Prospettive dai think tank – Perspectives from think tanks – Perspectives des think tanks
Azerbaijan – Turkey – Russia
Aslan Doukaev (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive del progressivo isolamento internazionale di Mosca e del crescente rapporto tra Baku e Ankara – Aslan Doukaev (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about Moscow’s progressive international isolation and the growing relationship between Baku and Ankara – Aslan Doukaev (The Jamestown Foundation) parle de l’isolement international progressif de Moscou et des relations de plus en plus étroites entre Bakou et Ankara – Azerbaijan Is Drifting Away From Russia, and Moscow Has Only Itself to Blame – Jamestown
Haroon Bhorat, Landry Signé, Zaakhir Asmal, Jabulile Monnakgotla e Christopher Rooney (Brookings) analizzano l’evoluzione della digitalizzazione in Africa, continente che rappresenterà un quinto della forza lavoro totale e un terzo della forza lavoro giovanile nel mondo entro il 2030 – Haroon Bhorat, Landry Signé, Zaakhir Asmal, Jabulile Monnakgotla and Christopher Rooney (Brookings) analyse the evolution of digitisation in Africa, a continent that will account for a fifth of the total workforce and a third of the world’s youth workforce by 2030 – Haroon Bhorat, Landry Signé, Zaakhir Asmal, Jabulile Monnakgotla et Christopher Rooney (Brookings) analysent l’évolution de la numérisation en Afrique, un continent qui représentera un cinquième de la main-d’œuvre totale et un tiers de la main-d’œuvre jeune mondiale d’ici 2030 – Digitalization and digital skills gaps in Africa: An empirical profile (
Australia – India
Anita Medhekar (East Asia Forum) scrive dell’importanza dell’accordo bilaterale tra Australia e India – Anita Medhekar (East Asia Forum) writes about the importance of the bilateral agreement between Australia and India – Anita Medhekar (East Asia Forum) écrit sur l’importance de l’accord bilatéral entre l’Australie et l’Inde – Unlocking Australia and India’s trade potential | East Asia Forum
Georgia – Ukraine – Europe
Giorgi Menabde (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive della posizione del politico ucraino di origine georgiana David Arakhamia sul futuro strategico di Tbilisi – Giorgi Menabde (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about the position of Ukrainian politician of Georgian origin David Arakhamia on the strategic future of Tbilisi – Giorgi Menabde (The Jamestown Foundation) évoque la position de David Arakhamia, homme politique ukrainien d’origine géorgienne, sur l’avenir stratégique de Tbilissi – Ukrainian Politician Promises to Help Pro-Western Political Forces in Georgia – Jamestown
Ved Shinde (The Interpreter) scrive del ruolo geostrategico di Modi. L’equilibrismo dell’India tra Stati Uniti, la Shanghai Cooperation Organisation e Pechino – Ved Shinde (The Interpreter) writes about Modi’s geostrategic role. India’s balancing act between the US, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and Beijing – Ved Shinde (The Interpreter) écrit sur le rôle géostratégique de Modi. L’équilibre de l’Inde entre les États-Unis, la Shanghai Cooperation Organisation et Pékin – India’s diplomatic poise: Not just about photo ops | Lowy Institute
Indo – Pacific
Akhil Thadani e Gregory C. Allen (CSIS) scrivono della centralità, nelle relazioni internazionali, dell’industria dei semiconduttori. L’importanza dell’Indo-Pacifico – Akhil Thadani and Gregory C. Allen (CSIS) write about the centrality, in international relations, of the semiconductor industry. The importance of the Indo-Pacific – Akhil Thadani et Gregory C. Allen (CSIS) écrivent sur le rôle central, dans les relations internationales, de l’industrie des semi-conducteurs. L’importance de l’Indo-Pacifique – Mapping the Semiconductor Supply Chain: The Critical Role of the Indo-Pacific Region (
Laetitia Nanquette (The Interpreter) scrive del movimento Woman Life Freedom in Iran – Laetitia Nanquette (The Interpreter) writes about the Woman Life Freedom movement in Iran – Laetitia Nanquette (The Interpreter) écrit sur le mouvement Woman Life Freedom en Iran – Reviving hope in Iran: Why the “Woman Life Freedom” movement lives on | Lowy Institute
Kevin Zhang e Siti Suhaila Harith (East Asia Forum) scrivono delle prospettive politiche della Malysia a seguito del riavvicinamento tra Mahathir Mohamad e il Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) – Kevin Zhang and Siti Suhaila Harith (East Asia Forum) write about Malysia’s political prospects following the rapprochement between Mahathir Mohamad and the Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) – Kevin Zhang et Siti Suhaila Harith (East Asia Forum) écrivent sur les perspectives politiques de la Malaisie après le rapprochement entre Mahathir Mohamad et le Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) – Mahathir’s rapprochement with Islamists won’t heal Malaysia’s fractured polity | East Asia Forum
Ebenezer Obadare (CFR) scrive sulla figura del nuovo Presidente della Nigeria Bola Tinubu. Tante sono le sfide che lo attendono, politiche ma soprattutto economiche – Ebenezer Obadare (CFR) writes about Nigeria’s new President Bola Tinubu. Many challenges await him, political but above all economic – Ebenezer Obadare (CFR) écrit sur le nouveau président du Nigeria, Bola Tinubu. De nombreux défis l’attendent, politiques mais surtout économiques – Tinubu’s Turn | Council on Foreign Relations (
