Geostrategic magazine (italiano-english-français, 18 maggio 2023)




Benvenuti nel tempo della “geoApolitica”. Tutto è linearità, imminenza, separazione: questa è la “geoApolitica”, auto-inganno delle classi dirigenti di saper governare un mondo complesso.

Ci troviamo nell’eterno presente di un mondo del quale comprendiamo soltanto ciò che è immediatamente visibile. Nel pieno della paura per una crescente complessità, seminiamo bisogno di certezze assolute e autoctone e ciò non fa altro che diffondere disagio e paura, voglia di andarsene dal globale, individuazione costante del nemico. Nella “geoApolitica”, tale perché mancano – da decenni – mediazioni tra rapporti di potere e visione storica in dialoghi sostanziali, vince ancora il pensiero del ‘900. E non potrebbe essere diversamente.

Tutto è in trasformazione, a partire dal grande progetto della globalizzazione, ma il nostro pensiero no: quello è rimasto legato all’idea di un ordine adatto a un mondo che non c’è più. E, così pensando, ci auto-inganniamo che gli autocrati cattivi (nessuno nega il male) possano essere sconfitti dai democratici buoni: ma, mentre i primi non sono redimibili (morto uno zar se ne farà un altro, forse peggiore, in molti temono …) e continueranno a esistere, i secondi dovrebbero ripensare il loro ruolo storico in termini complessi.

La “geoApolitica” appartiene a democrazie che non si ripensano. Tutto ciò che è stato creato dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, periodo di grande espansione democratica, di pace e di sviluppo per buona parte dell’umanità, avrebbe richiesto nuovi paradigmi dopo l’implosione dell’Unione Sovietica. Nulla è successo, pur se in molti avevano dato alert strategici, e i risultati li vediamo oggi: le storie sono tornate come una valanga.

La politica e le democrazie hanno mancato di ricongiungersi nella grande trasformazione che la fine del nemico storico del mondo libero aveva avviato. Mentre, nel 2023, c’è ancora competizione per la conquista del centro del mondo, la questione sono le periferie esistenziali; mentre la gente muore ancora sotto le bombe, e non si comprende che il tema è aiutare militarmente le resistenze (quella ucraina in primis) ma che il problema è il contestuale riarmo del mondo (con il nucleare incombente), altri – spesso nel silenzio dei media mainstream – lavorano incessantemente su ricerca e produzione di tecnologie “disruptive”. Evochiamo una geopolitica complessa in luogo dell’attuale “geoApolitica” e che la politica si svegliasse dal grande sonno, fattosi auto-inganno, nel quale sta morendo.

(english version) 

Welcome to the time of ‘geoApolitics’. Everything is linearity, imminence, separation: this is ‘geoApolitics’, the self-deception of the ruling classes to know how to govern a complex world.

We find ourselves in the eternal present of a world of which we only understand what is immediately visible. In the midst of the fear of increasing complexity, we sow the need for absolute, self-contained certainties, and this only spreads unease and fear, the desire to get away from the global, the constant identification of the enemy. In ‘geoApolitics’, such because mediations between power relations and historical vision in substantive dialogues have been lacking for decades, 20th century thinking still wins out. And it could not be otherwise.

Everything is in transformation, starting with the great project of globalisation, but our thinking is not: that has remained tied to the idea of an order suited to a world that no longer exists. And, in so thinking, we deceive ourselves that the bad autocrats (no one denies evil) can be defeated by the good democrats: but, while the former are not redeemable (one tsar will be replaced by another, perhaps worse, many fear …) and will continue to exist, the latter should rethink their historical role in complex terms.

‘GeoApolitics’ belongs to democracies that do not rethink themselves. Everything that was created after the Second World War, a period of great democratic expansion, peace and development for much of humanity, would have required new paradigms after the implosion of the Soviet Union. Nothing happened, even though many had given strategic alerts, and we see the results today: the stories came back like an avalanche.

