Geostrategic magazine (it-en, 21-22 september 2023)

Global Eye in dialogue

Global Eye On  

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Madeleine North (World Economic Forum) scrive sul fenomeno strutturale, e globale, dell’invecchiamento della popolazione. Le Nazioni Unite prevedono che il numero di ultrasessantacinquenni raddoppierà entro il 2050

Madeleine North (World Economic Forum) writes about the structural, and global, phenomenon of increasing life expectancy and ageing population. The United Nations predicts that the number of people over 65 will double by 2050

How 4 countries are addressing their ageing populations | World Economic Forum (


(1) Gail Whiteman (World Economic Forum) scrive dei cambiamenti climatici nelle regioni polari e di come ciò metta in pericolo il raggiungimento degli SDGs

Gail Whiteman (World Economic Forum) writes about climate change in polar regions and how this endangers the achievement of the SDGs

Why are the Sustainable Development Goals on such thin ice? | World Economic Forum (

(2) Ewan Thmson (World Economic Forum)  scrive di MapBiomas, rete collaborativa di oltre 70 organizzazioni in Brasile e in altri 14 Paesi, che, dal 1985, elabora mappe particolarmente dettagliate che potrebbero contribuire ad accelerare alcuni degli Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile per la protezione e il ripristino degli ecosistemi

Ewan Thmson (World Economic Forum) writes about MapBiomas, a collaborative network of more than 70 organisations in Brazil and 14 other countries, which, since 1985, has been producing particularly detailed maps that could help accelerate some of the Sustainable Development Goals for the protection and restoration of ecosystems

MapBiomas maps deforestation and more – here’s how it can help counter the climate crisis | World Economic Forum (

(3) Grace Stanhope (Lowy The Interpreter) scrive dell’intensificarsi dei fenomeni climatici estremi nei Paesi in via di sviluppo, alcuni dei quali sono ‘Stati falliti’. L’Autrice sottolinea l’importanza di rafforzare le istituzioni e la governance in quei Paesi

Grace Stanhope (Lowy The Interpreter) writes about the intensification of extreme weather phenomena in developing countries, some of which are ‘failed States’. The author emphasises the importance of strengthening institutions and governance in those countries

Post-disaster aid in developing and fragile states | Lowy Institute

(4) Maame Akua T Yawson e Kwame Mensa-Yawson (World Economic Forum) scrive della Ghana National Plastic Action Partnership, piattaforma per la cooperazione tra più parti interessate al fine di ridurre l’inquinamento da plastica in modo misurabile. Il modello di piano d’azione nazionale può essere un modello per altri Paesi per adottare un approccio multi-stakeholder alla riduzione dell’inquinamento da plastica

Maame Akua T Yawson and Kwame Mensa-Yawson (World Economic Forum) write about the Ghana National Plastic Action Partnership, a platform for multi-stakeholder cooperation to reduce plastic pollution in a measurable way. The model national action plan can be a model for other countries to adopt a multi-stakeholder approach to reducing plastic pollution

How Ghana tackles plastic pollution and lessons learned | World Economic Forum (

(5) Douglas Broom (World Economic Forum) scrive dell’ importanza dell’innovazione nell’ambito delle energie rinnovabili. Secondo un report del World Economic Forum, ‘Fostering Effective Energy Transition’, il 95% dei Paesi ha migliorato il punteggio dell’Energy Transition Index nell’ultimo decennio: negli ultimi tre anni, però, si rileva solo una ‘crescita marginale’

Douglas Broom (World Economic Forum) writes about the importance of innovation in renewable energy. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, ‘Fostering Effective Energy Transition’, 95 per cent of countries have improved their Energy Transition Index score over the last decade: in the last three years, however, only ‘marginal growth’ has been recorded

5 renewable energy innovations to fight the climate emergency | World Economic Forum (

(6) Kate Whiting e Madeleine North (World Economic Forum) scrivono dell’impatto ambientale dell’eccessiva domanda di estrazione di sabbia, triplicata negli ultimi due decenni fino a raggiungere i 50 miliardi di tonnellate all’anno. Gli Autori segnalano un report di World Economic Forum, ‘Nature-Positive Industry Sector Transitions’

Kate Whiting and Madeleine North (World Economic Forum) write about the environmental impact of excessive demand for sand mining, which has tripled in the last two decades to 50 billion tonnes per year. The authors point to a World Economic Forum report, ‘Nature-Positive Industry Sector Transitions’

Sand mining: how it impacts the environment and solutions | World Economic Forum (


Oliver Wright e Andrew Moose (World Economic Forum) scrivono dell’importanza, visti i problemi alla salute creati dalla tendenza crescente all’obesità, di lavorare per l’obiettivo di migliorare la qualità del sistema alimentare globale. World Economic Forum individua cinque vie

