Geostrategic magazine – Perspectives from think tanks and international organisations (may 12, 2023 am)

Nostre sintesi in italiano, inglese e francese di analisi tratte dai think tank

Our summaries in Italian, English and French of analyses from think tanks

Nos résumés en italien, anglais et français des analyses des think tank


Asia and the Pacific

Secondo il Programma Alimentare Mondiale, in Asia e nel Pacifico il 2022 ha visto circa 69 milioni di persone in condizioni di grave insicurezza alimentare, un aumento significativo rispetto ai circa 62 milioni di persone registrati nel 2021 – According to the World Food Programme, 2022 saw some 69 million people in Asia and the Pacific experiencing severe food insecurity, a significant increase from the approximately 62 million recorded in 2021- Selon le Programme alimentaire mondial, en 2022, quelque 69 millions de personnes en Asie et dans le Pacifique ont connu une grave insécurité alimentaire, ce qui représente une augmentation significative par rapport aux quelque 62 millions de personnes enregistrées en 2021 – Rising Above the Storms: 2022 Year in Review for WFP Asia and the Pacific | World Food Programme

Central Asia

L’importanza di governare il nesso tra acqua ed energia per garantire un futuro resiliente e sostenibile ai Paesi dell’Asia Centrale – The importance of governing the water-energy nexus to ensure a resilient and sustainable future for Central Asian countries – L’importance de gouverner le lien entre l’eau et l’énergie pour assurer un avenir résilient et durable aux pays d’Asie centrale – Leveraging the water-energy nexus to tackle climate challenges in Central Asia (

Capitali pubblici e privati per sostenere i Paesi dell’Asia Centrale sempre più minacciati da eventi atmosferici estremi – Public and private capital to support Central Asian countries increasingly threatened by extreme weather events – Des capitaux publics et privés pour soutenir les pays d’Asie centrale de plus en plus menacés par des phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes – Mobilizing private capital to help Central Asia cope with extremely severe climate and geophysical disasters (

Central Asia and Middle East

Il Regional Economic Outlook del Fondo Monetario Internazionale su Asia Centrale e Medio Oriente. Salvaguardare la stabilità economica nell’incertezza che cresce – The International Monetary Fund’s Regional Economic Outlook on Central Asia and the Middle East. Safeguarding macroeconomic stability amid growing uncertainty – Perspectives économiques régionales du Fonds monétaire international pour l’Asie centrale et le Moyen-Orient. Préserver la stabilité macroéconomique dans un contexte d’incertitude croissante – Regional Economic Outlook for the Middle East and Central Asia, May 2023 (


Il Programma Alimentare Mondiale necessita di circa 160 milioni di dollari per aiutare il governo del Ciad a fornire aiuti alimentari a 2,3 miloni di persone (compresi i rifugiati appena arrivati dal Sudan) – The World Food Programme needs around $160 million to help the Chadian government provide food aid to 2.3 million people (including newly arrived refugees from Sudan) – Le Programme alimentaire mondial a besoin d’environ 160 millions de dollars pour aider le gouvernement tchadien à fournir une aide alimentaire à 2,3 millions de personnes (y compris les réfugiés nouvellement arrivés du Soudan) – WFP calls for urgent funding to provide emergency food assistance to over two million people in Chad including new Sudanese refugees | World Food Programme


Praticare un “realismo intelligente” verso Pechino – Practising ‘intelligent realism’ towards Beijing – Pratiquer un “réalisme intelligent” à l’égard de Pékin – Containment and engagement: drawing the line with China | Institut Montaigne

Democratic Republic of Congo

L’ultimo situation report sul Paese del Programma Alimentare Mondiale – The World Food Programme’s latest country situation report – Le dernier rapport du Programme alimentaire mondial sur la situation dans les pays – Situation Report – Democratic Republic of Congo | World Food Programme (

La Repubblica Democratica del Congo tra miglioramento dei dati economici e necessità di governance per gli elevati rischi politici e di sicurezza – The Democratic Republic of Congo between improved economic data and the need for governance due to high political and security risks – La République démocratique du Congo entre l’amélioration des données économiques et le besoin de gouvernance en raison des risques politiques et sécuritaires élevés – Upgrade of DRC’S sovereign credit rating—One step forward, after one step back (


La situazione politica in Francia e l’importanza dei “corpi intermedi” – The political situation in France and the importance of ‘intermediary bodies’ – La situation politique en France et l’importance des “corps intermédiaires” – “Intermediary bodies”: Macron’s Friends or Foes? | Institut Montaigne


UNICEF segnala, nel Paese, l’aumento del 30% rispetto al 2022 di bambini affetti da malnutrizione acuta grave – UNICEF reports 30% more children in the country suffering from severe acute malnutrition by 2022 – L’UNICEF signale une augmentation de 30 % du nombre d’enfants souffrant de malnutrition aiguë sévère dans le pays d’ici 2022 – Armed violence plunging children into severe acute malnutrition in Haiti (


La Penisola coreana, l’evoluzione dei rapporti e gli spazi della diplomazia – The Korean Peninsula, the evolution of relations and the spaces of diplomacy – La péninsule coréenne, l’évolution des relations et les espaces de la diplomatie – My decade watching the Korean peninsula: the delicacy of peace | Lowy Institute


