Geostrategic magazine (ita-eng-fr, 1° giugno 2023 am)

Prospettive dai think tank – Perspectives from think tanks – Perspectives des think tanks


Australia – USA

David Uren (The Strategist) sostiene che è dal comparto della difesa che potrebbero riequilibrarsi le relazioni tra Australia e USA – David Uren (The Strategist) argues that it is from the defence sector that Australian-US relations could be rebalanced – David Uren (The Strategist) estime que c’est à partir du secteur de la défense que les relations entre l’Australie et les États-Unis pourraient être rééquilibrées – Defence industry could help rebalance the US–Australia economic relationship | The Strategist (


Zaur Shiriyev (Crisis Group) scrive della sfida dell’Azerbaijan di liberare il territorio riconquistato nella guerra del 2020 da circa un milione di mine antiuomo. La situazione è complessa, per i rapporti tesi con l’Armenia che condizionano l’intervento di donatori esterni – Zaur Shiriyev (Crisis Group) writes about Azerbaijan’s challenge to clear the territory recaptured in the 2020 war of around one million landmines. The situation is complex, with tense relations with Armenia conditioning the intervention of external donors – Zaur Shiriyev (Crisis Group) écrit sur le défi que doit relever l’Azerbaïdjan pour débarrasser le territoire reconquis lors de la guerre de 2020 d’environ un million de mines terrestres. La situation est complexe, les relations tendues avec l’Arménie conditionnant l’intervention des donateurs extérieurs – Defusing Azerbaijan’s Landmine Challenge | Crisis Group

Cambodia – China

Jayant Menon (East Asia Forum) scrive dei crescenti rapporti bilaterali tra Cina e Cambogia e dell’adesione di quest’ultima alla Belt and Road Initiative – Jayant Menon (East Asia Forum) writes about the growing bilateral relationship between China and Cambodia and Cambodia’s membership of the Belt and Road Initiative – Jayant Menon (East Asia Forum) écrit sur les relations bilatérales croissantes entre la Chine et le Cambodge et sur l’adhésion du Cambodge à la Belt and Road Initiative – Cambodia bets on BRI benefits but should count costs | East Asia Forum

China – Kyrgyzstan – Uzbekistan

Genevieve Donnellon-May (The Interpreter) scrive sull’importanza geostrategica della linea ferroviaria China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan (CKU) – Genevieve Donnellon-May (The Interpreter) writes on the geostrategic importance of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan (CKU) railway line – Genevieve Donnellon-May (The Interpreter) écrit sur l’importance géostratégique de la ligne ferroviaire Chine-Kirghizistan-Ouzbékistan (CKU) – Full steam ahead for the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway? | Lowy Institute


Crisis Group sottolinea la fase delicata che sta attraversando l’Egitto, tra crisi economica e necessità di riforme strutturali. L’Egitto è player molto importante a livello geostrategico – Crisis Group underlines the delicate phase Egypt is going through, between economic crisis and the need for structural reforms. Egypt is a very important geostrategic player – Crisis Group souligne la phase délicate que traverse l’Égypte, entre crise économique et nécessité de réformes structurelles. L’Égypte est un acteur géostratégique très important – Egypt in the Balance? | Crisis Group


Hilman Palaon (The Interpreter) scrive dello straordinario sviluppo del digitale in Indonesia. Il Paese è al sesto posto al mondo per numero di startup, con circa 2.500 nel 2023 – Hilman Palaon (The Interpreter) writes about the extraordinary development of digital in Indonesia. The country ranks sixth in the world in the number of start-ups, with around 2,500 in 2023 – Hilman Palaon (The Interpreter) s’intéresse à l’extraordinaire développement du numérique en Indonésie. Le pays se classe au sixième rang mondial pour le nombre de start-ups, avec environ 2.500 en 2023 – Indonesia’s digital success deserves more attention | Lowy Institute

Israel – China

Tuvia Gering (INSS) scrive della necessità di Israele di cooperare con la Cina e con le sue iniziative globali prestando attenzione alla sua sicurezza, all’equilibrio regionale e ai rapporti con gli USA – Tuvia Gering (INSS) writes of Israel’s need to cooperate with China and its global initiatives while paying attention to its security, regional balance and relations with the US – Tuvia Gering (INSS) évoque la nécessité pour Israël de coopérer avec la Chine et ses initiatives mondiales tout en prêtant attention à sa sécurité, à l’équilibre régional et à ses relations avec les États-Unis – The Dawn of Xivilization: Israel and China’s New Global Initiatives | INSS

