Tag: Crisis Group

Daily news – February 4, 2022 p.m.

AFGHANISTAN What the US and its allies left behind in Afghanistan. Amin Saikal, The Strategist: The Afghanistan war is over for the United States and...

Major Power Rivalry and Multilateral Conflict Management (Richard Gowan, Crisis Group)

An era of international conflict management appears to be at an end.  In the three decades since the conclusion of the Cold War, the United...

Why Jerusalem Cannot be ‘Taken Off the Table’ (Mairav Zonszein, Crisis Group)

In the past few weeks, Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem has been the site of several violent attacks in which Palestinians, many of them teenagers, have...

Time to End Ethiopia’s Unwinnable Civil War (Crisis Group)

Federal forces have recorded gains in recent weeks but Ethiopia’s brutal civil war may well grind on without a winner. Addis Ababa must let...

Mali: Enabling Dialogue with the Jihadist Coalition JNIM (Crisis Group)

Authorities in Mali seem to be considering negotiations with Jamaat Nusratul Islam wal-Muslimin, the country’s largest Islamist insurgency. Pursuing talks will be a tall...

Lebanon: A Journey to the End of the State (Crisis Group)

Like many residents who can afford it, in the summer of every year I flee Lebanon’s sweltering heat for Europe. This year, though, I...

A Broken Canopy: Deforestation and Conflict in Colombia (Crisis Group)

Colombia’s vast forest is fast receding, partly because guerrillas and criminals are clearing land for farming, ranching and other pursuits. These unregulated activities are...

Getting Conflict into the Global Climate Conversation (Crisis Group)

World leaders are meeting in Glasgow to talk about what to do to ameliorate the mounting climate crisis. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts...

After the Coup, Restoring Sudan’s Transition (Jonas Horner, Crisis Group)

Mass protests have erupted throughout Sudan following the 25 October coup, prompting backlash from the security forces. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Jonas...

The Deadly Stalemate in Post-coup Myanmar (Crisis Group)

What’s new? A dangerous stalemate has developed between Myanmar’s military regime and resistance forces. Both sides are determined to prevail, but neither seems likely to...

Afghanistan. Who Will Run the Taliban Government? (Crisis Group)

The Taliban announced an “interim” cabinet on 7 September, their first step since taking power on 15 August toward forming a government and signalling...

9/11-Al Qaeda-ISIS. Al-Qaeda and ISIS twenty years after 9/11 (Crisis Group)

On the eve of the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, a new episode of Hold Your Fire! looks at the shadow cast by the “global war on...

9/11-Africa. Escaping 9/11’s Long Shadow (Crisis Group)

Since mid-July, when the Taliban march toward the Afghan capital accelerated at an astonishing pace, the Somalia-based jihadist group Al-Shabaab’s media channels have covered little...

Somaliland – Building on Somaliland’s Successful Elections (Crisis Group)

Somaliland’s parliamentary and local council elections represented rare good news in the troubled Horn of Africa. Smoothly run and fairly peaceful, the long-delayed 31...

Turkey – Turkey Recalibrates Its Hard Power (Crisis Group)

Nigar Göksel Since 2016, when President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan survived a coup attempt, the Turkish leader has added a military edge to his foreign policy....

Brazil – The Might and the Right: How Far Will Brazil’s Military Back Bolsonaro? (Crisis Group)

Jair Bolsonaro is in a tight spot. Bedevilled by a pandemic whose seriousness he does not recognise and confronted with political rivals who are...