rotta strategica? (fonte: Atlantic Council)

Harlan Ullman In the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill passed just prior to Christmas, Congress approved $858 billion for defense in fiscal year 2023. Yet,...

Stati Uniti e Giappone rafforzano l’alleanza per scoraggiare le crescenti minacce militari cinesi (fonte: Voice of America)

Nike Ching The United States and Japan will outline Wednesday actions to deter intensifying Chinese military threats in the East China Sea and around Taiwan,...

Il ruolo degli Stati Uniti nel favorire la transizione democratica del Ciad (fonte: United States Institute of Peace)

Yamingué Bétinbaye,  Remadji Hoinathy,  Allah-Kauis Neneck,  Babouh Tih-Kwada Elisabeth Chad’s transition is at a precarious juncture. But the United States has the diplomatic standing and...

USA. Politica estera e sicurezza nazionale nel 118° Congresso (fonte: CSIS)

Elizabeth Hoffman, Madeline Clough, Christian Hyde, Michael Buttner The turmoil that played out last week over the race for the Speaker of the House of...

USA-Giappone. L’incontro al vertice Biden-Kishida (fonte: CSIS)

Nicholas Szechenyi, Yuko Nakano, Matthew P. Goodman Fumio Kishida will make his first visit to Washington as prime minister of Japan for a summit meeting...

Suggerimenti politici per le relazioni tra Stati Uniti e Cina (fonte: CFR)

Robert D. Blackwill China and the United States are in a competitive downward spiral that if not reversed could drastically damage the two countries and...

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