Israel – Jordan – Palestine

Yossi Kuperwasser (JCPA) scrive del contrabbando di armi dalla Giordania alla Palestina, via Israele – Yossi Kuperwasser (JCPA) writes about arms smuggling from Jordan to Palestine via Israel – Yossi Kuperwasser (JCPA) écrit sur la contrebande d’armes de la Jordanie vers la Palestine via Israël – Arms Smuggling from Jordan: Lessons Learned (


John T. Deacon e Etel Solingen (East Asia Forum) scrivono del dibattito sul nucleare in corso in Giappone. Data la trasformazione dell’ambiente di sicurezza, e la presenza di vicini dotati di armi nucleari, Tokyo deve scegliere tra il solo ombrello americano o anche il dotarsi autoctono – John T. Deacon and Etel Solingen (East Asia Forum) write about the ongoing nuclear debate in Japan. Given the changing security environment, and the presence of nuclear-armed neighbours, Tokyo has to choose between the American umbrella alone or also equipping itself – John T. Deacon et Etel Solingen (East Asia Forum) s’expriment sur le débat nucléaire en cours au Japon. Compte tenu de l’évolution de l’environnement de sécurité et de la présence de voisins dotés de l’arme nucléaire, Tokyo doit choisir entre le seul parapluie américain ou s’équiper lui-même – Japan’s nuclear dilemmas in a challenging new era | East Asia Forum


Paul Globe (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive dell’importanza del Kazakistan come maggiore produttore ed esportatore di uranio a livello globale. Tra Russia e Cina, ma non solo, Astana acquista rilevanza geostrategica. Più in generale, occorre guardare con sempre maggiore attenzione ai Paesi dell’Asia Centrale –  Paul Globe (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about the importance of Kazakhstan as the largest producer and exporter of uranium globally. Between Russia and China, but not only there, Astana gains geostrategic relevance. More generally, the countries of Central Asia must be watched with increasing attention – Paul Globe (The Jamestown Foundation) écrit sur l’importance du Kazakhstan en tant que plus grand producteur et exportateur d’uranium au monde. Entre la Russie et la Chine, mais pas seulement, Astana acquiert une importance géostratégique. Plus généralement, les pays d’Asie centrale doivent être surveillés avec une attention croissante – Kazakhstan’s Uranium Exacerbating Geopolitical Conflict in Eurasia – Jamestown


David Wood (Crisis Group) scrive della necessità per il Libano di tenere le elezioni municipali entro l’ultimo trimestre del 2023 – David Wood (Crisis Group) writes about the need for Lebanon to hold municipal elections by the last quarter of 2023 – David Wood (Crisis Group) écrit sur la nécessité pour le Liban d’organiser des élections municipales d’ici le dernier trimestre 2023 – Lebanon Needs to Hold Municipal Elections | Crisis Group


Crisis Group scrive dei conflitti tra gruppi jihadisti rivali e dei rischi per la Nigeria e a livello regionale – Crisis Group writes about the conflicts between rival jihadist groups and the risks for Nigeria and regionally – Crisis Group s’intéresse aux conflits entre groupes djihadistes rivaux et aux risques pour le Nigeria et la région – Fighting among Boko Haram Splinters Rages On | Crisis Group


Pavel Luzin (The Jamestown Foundation) guarda alla ‘geografia’ dell’arsenale nucleare russo e, partendo dal recentissimo raid di Belgorod, a cosa potrebbe accadere rispetto all’evoluzione della guerra in corso – Pavel Luzin (The Jamestown Foundation) looks at the ‘geography’ of Russia’s nuclear arsenal and, starting with the recent raid in Belgorod, what might happen with respect to the evolution of the current war – Pavel Luzin (The Jamestown Foundation) examine la “géographie” de l’arsenal nucléaire russe et, à commencer par le récent raid à Belgorod, ce qui pourrait se passer en ce qui concerne l’évolution de la guerre actuelle – The Nuclear Sequence of the Belgorod Raid – Jamestown