North Korea
Joseph S. Bermudez Jr., Victor Cha e Jennifer Jun (CSIS) scrivono che le immagini satellitari della stazione di lancio satellitare di Sohae mostrano un’attività in espansione da parte della Corea del Nord per sviluppare, trasportare e lanciare veicoli spaziali e missili più grandi e sofisticati – Joseph S. Bermudez Jr., Victor Cha and Jennifer Jun (CSIS) write that satellite images from the Sohae satellite launch station show expanding activity by North Korea to develop, transport and launch larger and more sophisticated spacecraft and missiles – Joseph S. Bermudez Jr, Victor Cha et Jennifer Jun (CSIS) écrivent que les images satellites de la station de lancement de satellites de Sohae montrent une activité croissante de la Corée du Nord pour développer, transporter et lancer des engins spatiaux et des missiles plus grands et plus sophistiqués –
Pavel K. Baev (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive delle differenze di narrazione sulla guerra in Ucraina da parte delle diverse élites di potere russe e al loro interno – Pavel K. Baev (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about the differences in narratives about the war in Ukraine by and within the different Russian power elites – Pavel K. Baev (The Jamestown Foundation) écrit sur les différences dans les récits de la guerre en Ukraine par et au sein des différentes élites russes – Three Russian Discourses and Significant Silence on the War in Ukraine – Jamestown
Josh Lipsky e Niels Graham (Atlantic Council) scrivono dei Paesi che continuano ad avere rapporti economici con Mosca. Non solo la Cina – Josh Lipsky and Niels Graham (Atlantic Council) write about countries that continue to have economic relations with Moscow. Not only China – Josh Lipsky et Niels Graham décrivent les pays qui continuent d’entretenir des relations économiques avec Moscou. Il n’y a pas que la Chine – China is trading more with Russia—but so are many US allies and partners – Atlantic Council
South Korea – Indo Pacific
Joanne Wallis e Jiye Kim (The Strategist) scrivono del ruolo della Corea del Sud nella regione indo-pacifica (particolarmente nell’area pacifica) – Joanne Wallis and Jiye Kim (The Strategist) write about South Korea’s role in the Indo-Pacific region (particularly in the Pacific area) – Joanne Wallis et Jiye Kim (The Strategist) écrivent sur le rôle de la Corée du Sud dans la région indo-pacifique (en particulier dans le Pacifique) – Why did South Korea invite Pacific leaders to a summit, and why did they go? | The Strategist (
Amin Saikal (The Strategist) scrive sulla strada tortuosa che attende la nuova presidenza di Erdogan in Turchia. Il Paese è profondamente polarizzato mentre servirebbe maggiore coesione – Amin Saikal (The Strategist) writes about the winding road ahead for Erdogan’s new presidency in Turkey. The country is deeply polarised while more cohesion is needed – Amin Saikal (The Strategist) écrit sur le chemin difficile qui attend la nouvelle présidence d’Erdogan en Turquie. Le pays est profondément polarisé alors qu’une plus grande cohésion est nécessaire – Re-election doesn’t mean smooth road ahead for Erdogan | The Strategist (
Gli esperti del think tank Atlantic Council discutono delle sfide per la Turchia nei prossimi cinque anni di presidenza Erdogan – Experts from the think tank Atlantic Council discuss the challenges for Turkey in the next five years of Erdogan’s presidency – Des experts du think tank Atlantic Council discutent des défis qui attendent la Turquie au cours des cinq prochaines années de la présidence d’Erdogan – Five more years for Erdogan. What’s first on his agenda? – Atlantic Council
Emily Benson, Japhet Quitzon e William Alan Reinsch (CSIS) riflettono, negli USA e in campi sensibili come la catena di approvvigionamento dei semiconduttori, sullo spostamento verso una definizione più espansiva di sicurezza nazionale nella politica commerciale – Emily Benson, Japhet Quitzon and William Alan Reinsch (CSIS) reflect on the shift towards a more expansive definition of national security in trade policy in the US and in sensitive fields such as the semiconductor supply chain – Emily Benson, Japhet Quitzon et William Alan Reinsch (CSIS) réfléchissent à l’évolution vers une définition plus large de la sécurité nationale dans la politique commerciale des États-Unis et dans des domaines sensibles tels que la chaîne d’approvisionnement en semi-conducteurs – Securing Semiconductor Supply Chains in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (
Global topics
Global economy
Paul Gewirtz (Brookings) riflette sul senso del ‘de-risking’ verso Pechino e sulle diverse interpretazioni e modalità di applicazione – Paul Gewirtz (Brookings) reflects on the meaning of ‘de-risking’ towards Beijing and the different interpretations and modes of application – Paul Gewirtz (Brookings) réfléchit à la signification du “de-risking” à l’égard de Pékin et aux différentes interprétations et modes d’application – Words and policies: “De-risking” and China policy (