Tag: Indonesia

(Indonesia/Australia) Survey reveals what Indonesians really think of Australia (The Strategist)

Hillary Mansour The 2021 ‘State of Southeast Asia’ survey report by Singapore-based think tank ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute reveals some hard realities about Indonesians’ attitudes towards...

(Indonesia) Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission in dire straits (East Asia Forum)

Jeremy Mulholland, La Trobe University and Zainal Arifin Mochtar, Gadjah Mada University Indonesia’s once formidable Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is now metamorphosed into an impaired government agency....

(Indonesia/ASEAN/Indo-Pacific) Reconciling Indonesia’s view of ASEAN and the Indo-Pacific (East Asia Forum)

David Camroux Since independence, Indonesia’s regional role has been characterised in many ways but most notably as that of a middle power. Indonesia has also played...

(Indonesia) Indonesian election law revision a win for the ruling elite (East Asia Forum)

Alexander R Arifianto, RSIS As Indonesia slowly inches toward the 2024 general election, preparations for the legislative framework that will serve as the electoral rules...

(Indonesia) Central Sulawesi disaster: An opportunity to strengthen road and bridge resilience in Indonesia? (World Bank blogs)

ELENA Y. CHESHEVA TOMÁS HERRERO DIEZ MARÍA JOSÉ SALA PELUFO JIAN VUN The Palu IV Bridge, commonly known as the Yellow Ponulele Bridge, was...

(Indonesia) What do we need to boost water supply resilience in Indonesia? A risk-based mindset (World Bank blogs)

IRMA MAGDALENA SETIONO JIAN VUN MUHAMMAD HALIK RIZKI DEVAN KREISBERG Nestled in a narrow valley in the center of Java Island, Magelang City is...

(Australia/Indonesia) Firming up Australia’s soft power in Indonesia (The Strategist)

David Engel In an earlier Strategist post, I touched on Australia’s aid and soft power—an aspiration too often unfulfilled for all the rhetoric to the contrary. Australia’s efforts...

(Indonesia) Are Indonesia’s “rubber” laws limiting freedom of speech? (The Interpreter)

JIM NOLAN In an unexpected announcement, Indonesian President Joko (Jokowi) Widodo this month called upon Indonesia’s military and police leadership to “improve supervision to ensure that the implementation...

(Indonesia) Indonesia’s modest new sovereign wealth fund (East Asia Forum)

Kyunghoon Kim, KCL Indonesia is establishing a sovereign wealth fund (SWF) in the coming weeks. While details are still lacking, it seems that the entity — tentatively...

(Indonesia/China) Indonesia’s Sinovac rollout sets high stakes for China’s vaccine diplomacy (East Asia Forum)

Jason Hung, Cambridge University https://www.eastasiaforum.org/2021/02/06/indonesias-sinovac-rollout-sets-high-stakes-for-chinas-vaccine-diplomacy/

(Indonesia) Rizieq’s arrest no progress for Indonesia’s religious minorities (East Asia Forum)

Yohanes Sulaiman, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani https://www.eastasiaforum.org/2021/02/05/rizieqs-arrest-no-progress-for-indonesias-religious-minorities/

(China/Indonesia) China building Indonesia into an EV powerhouse (Asia Times)

JOHN MCBETH https://asiatimes.com/2021/02/china-building-indonesia-into-an-ev-powerhouse/

(Indonesia) Hambali trial prevents Biden from closing Guantanamo (Asia Times)

By JOHN MCBETH https://asiatimes.com/2021/02/hambali-trial-prevents-biden-from-closing-guantanamo/

(Indonesia) Why Indonesia seizing an Iranian tanker is purely over domestic law (The Interpreter)

ARISTYO RIZKA DARMAWAN https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/why-indonesia-s-seizure-iranian-tanker-purely-domestic-law

(UK/Indonesia) Time to strengthen the UK–Indonesia economic relationship (Nopriyanto Hady Suhanda, East Asia Forum)


(Indonesia/Religious Affairs) Will Indonesia’s new religious affairs minister protect religious minorities? (Alexander R Arifianto, East Asia Forum)
