Tag: Just Security

What Should Be the Aim of President Biden’s Democracy Summit? (Anders Åslund, Just Security)

President Joe Biden’s plan for a virtual Summit for Democracy on Dec. 9-10 offers an important opportunity, considering the global decline in democracy since 2005. It is high...

The Threat from Outer Space: Russia Tests Kinetic DA-ASAT Weapon (Erin Pobjie, Just Security)

Russia’s unannounced direct-ascent anti-satellite (DA-ASAT) missile test last Monday raises important legal and policy questions about the prohibition on the use of force in...

Stirring Trouble at the Border: Is Belarus in Violation of International Law? – Part 2 (Aurel Sari and Ben Hudson, Just Security)

This is the second article in our two-part series examining whether Belarus is acting in breach of its international obligations in relation to the...

Questions on the Baghuz Strikes (Brianna Rosen, Luke Hartig, Tess Bridgeman and Ryan Goodman, Just Security)

In March 2019, the U.S. military launched airstrikes against the last ISIS hold-out in Baghuz, Syria. Despite official Department of Defense (DOD) reporting that...

Escalating Risks on Europe’s Eastern Frontier: Belarus-Poland, Russia-Ukraine, and How the US Can Work With Its Allies (Daniel Fried, Just Security)

It would indeed be good for Russia’s relations with the United States (and Europe) to be more stable and predictable, as the Biden administration...

Closure for Colombia, New Scrutiny for Venezuela: ICC Investigations in Latin America (Naomi Roht-Arriaza, Just Security)

The new chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) recently made his first official trip to Colombia and Venezuela. During the visit to...

Amid Haiti’s Deepening Crisis After Earthquake, US Must Heed Citizens on Aid and Political Change (Just Security)

Pierre Esperance On Saturday morning, I awoke to find my country sinking even further into crisis: a massive earthquake hit Haiti, about 90 miles west of the capital, Port-au-Prince, killing more than...

Evidence Destruction and the Crisis In Afghanistan (Just Security)

Nema Milaninia Afghan activists, journalists, and advocates for women’s rights scrambled to identify escape routes Sunday as international civil society organizations intensified a chaotic effort to evacuate...

Take Time to Judge Taliban’s Actions, Not Words (Just Security)

Lisa Curtis During their first week back in power, the Taliban leadership has gone to great lengths to show the world their movement has evolved...

Mexico v. Smith & Wesson: Does US Immunity for Gun Manufacturers Apply Extraterritorially? (Just Security)

William S. Dodge and Ingrid Wuerth Earlier this month, Mexico sued six U.S. gun manufacturers, one foreign manufacturer, and a Boston-area wholesaler in federal court in Massachusetts....

Expert Backgrounder: How Can The Taliban Be Prevented From Representing Afghanistan In The United Nations? (Just Security)

Larry D. Johnson To repeat a common phrase, there are some things we know we know and there are some things we know we don’t...

CIA’s Former Counterterrorism Chief for the Region: Afghanistan, Not An Intelligence Failure — Something Much Worse (Just Security)

Douglas London While it’s certainly convenient to depict the shock and miscalculation U.S. officials claim over Afghanistan’s tragic, rapid fall to the Taliban as an...

Artificial Intelligence in the Intelligence Community: Culture is Critical (Just Security)

Corin R. Stone Several weeks ago, I wrote an article praising the widespread, bipartisan support for the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (USICA), which would dramatically expand...