FeatherEdge is a image-analysis device that plugs into a satellite or balloon payload to provide onboard image processing. FeatherEdge fills 1/2 of a cubesat. Credit: Exo-Space
Exo-Space, a Los Angeles startup formed in 2020 to offer inexpensive easy-to-assemble cubesats, has pivoted in response to growing demand for on-orbit data processing.
Exo-Space developed FeatherEdge, an image-analysis device that plugs into a satellite or balloon payload to provide onboard image processing. FeatherEdge will rely on machine vision algorithms to detect objects within its field of view. The company’s goal is to transmit the information to customers within 30 minutes or less, Exo-Space CEO Jeremy Allam told SpaceNews.
Exo-Space pivots to meet demand for on-orbit processing – SpaceNews