Prospettive dai think tank – Perspectives from think tanks – Perspectives des think tanks
Carlos Solar (RUSI) discute le difficoltà economiche del presidente cileno Gabriel Boric con particolare riferimento al ruolo dello Stato e alla strategia sull’estrazione del litio – Carlos Solar (RUSI) discusses the economic difficulties of Chilean President Gabriel Boric with particular reference to the role of the State and the strategy on lithium mining – Carlos Solar (RUSI) discute des difficultés économiques du président chilien Gabriel Boric, en particulier en ce qui concerne le rôle de l’État et la stratégie sur l’exploitation du lithium – Will Boricnomics Deliver on its Promises? | Royal United Services Institute (
Olivia Lazard (Carnegie Europe) scrive che il futuro della sicurezza energetica decarbonizzata dell’UE risiede nella sua capacità di ampliare e rafforzare la proposta ai partenariati strategici. Si tratta di abbassare il rischio nelle catene di approvvigionamento e di co-progettare le trasformazioni economiche, climatiche ed ecologiche – Olivia Lazard (Carnegie Europe) writes that the future of the EU’s decarbonised energy security lies in its ability to broaden and strengthen the proposition to strategic partnerships. It is about lowering risk in supply chains and co-designing economic, climate and ecological transformations – Olivia Lazard (Carnegie Europe) écrit que l’avenir de la sécurité énergétique décarbonée de l’UE réside dans sa capacité à élargir et à renforcer la proposition de partenariats stratégiques. Il s’agit de réduire les risques dans les chaînes d’approvisionnement et de co-concevoir les transformations économiques, climatiques et écologiques – How the EU Can Use Mineral Supply Chains to Redesign Collective Security – Carnegie Europe – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Europe – Latin America and the Carribean
Anna Ayuso (CIDOB) scrive dell’importanza, per l’Europa, di rafforzare la cooperazione strategica con l’America Latina e i Caraibi – Anna Ayuso (CIDOB) writes about the importance for Europe to strengthen strategic cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean – Anna Ayuso (CIDOB) écrit sur l’importance pour l’Europe de renforcer la coopération stratégique avec l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes – CIDOB – Acuerdos de asociación entre la UE y América Latina y el Caribe: algunas claves para su actualización
Europe – USA – Venezuela
Anna Ayuso, Tiziano Breda, Elsa Lilja Gunnarsdottir e Marianne Riddervold (CIDOB) scrivono dell’importanza del Venezuela dal punto di vista energetico e della necessità che l’Europa e gli USA rivedano le loro strategie verso il Paese sudamericano – Anna Ayuso, Tiziano Breda, Elsa Lilja Gunnarsdottir and Marianne Riddervold (CIDOB) write about the importance of Venezuela from an energy perspective and the need for Europe and the USA to review their strategies towards the South American country – Anna Ayuso, Tiziano Breda, Elsa Lilja Gunnarsdottir et Marianne Riddervold (CIDOB) parlent de l’importance du Venezuela d’un point de vue énergétique et de la nécessité pour l’Europe et les États-Unis de revoir leurs stratégies à l’égard du pays sud-américain – CIDOB – A Critical Juncture: EU’s Venezuela Policy Following the War in Ukraine
Fergus Kell (Chatham House) scrive della pesante situazione debitoria del Kenya, solo in parte riferibile alla Cina – Fergus Kell (Chatham House) writes about Kenya’s heavy debt situation, only partly attributable to China – Fergus Kell (Chatham House) écrit sur le lourd endettement du Kenya, qui n’est que partiellement imputable à la Chine – Kenya’s debt struggles go far deeper than Chinese loans | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank
James Shires (Chatham House) scrive sulle modalità di contrasto delle azioni segrete dell’Iran condotte in ambiente digitale – James Shires (Chatham House) writes on how to counter Iran’s covert actions conducted in the digital environment – James Shires (Chatham House) explique comment contrer les actions secrètes de l’Iran menées dans l’environnement numérique – Iran: How to counter covert action in the digital age | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank
Northern Ireland
Seán Golden (CIDOB) scrive della necessità di ripensare l’Irlanda del Nord dopo la vittoria del Sinn Féin alle elezioni amministrative del 18 maggio e, soprattutto, dopo l’affermazione dell’ Alliance Party, né nazionalista né unionista – Seán Golden (CIDOB) writes about the need to rethink Northern Ireland after Sinn Féin’s victory in the local elections on 18 May and, above all, after the assertion of the Alliance Party, neither nationalist nor unionist – Seán Golden (CIDOB) écrit sur la nécessité de repenser l’Irlande du Nord après la victoire du Sinn Féin aux élections locales du 18 mai et, surtout, après l’affirmation de l’Alliance Party, ni nationaliste ni unioniste – CIDOB – The time has come to re-think “Northern Ireland”
Russia – China
Sergey Vakulenko (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) scrive sul necessario cambio strategico dall’Europa alla Cina per il gas russo – Sergey Vakulenko (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) writes about the necessary strategic shift from Europe to China for Russian gas – Sergey Vakulenko (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) écrit sur le changement stratégique nécessaire de l’Europe vers la Chine pour le gaz russe – Can China Compensate Russia’s Losses on the European Gas Market? – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Saudi Arabia
H A Hellyer (RUSI) scrive della recente riunione della Lega Araba e del nuovo approccio diplomatico dell’Arabia Saudita – H A Hellyer (RUSI) writes about the recent Arab League meeting and Saudi Arabia’s new diplomatic approach – H. A. Hellyer (RUSI) parle de la récente réunion de la Ligue arabe et de la nouvelle approche diplomatique de l’Arabie saoudite – Turning the Page: Saudi Arabia’s New Diplomatic Approach | Royal United Services Institute (
Didier Billion (IRIS) commenta la rielezione di Ergodan in Turchia tra la difesa degli interessi nazionali e il ruolo globale del Paese – Didier Billion (IRIS) comments on Ergodan’s re-election in Turkey between the defence of national interests and the country’s global role – Didier Billion (IRIS) commente la réélection d’Ergodan en Turquie entre la défense des intérêts nationaux et le rôle mondial du pays – Victoire d’Erdogan en Turquie : quelles conséquences sur la scène internationale ? | IRIS (
Neil Melvin, Maryna Vorotnyuk e Ziya Meral (RUSI) discutono dell’impatto della vittoria di Erdogan alle elezioni in Turchia – Neil Melvin, Maryna Vorotnyuk and Ziya Meral (RUSI) discuss the impact of Erdogan’s election victory in Turkey – Neil Melvin, Maryna Vorotnyuk et Ziya Meral (RUSI) discutent de l’impact de la victoire électorale d’Erdogan en Turquie – Episode 51: Is Nationalism the Biggest Winner in Turkey’s Elections? | Royal United Services Institute (
Global topics
Héctor Sánchez Margalef (CIDOB) scrive sul passaggio strategico dal ‘consenso di Washington’ al ‘consenso di Cornovaglia’ – Héctor Sánchez Margalef (CIDOB) writes on the strategic shift from the ‘Washington Consensus’ to the ‘Cornish Consensus’ – Héctor Sánchez Margalef (CIDOB) écrit sur le passage stratégique du ‘consensus de Washington’ au ‘consensus de Cornouailles’ – CIDOB – El consenso de Washington ha muerto… ¿larga vida al de Cornualles?
International monetary order
Miguel Otero-Iglesias e Agustín González-Agote (Elcano Royal Institute) scrivono a proposito dell’ordine monetario internazionale e delle prospettive del dollaro americano come valuta di riferimento – Miguel Otero-Iglesias and Agustín González-Agote (Elcano Royal Institute) write about the international monetary order and the prospects of the US dollar as a reference currency – Miguel Otero-Iglesias et Agustín González-Agote (Elcano Royal Institute) s’expriment sur l’ordre monétaire international et les perspectives du dollar américain en tant que monnaie de référence – Is US dollar hegemony under threat? – Elcano Royal Institute (
Nuclear weapons
Hiroshima Report 2023 – New Publication: Hiroshima Report 2023Hiroshima for Global Peace (