Geostrategic magazine – Perspectives from think tanks and international organisations (may 12, 2023 pm)

Nostre sintesi in italiano, inglese e francese di analisi tratte dai think tank

Our summaries in Italian, English and French of analyses from think tanks

Nos résumés en italien, anglais et français des analyses des think tank


Cina – Africa

Lauren Johnston riflette su come l’invecchiamento della popolazione cinese e l’impatto della demografia globale peserà sui rapporti tra Pechino e l’Africa – Lauren Johnston reflects on how China’s ageing population and the impact of global demographics will weigh on Beijing’s relationship with Africa – Lauren Johnston réfléchit à la manière dont le vieillissement de la population chinoise et l’impact de la démographie mondiale pèseront sur les relations de Pékin avec l’Afrique – China’s population has peaked and is now falling – opportunities and risks for Africa – SAIIA

India – Russia – Africa

Secondo Irina Kolgushkina, gli interessi di Delhi e Mosca in Africa convergono, in molti campi sensibili e strategici – According to Irina Kolgushkina, the interests of Delhi and Moscow in Africa converge in many sensitive and strategic fields – Selon Irina Kolgushkina, les intérêts de Delhi et de Moscou en Afrique convergent dans de nombreux domaines sensibles et stratégiques – Indian Policy in Africa — Valdai Club

Iran – Gulf – USA

Agnes Helou scrive delle minori potenzialità per l’intelligence dei Paesi del Golfo per monitorare i movimenti iraniani. Gli USA si sono dislocati maggiormente sui fronti russo e cinese – Agnes Helou writes about the reduced potential for Gulf countries’ intelligence to monitor Iranian movements. The US has deployed more on the Russian and Chinese fronts – Agnes Helou écrit sur le potentiel réduit des services de renseignement des pays du Golfe pour surveiller les mouvements iraniens. Les États-Unis se sont davantage déployés sur les fronts russe et chinois – As US shifts its gaze, can anyone keep an eye on Iran in the Gulf? – Breaking Defense


Galiya Ibragimova scrive della Moldavia, sempre più lontana da Mosca e sempre più vicina all’Europa – Galiya Ibragimova writes about Moldova, ever further from Moscow and ever closer to Europe – Galiya Ibragimova parle de la Moldavie, toujours plus éloignée de Moscou et toujours plus proche de l’Europe – How Russia Torpedoed Its Own Influence in Moldova – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace


Un ritratto di Mikhail Mishustin, Primo ministro russo, tecnocrate competente e, secondo il Levada Center, popolare – A portrait of Mikhail Mishustin, Russian Prime Minister, competent and, according to the Levada Centre, popular technocrat – Portrait de Mikhail Mishustin, Premier ministre russe, technocrate compétent et, selon le Centre Levada, populaire – Russia’s Prime Minister Mishustin: A Quiet Technocrat Who Toes the Line and Gets Results | Russia Matters

Russia – Africa

Vuk Vuksanović scrive dell’evoluzione dei rapporti di Mosca con l’Africa: più tattica o più strategia ? – Vuk Vuksanović writes about the evolution of Moscow’s relations with Africa: more tactics or more strategy? – Vuk Vuksanović s’exprime sur l’évolution des relations de Moscou avec l’Afrique : plus de tactique ou plus de stratégie ? – Understanding Moscow’s decision-making mechanisms is crucial for African policymakers – SAIIA

Russia – Turkey

Oleg Barabanov scrive di come cresca l’ “ansia” russa per il risultato delle imminenti elezioni in Turchia – Oleg Barabanov writes about how Russian ‘anxiety’ is growing over the outcome of the upcoming elections in Turkey – Oleg Barabanov explique comment l'”inquiétude” russe grandit à propos du résultat des prochaines élections en Turquie – Elections in Turkey and Anxiety in Russia — Valdai Club


Wladimir Van Wilgenburg scrive di Ankara contro la Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, accusata di legami con le Syrian Democratic Forces – Wladimir Van Wilgenburg writes of Ankara against the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, accused of links with the Syrian Democratic Forces – Wladimir Van Wilgenburg écrit d’Ankara contre la Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, accusée de liens avec les Syrian Democratic Forces – Angry Ankara – Carnegie Middle East Center – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (

USA – NATO – Asia

Secondo Gu Ho Eom, gli USA stanno cercando di posizionare la NATO nei partenariati asiatici come AUKUS e QUAD – According to Gu Ho Eom, the US is trying to position NATO in Asian partnerships such as AUKUS and QUAD – Selon Gu Ho Eom, les États-Unis tentent de positionner l’OTAN dans des partenariats asiatiques tels que AUKUS et QUAD – Why Is the US Seeking to Involve South Korea in the Security Crisis in Europe? — Valdai Club

War in Ukraine – Africa

Ovigwe Eguegu scrive dell’impatto della guerra in Ucraina sull’Africa e sulla competizione delle grandi potenze sul continente del futuro – Ovigwe Eguegu writes about the impact of the war in Ukraine on Africa and the competition of the great powers on the continent of the future – Ovigwe Eguegu écrit sur l’impact de la guerre en Ukraine sur l’Afrique et sur la concurrence des grandes puissances sur le continent du futur – The Russia–Ukraine War: Implications for Africa – SAIIA

Marco Emanuele
Marco Emanuele è appassionato di cultura della complessità, cultura della tecnologia e relazioni internazionali. Approfondisce il pensiero di Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. Marco ha insegnato Evoluzione della Democrazia e Totalitarismi, è l’editor di The Global Eye e scrive per The Science of Where Magazine. Marco Emanuele is passionate about complexity culture, technology culture and international relations. He delves into the thought of Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. He has taught Evolution of Democracy and Totalitarianisms. Marco is editor of The Global Eye and writes for The Science of Where Magazine.

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