Oliver Wright and Andrew Moose (World Economic Forum) write about the importance, given the health problems created by the growing trend towards obesity, of working towards the goal of improving the quality of the global food system. World Economic Forum identifies five ways

The path to a sustainable food system is health and nutrition | World Economic Forum (


Ratna Sahay e Kehinde Ajayi (World Economic Forum) scrivono dell’importanza di ridurre le disparità di genere. Secondo le Autrici, ciò porterebbe a un aumento di circa il 25% del reddito nei mercati emergenti. Occorre che tutti i Paesi si dotino di una National Gender Mainstreaming Strategy

Ratna Sahay and Kehinde Ajayi (World Economic Forum) write about the importance of reducing gender inequality. According to the authors, this would lead to an increase of about 25 per cent in income in emerging markets. There is a need for all countries to have a National Gender Mainstreaming Strategy

Gender equality: a call to action beyond the G20 New Delhi Summit | World Economic Forum (


Atlantic Council e Atlantik-Brücke riuniscono Berlino i leader economici e finanziari delle due sponde dell’Atlantico. Focus dell’incontro: l’utilizzo degli strumenti di statecraft economico

Atlantic Council and Atlantik-Brücke bring together Berlin’s economic and financial leaders from both sides of the Atlantic. Focus of the meeting: the use of economic statecraft instruments

Transatlantic Forum on GeoEconomics – Atlantic Council



Saman Ayesha Kidwai (MP-IDSA) scrive di un vero proprio apartheid per le donne in Afghanistan sotto il regime talebano

Saman Ayesha Kidwai (MP-IDSA) writes about a real apartheid for women in Afghanistan under the Taliban regime

Taliban’s Systematic Apartheid against Afghan Women and Girls | Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (


Aditya Bhan (Observer Research Foundation) scrive in termini critici sul recente allargamento del gruppo BRICS. Secondo l’Autore, Pechino sta già operando bilateralmente in chiave di de-dollarizzazione con alcuni Paesi membri. Solo l’India, secondo Bhan, ha le possibilità di rimanere indipendente rispetto alla Cina

Aditya Bhan (Observer Research Foundation) writes in critical terms about the recent enlargement of the BRICS group. According to the author, Beijing is already operating bilaterally in de-dollarisation with some member countries. Only India, according to Bhan, has a chance to remain independent of China

BRICS expansion is a desperate bid to maintain relevance | ORF (


Ravinder Singh (MP-IDSA) scrive a proposito della regione indiana del Ladakh e dei rischi legati ai sempre più frequenti e intensi eventi atmosferici. L’Autore evidenzia come l’esperienza del Ladakh dimostri la necessità di una cooperazione globale e di pratiche sostenibili per affrontare il riscaldamento del pianeta

Ravinder Singh (MP-IDSA) writes about the Indian region of Ladakh and the risks associated with increasingly frequent and intense weather events. The author highlights how the Ladakh experience demonstrates the need for global cooperation and sustainable practices to tackle global warming

Ladakh’s Vulnerability to Flash Floods: Adaptation and Mitigation Measures | Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (


(1) Makiko Eda (World Economic Forum) scrive che, visto il declino della popolazione rurale in Giappone, vi è la necessità di ripensare le economie locali cogliendo l’opportunità di una economia circolare sostenibile

Makiko Eda (World Economic Forum) writes that, given the declining rural population in Japan, there is a need to rethink local economies by seizing the opportunity of a sustainable circular economy

Could a circular economy save Japan’s declining rural areas? | World Economic Forum (

(2) Souknilanh Keola (East Asia Forum) scrive che il Giappone, pur tra difficoltà, ancora si posiziona come principale erogatore di aiuti allo sviluppo infrastrutturale per l’ASEAN

Souknilanh Keola (East Asia Forum) writes that Japan, despite difficulties, still ranks as the main provider of infrastructure development aid to ASEAN

Japan builds on ASEAN’s infrastructure ambitions | East Asia Forum


Saurav Raj Pant (MP-IDSA) scrive della visita del Primo Ministro nepalese a Pechino che viene dopo quella effettuata in India. La politica estera del Nepal muove tra India e Cina e nella volontà di mantere rapporti positivi, pur nelle turbolenze geopolitiche, con entrambi i Paesi

Saurav Raj Pant (MP-IDSA) writes about the Nepalese Prime Minister’s visit to Beijing, which comes after his visit to India. Nepal’s foreign policy moves between India and China and the desire to maintain positive relations, despite geopolitical turmoil, with both countries

Prachanda’s Visit to China: Opportunities and Challenges | Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (


Syed Fazl-e-Haider (Lowy The Interpreter) scrive del delicato problema della blasfemia in Pakistan. Dopo i recenti e gravi incidenti, il Paese è a un bivio: diventare ostaggio degli estremisti o avviare una repressione dei gruppi estremisti che continuano a nascere

Syed Fazl-e-Haider (Lowy The Interpreter) writes about the sensitive issue of blasphemy in Pakistan. After the recent serious incidents, the country is at a crossroads: become hostage to the extremists or initiate a crackdown on the extremist groups that continue to spring up

Pakistan at a crossroads on blasphemy | Lowy Institute


(1) Gennady Rudkevich (East Asia Forum) scrive del progressivo deterioramento della situazione russa dopo il fallito golpe da parte di Yevgeny Prigozhin. L’Autore descrive le difficoltà interne di Putin e la mancanza di fiducia dei partner asiatici verso Mosca

Gennady Rudkevich (East Asia Forum) writes about the gradual deterioration of the Russian situation after the failed coup by Yevgeny Prigozhin. The author describes Putin’s internal difficulties and the lack of trust of Asian partners towards Moscow

Wagner’s final symphony damages Russian reliability | East Asia Forum

(2) Pavel Luzin (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive sulla situazione dell’industria russa della difesa. Tra l’ottimismo del Cremlino e la complessità della realtà

Pavel Luzin (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about the situation of the Russian defence industry. Between the optimism of the Kremlin and the complexity of reality

Dubious Russian Claims of ‘Doubling’ Arms Production – Jamestown


Paul Globe (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive a proposito della crescente influenza cinese in Tatarstan e lungo il Medio Volga. L’Autore riflette sulle intenzioni di Pechino e sul futuro dell’influenza del Cremlino

Paul Globe (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about the growing Chinese influence in Tatarstan and along the Middle Volga. The author reflects on Beijing’s intentions and the future of the Kremlin’s influence

Tatarstan Capitalizes on China’s Expanding Role in Middle Volga – Jamestown


Satoru Kohda e Ayaka Hiraki (East Asia Forum) scrivono dell’adesione di Londra al Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) e dell’importanza per il Giappone

Satoru Kohda and Ayaka Hiraki (East Asia Forum) write about London’s accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the importance for Japan

The United Kingdom’s CPTPP accession a boon to Japan | East Asia Forum


Vladimir Socor (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive che la ‘dis-occupazione’ dei domini marittimi e litoranei dell’Ucraina nel Mar Nero è il messaggio più importante dei discorsi di Zelenskyy alle Nazioni Unite. Mettendo insieme prospettive nazionali e globali, il messaggio sottolinea indirettamente la discrepanza tra gli obiettivi ucraini e la diplomazia occidentale

Vladimir Socor (The Jamestown Foundation) writes that the ‘dis-occupation’ of Ukraine’s maritime and littoral domains in the Black Sea is the most important message of Zelenskyy’s speeches to the UN. By bringing together national and global perspectives, the message indirectly underlines the discrepancy between Ukrainian goals and Western diplomacy

Zelenskyy Calls for De-Occupation of Ukraine’s Black Sea Domain – Jamestown


Meg Keen e Daniel Mandell (Lowy The Interpreter) descrivono il positivo work in progress dei rapporti tra Washington e i Paesi insulari del Pacifico. Gli Autori sottolineano che Washington deve fare attenzione a bilanciare le sue preoccupazioni per la sicurezza con le priorità di sviluppo dei PIC

Meg Keen and Daniel Mandell (Lowy The Interpreter) describe the positive work in progress of relations between Washington and the Pacific Island countries. The authors emphasise that Washington must be careful to balance its security concerns with the development priorities of the PICs

The US–Pacific Islands Partnership, one year on | Lowy Institute


(1) Esperti del think tank Atlantic Council scrivono della visita di Volodymyr Zelenskyy a Washington, tra messaggi trionfanti e ostacoli politici. Intanto, la Casa Bianca si sta rifiutando di fornire all’Ucraina i missili a lungo raggio richiesti

Experts from the think tank Atlantic Council write about Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s visit to Washington, amid triumphant messages and political obstacles. Meanwhile, the White House is refusing to supply Ukraine with the requested long-range missiles

Experts react: Zelenskyy faces down Washington roadblocks – Atlantic Council

(2) Jonathan Masters e Will Merrow (Council on Foreign Relations) analizzano, in sei carte, gli aiuti degli Stati Uniti all’Ucraina, quantificati in 75 miliardi di dollari dall’inizio della guerra

Jonathan Masters and Will Merrow (Council on Foreign Relations) analyse, in six papers, US aid to Ukraine, quantified at $75 billion since the beginning of the war

How Much Aid Has the U.S. Sent Ukraine? Here Are Six Charts. | Council on Foreign Relations (

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