Politics and democracies failed to reunite in the great transformation that the end of the historical enemy of the free world had initiated. While, in 2023, there is still competition for the conquest of the centre of the world, the issue is the existential peripheries; while people are still dying under bombs, and it is not understood that the issue is to militarily help the resistances (the Ukrainian one in primis) but that the problem is the contextual rearmament of the world (with nuclear power looming), others – often in the silence of the mainstream media – work incessantly on research and production of  ‘disruptive’ technologies. Let us evoke a complex geopolitics in place of the current ‘geoApolitics’ and that politics wake up from the great sleep, turned into self-deception, in which it is dying

(version française)

Bienvenue dans l’ère de la “géoApolitique”. Tout n’est que linéarité, imminence, séparation : c’est la “géoApolitique”, l’auto-illusion des classes dirigeantes à savoir gouverner un monde complexe.

Nous nous trouvons dans l’éternel présent d’un monde dont nous ne comprenons que ce qui est immédiatement visible. Au milieu de la peur de la complexité croissante, nous semons le besoin de certitudes absolues et autonomes, ce qui ne fait que répandre le malaise et la peur, le désir de s’éloigner du global, l’identification constante de l’ennemi. En “géoApolitique”, parce que les médiations entre les rapports de force et la vision historique dans les dialogues de fond font défaut depuis des décennies, c’est encore la pensée du XXe siècle qui l’emporte. Et il ne peut en être autrement.

Tout se transforme, à commencer par le grand projet de la mondialisation, mais pas notre pensée : celle-ci est restée attachée à l’idée d’un ordre adapté à un monde qui n’existe plus. Et, en pensant ainsi, nous nous trompons nous-mêmes en pensant que les mauvais autocrates (personne ne nie le mal) peuvent être vaincus par les bons démocrates : mais, alors que les premiers ne sont pas rachetables (un tsar sera remplacé par un autre, peut-être pire, beaucoup le craignent …) et continueront d’exister, les seconds devraient repenser leur rôle historique en termes complexes.

La “géoApolitique” appartient aux démocraties qui ne se repensent pas. Tout ce qui a été créé après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, période de grande expansion démocratique, de paix et de développement pour une grande partie de l’humanité, aurait nécessité de nouveaux paradigmes après l’implosion de l’Union soviétique. Rien ne s’est passé, même si beaucoup avaient donné des alertes stratégiques, et nous voyons les résultats aujourd’hui : les histoires sont revenues comme une avalanche.

La politique et les démocraties n’ont pas réussi à se réunir dans la grande transformation que la fin de l’ennemi historique du monde libre avait initiée. Alors qu’en 2023, on se dispute encore la conquête du centre du monde, l’enjeu est celui des périphéries existentielles ; alors que des gens meurent encore sous les bombes, et que l’on ne comprend pas que l’enjeu est d’aider militairement les résistances (celle de l’Ukraine en primis) mais que le problème est le réarmement contextuel du monde (avec le nucléaire qui se profile), d’autres – souvent dans le silence des grands médias – travaillent sans relâche à la recherche et à la production de technologies “disruptives”. Évoquons une géopolitique complexe en lieu et place de l’actuelle “géoApolitique” et que la politique se réveille du grand sommeil, transformé en auto-illusion, dans lequel elle est en train de mourir






Melissa Conley Tyler, Michael Heazle, Jade Lindley and Sharon Cowden scrivono del contrasto alla pesca illegale come fattore di sicurezza nazionale per l’Australia – Melissa Conley Tyler, Michael Heazle, Jade Lindley and Sharon Cowden write about combating illegal fishing as a national security factor for Australia – Melissa Conley Tyler, Michael Heazle, Jade Lindley et Sharon Cowden écrivent sur la lutte contre la pêche illégale en tant que facteur de sécurité nationale pour l’Australie – Reeling in illegal fishing is crucial to Australia’s maritime security | The Strategist (

Australia – New Zealand

Joanne Wallis e Anna Powles scrivono dei rapporti strategici tra Australia e Nuova Zelanda – Joanne Wallis and Anna Powles write about the strategic relationship between Australia and New Zealand – Joanne Wallis et Anna Powles s’intéressent aux relations stratégiques entre l’Australie et la Nouvelle-Zélande – Remembering Australia’s “other” alliance | Lowy Institute


