La nuova era di Lula e il futuro delle relazioni tra il Brasile e la Cina (fonte: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)

Genevieve Slosberg

On Sunday, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, popularly known as Lula, was once again inaugurated as the president of Brazil after defeating far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in a tight race. Because Lula’s track record of cooperating with China runs counter to Bolsonaro’s aggressive Sinophobic rhetoricmany anticipate that Lula will bring about a renewed era of Brazil-China relations. China has gestured as much itself, sending a high-level delegation, including Vice President Wang Qishan, to Brazil for the inauguration.

Lula Can’t Simply Count on China This Time – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Marco Emanuele
Marco Emanuele è appassionato di cultura della complessità, cultura della tecnologia e relazioni internazionali. Approfondisce il pensiero di Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. Marco ha insegnato Evoluzione della Democrazia e Totalitarismi, è l’editor di The Global Eye e scrive per The Science of Where Magazine. Marco Emanuele is passionate about complexity culture, technology culture and international relations. He delves into the thought of Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. He has taught Evolution of Democracy and Totalitarianisms. Marco is editor of The Global Eye and writes for The Science of Where Magazine.

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