Saudi Arabia – Iran – Israel

Dal think tank INSS, i lavori della conferenza ‘Saudi Arabia: Between Iran and Israel’ – From the INSS think tank, the proceedings of the ‘Saudi Arabia: Between Iran and Israel’ conference – Du think tank INSS, les actes de la conférence ‘Saudi Arabia: Between Iran and Israel’ – Saudi Arabia: Between Iran and Israel | INSS

Southeast Asia – China – USA 

Evan A. Laksmana (IISS) scrive dei Paesi del Sud-Est Asiatico e della loro posizione strategica tra Washington e Pechino. L’Autore sottolinea l’importanza del dialogo tra le due superpotenze – Evan A. Laksmana (IISS) writes about South East Asian countries and their strategic position between Washington and Beijing. The author emphasises the importance of dialogue between the two superpowers – Evan A. Laksmana (IISS) écrit sur les pays d’Asie du Sud-Est et leur position stratégique entre Washington et Pékin. L’auteur souligne l’importance du dialogue entre les deux superpuissances – Southeast Asian states, defence cooperation and geopolitical balancing (


Joseph S. Nye (Project Syndicate – The Strategist) sostiene che l’unica cosa prevedibile di una eventuale seconda Presidenza di Donald Trump negli USA sarebbe l’imprevedibilità – Joseph S. Nye (Project Syndicate – The Strategist) argues that the only thing predictable about a possible second Donald Trump presidency in the US would be the unpredictability – Joseph S. Nye (Project Syndicate – The Strategist) affirme que la seule chose prévisible à propos d’une éventuelle seconde présidence de Donald Trump aux États-Unis serait l’imprévisibilité – If Trump returns | The Strategist (

USA – China 

James Crabtree (IISS) scrive del prossimo IISS Shangri-La Dialogue (dal 2 giugno a Singapore) e di una possibile ripresa di dialogo tra Washington e Pechino sulle questioni della difesa – James Crabtree (IISS) writes about the upcoming IISS Shangri-La Dialogue (from 2 June in Singapore) and a possible resumption of dialogue between Washington and Beijing on defence issues – James Crabtree (IISS) parle du prochain dialogue Shangri-La de l’IISS (à partir du 2 juin à Singapour) et d’une éventuelle reprise du dialogue entre Washington et Pékin sur les questions de défense – A possible turning point for US–China defence links (


Aidan Arasasingham Emily Benson Matthew P. GoodmanWilliam Alan Reinsch (CSIS) scrivono dell’ Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) Supply Chain Agreement, primo di quattro accordi che gli USA intendono chiudere nell’ambito dell’IPEF. Il tema delle catene di approvvigionamento è decisivo – Aidan Arasasingham, Emily Benson, Matthew P. Goodman and William Alan Reinsch (CSIS) write about the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) Supply Chain Agreement, the first of four agreements that the US intends to close under the IPEF. The issue of supply chains is decisive – Aidan Arasasingham, Emily Benson, Matthew P. Goodman et William Alan Reinsch (CSIS) écrivent à propos de l’ Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) Supply Chain Agreement, le premier des quatre accords que les États-Unis ont l’intention de conclure dans le cadre de l’IPEF. La question des chaînes d’approvisionnement est décisive – Assessing IPEF’s New Supply Chains Agreement (

West – East

John Raine (IISS) scrive, a partire dalle conseguenze della guerra in Ucraina, dei possibili equilibri geostrategici tra Ovest ed Est – John Raine (IISS) writes, starting with the consequences of the war in Ukraine, about the possible geostrategic balances between West and East – John Raine (IISS) écrit, en commençant par les conséquences de la guerre en Ukraine, sur les possibles équilibres géostratégiques entre l’Ouest et l’Est – The legacy of the war in Ukraine: will a ‘Silk Curtain’ fall? (


Marco Emanuele
Marco Emanuele è appassionato di cultura della complessità, cultura della tecnologia e relazioni internazionali. Approfondisce il pensiero di Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. Marco ha insegnato Evoluzione della Democrazia e Totalitarismi, è l’editor di The Global Eye e scrive per The Science of Where Magazine. Marco Emanuele is passionate about complexity culture, technology culture and international relations. He delves into the thought of Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. He has taught Evolution of Democracy and Totalitarianisms. Marco is editor of The Global Eye and writes for The Science of Where Magazine.

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