Il presidente ecuadoriano Lasso ha invocato la “morte cruzada”. Governerà per sei mesi, per decreto, fino a nuove elezioni presidenziali e legislative – Ecuadorian President Lasso has invoked ‘morte cruzada’. He will rule for six months, by decree, until new presidential and legislative elections are held – Le président équatorien Lasso a invoqué la “morte cruzada”. Il gouvernera pendant six mois, par décret, jusqu’à ce que de nouvelles élections présidentielles et législatives soient organisées – Ecuador’s president just invoked ‘mutual death’ to avoid impeachment. Here’s why it matters. – Atlantic Council


Giovanni Sgaravatti, Simone Tagliapietra e Cecilia Trasi scrivono del lavoro europeo di accelerazione verso la neutralità climatica. Obiettivo: rafforzare il cleantech continentale – Giovanni Sgaravatti, Simone Tagliapietra and Cecilia Trasi write about the European work on accelerating towards climate neutrality. Objective: to strengthen continental cleantech – Giovanni Sgaravatti, Simone Tagliapietra et Cecilia Trasi décrivent les travaux européens visant à accélérer la neutralité climatique. Objectif : renforcer les technologies propres à l’échelle du continent – Cleantech manufacturing: where does Europe really stand? (

Europe – Algeria

Andrew Farrand scrive della sfida dell’Europa nel convincere l’Algeria a intraprendere una transizione energetica condivisa – Andrew Farrand writes about Europe’s challenge in convincing Algeria to embark on a shared energy transition – Andrew Farrand évoque le défi que doit relever l’Europe pour convaincre l’Algérie de s’engager dans une transition énergétique partagée – Renewed energies: How the EU can persuade Algeria to join in the green transition | ECFR

Europe – China

Dominique Fraser scrive che le relazioni delle diverse “Europe” con la Cina incidono sui rapporti con i partner transatlantici e indo-pacifici – Dominique Fraser writes that the relations of different ‘Europeans’ with China affect relations with transatlantic and Indo-Pacific partners – Dominique Fraser écrit que les relations des différents “Européens” avec la Chine affectent les relations avec les partenaires transatlantiques et indo-pacifiques – Europe’s divisions over China could hamper G-7 unity | Lowy Institute

Europe – WTO

Pawel Zerka scrive della necessità che l’Europa concili la “doppia” agenda sulle politiche commerciali: da un lato, restando nel WTO (da riformare) come “luogo” multilaterale e, dall’altro, attuando politiche autoctone finalizzate alle proprie esigenze sul cambiamento climatico –  Pawel Zerka writes of the need for Europe to reconcile its ‘double’ agenda on trade policies: on the one hand, remaining in the WTO (to be reformed) as a multilateral ‘place’ and, on the other hand, implementing indigenous policies aimed at its own needs on climate change – Pawel Zerka évoque la nécessité pour l’Europe de concilier son “double” agenda en matière de politiques commerciales : d’une part, rester au sein de l’OMC (qui doit être réformée) en tant que “lieu” multilatéral et, d’autre part, mettre en œuvre des politiques indigènes visant à répondre à ses propres besoins en matière de changement climatique – Multilateral trade: The green European genie at the WTO | ECFR


Natalie Sabanadze scrive del percorso accidentato della Georgia verso la democrazia – Natalie Sabanadze writes about Georgia’s bumpy road to democracy – Natalie Sabanadze écrit sur le chemin cahoteux de la Géorgie vers la démocratie – Who Is Afraid of Georgian Democracy? – Carnegie Europe – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Georgia – Russia

Vladimir Solovyov scrive dell’attuale atteggiamento conciliante di Mosca verso la Georgia – Vladimir Solovyov writes about Moscow’s current conciliatory attitude towards Georgia – Vladimir Solovyov s’exprime sur l’attitude conciliante actuelle de Moscou à l’égard de la Géorgie – What’s Behind Russia’s Overture to Georgia? – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

India – G20

Durairaj Kumarasamy, Prakash Singh e Sukhvinder Kaur scrivono dell’importanza, per l’India, delle sfide relative all’inclusione finanziaria e all’evoluzione della finanza digitale. Il ruolo del G20 – Durairaj Kumarasamy, Prakash Singh and Sukhvinder Kaur write about the importance for India of the challenges related to financial inclusion and the evolution of digital finance. The role of the G20 – Durairaj Kumarasamy, Prakash Singh et Sukhvinder Kaur écrivent sur l’importance pour l’Inde des défis liés à l’inclusion financière et à l’évolution de la finance digitale. Le rôle du G20 –  The G20 can bridge India’s digital financial service gap | East Asia Forum


