In the past few weeks, Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem has been the site of several violent attacks in which Palestinians, many of them teenagers, have gone out to stab Israelis, and then often paid for it with their lives. Last month, a Palestinian, just 16 years old, stabbed two border police officers in Jerusalem’s Old City, and was fatally shot. On Dec. 4, a 25-year-old Palestinian man stabbed an orthodox Israeli near Damascus Gate, then apparently tried to stab two Israeli border police officers, who subsequently shot him several times, even after he was down on the ground and no longer appeared to pose a threat. Police denied him medical attention as he lay dying. Several left-wing Knesset members condemned the death as an execution. The two border police officers were briefly questioned about their conduct, but otherwise received the full backing of Israel’s police, the security establishment and the prime minister, Naftali Bennett.
Why Jerusalem Cannot be ‘Taken Off the Table’ | Crisis Group