Uno studio di UNDP mostra la regressione dei dati di sviluppo sostenibile del Myanmar dopo il 2020 – UNDP study shows regression in Myanmar’s sustainable development figures after 2020 – Une étude du PNUD révèle une régression des chiffres du développement durable au Myanmar après 2020 – Myanmar at a Crossroads: Past Trends of Human Well-being and a Future Outlook | United Nations Development Programme (


L’arresto dell’ex Primo ministro pakistan Khan e la crisi economica e politica del Paese – The arrest of former Pakistani Prime Minister Khan and the country’s economic and political crisis – L’arrestation de l’ancien Premier ministre pakistanais Khan et la crise économique et politique du pays – Experts react: Former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s arrest and implications for Pakistan – Atlantic Council


A causa della carenza di fondi, il Programma Alimentare Mondiale annuncia che, dal mese prossimo, circa 200.000 non potranno più ricevere aiuti alimentari in Palestina – Due to the shortage of funds, the World Food Programme announces that from next month, some 200,000 will no longer be able to receive food aid in Palestine – En raison du manque de fonds, le Programme alimentaire mondial annonce qu’à partir du mois prochain, quelque 200 000 personnes ne pourront plus recevoir d’aide alimentaire en Palestine – WFP operations in Palestine risk suspension due to funding shortfall | World Food Programme


Mosca alle prese con il deficit nella produzione di armi – Moscow grappling with arms production deficit – Moscou aux prises avec un déficit de production d’armes – Russian Arms Production for Q1 2023 – Jamestown


Secondo il Programma Alimentare Mondiale, nei prossimi mesi circa 2-2,5 milioni di persone rischiano di soffrire la fame a causa delle continue violenze nel Paese – According to the World Food Programme, some 2-2.5 million people are at risk of going hungry in the coming months due to the continuing violence in the country – Selon le Programme alimentaire mondial, quelque 2 à 2,5 millions de personnes risquent de souffrir de la faim au cours des prochains mois en raison de la poursuite des violences dans le pays – Hunger set to hit record high in Sudan as fighting continues | World Food Programme (

L’UNICEF lavora sul sostegno umanitario ai bambini colpiti dalle violenze nel Paese: si stima che 82.000 siano fuggiti nei Paesi vicini e che altri 368.000 siano sfollati all’interno del Paese – UNICEF works on humanitarian support for children affected by the violence in the country: an estimated 82,000 have fled to neighbouring countries and another 368,000 are internally displaced – L’UNICEF apporte une aide humanitaire aux enfants touchés par les violences dans le pays : on estime que 82 000 d’entre eux ont fui vers les pays voisins et que 368 000 autres sont déplacés à l’intérieur du pays – Sudan violence forces at least 450,000 children to flee their homes (

Syria – Arab League

Il ritorno di Damasco nella Lega Araba e le reazioni a livello regionale e internazionale – Damascus’ return to the Arab League and regional and international reactions – Retour de Damas au sein de la Ligue arabe et réactions régionales et internationales – Syria Is Normalizing Relations With Arab Countries. Who Will Benefit? | Council on Foreign Relations ( réintégration de la Syrie au sein de la Ligue arabe, symbole de l’affaiblissement de l’Occident ? | IRIS (


Le elezioni del 14 maggio e il timore di un colpo di Stato giudiziario – The elections on 14 May and the fear of a judicial coup d’état – Les élections du 14 mai et la crainte d’un coup d’État judiciaire – Thais vote amid the spectre of a post-election coup | East Asia Forum


L’importanza geostrategica delle elezioni turche – The geostrategic importance of the Turkish elections – L’importance géostratégique des élections turques – The Geopolitics of Turkey’s Upcoming Elections – Jamestown

La Turchia al voto e il “peso” del terremoto. Ripensando al 1999 – Turkey on the ballot and the ‘weight’ of the earthquake. Thinking back to 1999 – La Turquie sur le bulletin de vote et le “poids” du tremblement de terre. Retour sur l’année 1999 – Turquie : à propos des séismes qui bouleversent sa scène politique… | IRIS (

Le elezioni del 14 maggio e la Repubblica turca nel suo secondo secolo di vita: la scelta è tra una visione religioso-autoritaria e una laico-democratica – The elections on 14 May and the Turkish Republic in its second century: the choice is between a religious-authoritarian and a secular-democratic vision – Les élections du 14 mai et la République turque dans son deuxième siècle: le choix entre une vision religieuse-autoritaire et une vision laïque-démocratique – Triumph of Hope against Fear? | Institut Montaigne


La “nuova” centralità geostrategica di Ashgabat e la competizione per le vie di comunicazione – The ‘new’ geostrategic centrality of Ashgabat and competition for communication routes – La “nouvelle” centralité géostratégique d’Achgabat et la concurrence pour les voies de communication – International Competition Over Turkmenistan’s Transport Routes Intensifies – Jamestown