Hening Wikan e Dias Prasongko scrivono delle elezioni presidenziali e legislative dell’Indonesia che si terranno il 14 febbraio 2024. Focus sulla questione della rappresentanza femminile – Hening Wikan and Dias Prasongko write about Indonesia’s presidential and legislative elections to be held on 14 February 2024. Focus on the issue of women’s representation – Hening Wikan et Dias Prasongko écrivent sur les élections présidentielles et législatives indonésiennes qui se tiendront le 14 février 2024. Focus sur la question de la représentation des femmes – Chipping away at Indonesia’s electoral glass ceiling | East Asia Forum


Brendan Taylor scrive dell’importanza dei raggruppamenti minilaterali nella regione dell’Indo-Pacifico – Brendan Taylor writes about the importance of mini-lateral groupings in the Indo-Pacific region – Brendan Taylor s’exprime sur l’importance des groupements minilatéraux dans la région indo-pacifique – Navigating the strange minilateralverse of madness | Lowy Institute

Iran – Syria

Raz Zimmt, Carmit Valensi e Sima Shine scrivono della recente visita del Presidente iraniano in Siria. Elemento decisivo per Teheran sembrano essere le ragioni economiche – Raz Zimmt, Carmit Valensi and Sima Shine write about the recent visit of the President of Iran to Syria. Decisive element for Tehran seems to be economic reasons – Raz Zimmt, Carmit Valensi et Sima Shine écrivent sur la récente visite du président iranien en Syrie. L’élément décisif pour Téhéran semble être les raisons économiques – President Raisi’s Visit to Syria | INSS


Adi Kantor conversa con Mohammed Wattad della difficile situazione della comunità araba in Israele – Adi Kantor talks to Mohammed Wattad about the plight of the Arab community in Israel – Adi Kantor s’entretient avec Mohammed Wattad sur la situation critique de la communauté arabe en Israël – The Arab Community in Israel: A View from Within | INSS

Ariel Heimann e Idit Shafran Gittleman scrivono delle proteste dei riservisti e della crisi dell’IDF – Ariel Heimann and Idit Shafran Gittleman write about the reservists’ protests and the IDF crisis – Ariel Heimann et Idit Shafran Gittleman écrivent sur les protestations des réservistes et la crise de l’ IDF – The Reservists’ Protest: Ramifications for the IDF | INSS


Ryosuke Hanada scrive dell’incremento delle spese per la difesa in Giappone – Ryosuke Hanada writes about the increase in defence spending in Japan – Ryosuke Hanada écrit sur l’augmentation des dépenses de défense au Japon – Fighting to fund Japan’s historic defence budget increase | East Asia Forum

Japan – G7

Sheila A. Smith scrive del G7 in Giappone e del ruolo di Tokyo rispetto a un ordine internazionale basato sulle regole. Decisiva è la sicurezza nell’Indo-Pacifico – Sheila A. Smith writes about the G7 in Japan and Tokyo’s role in a rules-based international order. Security in the Indo-Pacific is decisive – Sheila A. Smith parle du G7 au Japon et du rôle de Tokyo dans un ordre international fondé sur des règles. La sécurité dans l’Indo-Pacifique est décisive – Japan’s G7 Moment | Council on Foreign Relations (


Paul Globe scrive delle recenti elezioni per la carica di capo dell’autonomia gagauza in Moldavia – Paul Globe writes about the recent elections for head of the Gagauz autonomy in Moldova – Paul Globe écrit sur les récentes élections à la tête de l’autonomie de Gagauza en Moldavie – Gagauz Election Outcome Creates Problems for Moldova and the West – Jamestown


Carl Bildt scrive delle evoluzioni contrastate sull’ingresso dell’Ucraina nella NATO e guarda alle prospettive dell’Alleanza – Carl Bildt writes about the mixed developments on Ukraine’s entry into NATO and looks at the Alliance’s prospects – Carl Bildt s’exprime sur l’évolution mitigée de l’entrée de l’Ukraine dans l’OTAN et sur les perspectives de l’Alliance – The high stakes of NATO’s Vilnius summit | The Strategist (


