Tag: Crisis Group

Burundi – Charm Offensive or Real Change? (Crisis Group)

A year ago, Ndayishimiye took office only days after the unexpected death of his predecessor Pierre Nkurunziza. Does the new president represent continuity or change? Burundi:...

Colombia – The Pandemic Strikes: Responding to Colombia’s Mass Protests (Crisis Group)

What’s new? Colombia has seen a wave of unrest triggered by an unpopular tax reform, fuelled by massive inequality and police brutality, and inflamed in...

USA – Putting AUMF Repeal Into Context (Brian Finucane, Crisis Group)

As Tess Bridgeman recently noted in Just Security, the Biden administration issued a statement of administration policy (SAP) on June 14th endorsing H.R. 256, a resolution in the House...

USA/Europe – Biden in Europe (Crisis Group)

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard Atwood and Naz Modirzadeh are joined by Michael Hanna, Crisis Group’s U.S. Program director, to talk about U.S....

Sudan/Ethiopia – Containing the Volatile Sudan-Ethiopia Border Dispute (Crisis Group)

In mid-December, Sudanese troops moved into al-Fashaga, an agricultural area on the frontier with Ethiopia, expelling Ethiopian farmers and building fortifications. Fighting threatens to...

Ethiopia – Ethiopia’s Rocky Transitional Election (Crisis Group)

Ethiopia is set to hold delayed elections on 21 June, a milestone that – before the ongoing war in the Tigray region – many...

Libya – Libya Turns the Page (Crisis Group)

Libyan politicians have moved with salutary speed in 2021 to reunify their divided country. With UN help, the new government should hasten to clear...

(Libya) Good News in Libya? (Crisis Group)

This week, Richard Atwood and Naz Modirzadeh talk to Crisis Group’s Libya expert Claudia Gazzini about the successful formation of a new interim government...

(USA/Africa) Understanding the New U.S. Terrorism Designations in Africa (Crisis Group)

The U.S. has designated two armed groups in the DRC and in Mozambique as terrorist organisations, claiming they are affiliated with the Islamic State,...

(Yemen) The Case for More Inclusive – and More Effective – Peacemaking in Yemen (Crisis Group)

International efforts to end the war in Yemen are stuck in an outdated two-party paradigm, seeking to mediate between the Huthis and their foes....

(Nigeria) An Exit from Boko Haram? Assessing Nigeria’s Operation Safe Corridor (Crisis Group)

In 2016, Nigeria launched a program to help Boko Haram defectors reintegrate into civilian life. Rare interviews with the “deradicalisation” facility’s graduates reveal some...

(Nigeria) Halting Repeated School Kidnappings in Nigeria (Crisis Group)

Nnamdi Obasi Gunmen snatched more than 270 girls from a boarding school in north-western Nigeria on 26 February, releasing them four days later. In this...

(Somalia) A Last Chance to End Somalia’s Dangerous Election Impasse (Crisis Group)

Clashes in Mogadishu following the expiry of the president’s term highlight the risks of the standoff between the federal government and the opposition over...

(Sri Lanka) Sri Lanka: Prevention Should Be at Heart of New Human Rights Council Resolution (Crisis Group)

Alan Keenan The UN Human Rights Council will soon discuss Sri Lanka, where the new government has scotched truth and justice efforts related to the...

(South Sudan) South Sudan’s Other War: Resolving the Insurgency in Equatoria (Crisis Group)

A rebellion in Equatoria, South Sudan’s southernmost region, is undermining the already troubled peace between the main belligerents in its civil war. Mediators should...

(Myanmar) A Close-up View of Myanmar’s Leaderless Mass Protests (Crisis Group)

Engineers, doctors and even exotic pet owners have come together in opposition to the military coup for what are now Myanmar’s widest protests in...