L’ultimo situation report sul Paese del Programma Alimentare Mondiale – The World Food Programme’s latest country situation report – Le dernier rapport du Programme alimentaire mondial sur la situation dans les pays – Situation Report – Ukraine | World Food Programme (


TikTok, social media e le sfide alla democrazia americana – TikTok, social media and the challenges to American democracy – TikTok, les médias sociaux et les défis de la démocratie américaine – TikTok shows why social media companies need more regulation (

I grandi investimenti infrastrutturali made in USA e la carenza di forza lavoro nel settore – Large US-made infrastructure investments and labour shortages in the sector – Importants investissements en infrastructures réalisés par les États-Unis et pénurie de main-d’œuvre dans le secteur – The incredible shrinking infrastructure workforce — and what to do about it (

USA – Latin America and the Carribean

L’importanza di una strategia USA in America Latina e la presenza cinese – The importance of a US strategy in Latin America and the Chinese presence – L’importance d’une stratégie américaine en Amérique latine et la présence chinoise – Insulate, Curtail, Compete: Sketching a U.S. Grand Strategy in Latin America and the Caribbean (


Business digitisation and resilience to shocks

Secondo uno studio del Fondo Monetario Internazionale, le imprese più digitalizzate resistono meglio agli shock. L’importanza di adeguati interventi fiscali – According to a study by the International Monetary Fund, more digitised companies resist shocks better. The importance of appropriate fiscal measures – Selon une étude du Fonds monétaire international, les entreprises plus numérisées résistent mieux aux chocs. L’importance de mesures fiscales appropriées – Firm-level Digitalization and Resilience to Shocks: Role of Fiscal Policy (

Climate change and fossil fuel extraction

Ridurre drasticamente l’estrazione di combustibili fossili è necessario per raggiungere gli obiettivi climatici. Uno studio del Fondo Monetario Internazionale analizza le conseguenze macroeconomiche e i divari tra Paesi ad alto reddito e Paesi a basso reddito – Drastically reducing fossil fuel extraction is necessary to meet climate goals. An International Monetary Fund study analyses the macroeconomic consequences and the gaps between high-income and low-income countries – Une réduction drastique de l’extraction des combustibles fossiles est nécessaire pour atteindre les objectifs climatiques. Une étude du Fonds monétaire international analyse les conséquences macroéconomiques et les écarts entre les pays à revenu élevé et les pays à faible revenu – Economic Consequences of Large Extraction Declines: Lessons for the Green Transition (

Complexity and climate change

Uno studio di UNDP approfondisce il legame tra clima, pace e sicurezza – UNDP study explores the link between climate, peace and security – Une étude du PNUD explore le lien entre le climat, la paix et la sécurité – Re-envisioning Climate Change Adaptation Policy to Sustain Peace – A typology & Analysis of the NAPs | United Nations Development Programme (

Financial stability

Dopo il recente fallimento di alcune banche, quale è lo stato e come deve evolvere la regolamentazione finanziaria e quale sarà il ruolo delle Banche Centrali ? – After the recent failure of some banks, what is the state and how should financial regulation evolve and what will be the role of the Central Banks?  – Après la récente faillite de certaines banques, quelle est la situation, comment la réglementation financière devrait-elle évoluer et quel sera le rôle des banques centrales ? – Lorenza Reichlin, London Business School – Early Lessons from the Recent Banking Turmoil (

Food crises

Secondo il Global Report on Food Crises del Programma Alimentare Mondiale, nel 2022 circa 258 milioni di persone in 58 Paesi e territori hanno affrontato un’insicurezza alimentare acuta a livelli di crisi o peggiori. Nel 2021 erano 193 milioni di persone in 53 Paesi e territori – According to the World Food Programme’s Global Report on Food Crises, some 258 million people in 58 countries and territories faced acute food insecurity at crisis levels or worse in 2022. In 2021, there were 193 million people in 53 countries and territories – Selon le Global Report on Food Crises du Programme alimentaire mondial, quelque 258 millions de personnes dans 58 pays et territoires ont été confrontées à une insécurité alimentaire aiguë à des niveaux de crise ou pire en 2022. En 2021, 193 millions de personnes dans 53 pays et territoires étaient confrontées à l’insécurité alimentaire aiguë – Global Report on Food Crises 2023 | World Food Programme (

Green transition

La questione sensibile dei sussidi per la transizione verde e gli effetti sui costi globali della transizione – The sensitive issue of green transition subsidies and the effects on overall transition costs – La question sensible des subventions à la transition écologique et de leurs effets sur les coûts globaux de la transition – Alfred Kammer, IMF – Europe, And the World, Should Use Green Subsidies Cooperatively (

Marco Emanuele
Marco Emanuele è appassionato di cultura della complessità, cultura della tecnologia e relazioni internazionali. Approfondisce il pensiero di Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. Marco ha insegnato Evoluzione della Democrazia e Totalitarismi, è l’editor di The Global Eye e scrive per The Science of Where Magazine. Marco Emanuele is passionate about complexity culture, technology culture and international relations. He delves into the thought of Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. He has taught Evolution of Democracy and Totalitarianisms. Marco is editor of The Global Eye and writes for The Science of Where Magazine.

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