Kevin Ryan scrive della possibilità che, visto l’andamento della guerra in Ucraina, la Russia possa utilizzare le armi nucleari – Kevin Ryan writes about the possibility that, given the course of the war in Ukraine, Russia may use nuclear weapons – Kevin Ryan évoque la possibilité que, compte tenu de l’évolution de la guerre en Ukraine, la Russie utilise des armes nucléaires – Why Putin Will Use Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine | Russia Matters

Russia – Ukraine

Alex Horobets scrive delle posizioni del capo del Gruppo Wagner contro il Ministero della Difesa di Mosca – Alex Horobets writes about the Wagner Group leader’s stance against the Moscow Ministry of Defence – Alex Horobets s’exprime sur la position du chef du groupe Wagner à l’égard du ministère de la défense de Moscou – Prigozhin Takes On Russian Ministry of Defense – Jamestown

Lucas Webber e Alec Bertina scrivono del coinvolgimento del Russian Imperial Movement nella guerra in Ucraina – Lucas Webber and Alec Bertina write about the Russian Imperial Movement’s involvement in the war in Ukraine – Lucas Webber et Alec Bertina écrivent sur l’implication du Russian Imperial Movement dans la guerre en Ukraine – Russian Imperial Movement Deepens Involvement in Ukraine War – Jamestown

Saudi Arabia – Iran – Israel

Yechiel M. Leiter scrive che il riavvicinamento dell’Arabia Saudita con l’Iran non contraddice i rapporti di Riyad con Israele – Yechiel M. Leiter writes that Saudi Arabia’s rapprochement with Iran does not contradict Riyadh’s relations with Israel  – Yechiel M. Leiter écrit que le rapprochement de l’Arabie saoudite avec l’Iran n’est pas en contradiction avec les relations de Riyad avec Israël – Saudi-Iran Rapprochement and Saudi-Israel Normalization: No Contradiction Intended (

South Asia – China – India

Genevieve Donnellon-May scrive dell’importanza strategica dell’Asia Meridionale e della crescente rivalità, in vari ambiti, tra Cina e India – Genevieve Donnellon-May writes about the strategic importance of South Asia and the growing rivalry, in various fields, between China and India – Genevieve Donnellon-May s’intéresse à l’importance stratégique de l’Asie du Sud et à la rivalité croissante, dans divers domaines, entre la Chine et l’Inde – India and China’s rivalry is reshaping South Asia | The Strategist (

Syria – Arab League

David Daoud scrive in termini critici della riammissione della Siria nella Lega Araba – David Daoud writes in critical terms of Syria’s readmission to the Arab League – David Daoud critique la réadmission de la Syrie au sein de la Ligue arabe – The Arab League thinks readmitting Syria will push out Iran. They’re wrong. – Atlantic Council


Mark Harrison scrive della competizione politica a Taiwan in vista delle elezioni presidenziali del 2024 – Mark Harrison writes about the political competition in Taiwan ahead of the 2024 presidential election – Mark Harrison s’intéresse à la compétition politique à Taïwan dans la perspective de l’élection présidentielle de 2024 – Get ready to meet the next president of Taiwan | The Strategist (


Özgür Ünlühisarcıklı scrive delle elezioni presidenziali in Turchia, sulla correttezza del loro svolgimento e sulle prospettive – Özgür Ünlühisarcıklı writes about the presidential elections in Turkey, the fairness of their conduct and the prospects – Özgür Ünlühisarcıklı s’exprime sur les élections présidentielles en Turquie, l’équité de leur déroulement et les perspectives – With Erdoğan Just Short of Another Victory, This Election Is Not Over Until It’s Over | Strengthening Transatlantic Cooperation (


Nuray Alekberli-Museyibova scrive dell’apertura del Turmenistan per le forniture di gas all’Europa – Nuray Alekberli-Museyibova writes about the opening of Turmenistan for gas supplies to Europe – Nuray Alekberli-Museyibova parle de l’ouverture du Turkménistan à l’approvisionnement en gaz de l’Europe – Turkmenistan Considers Sending Natural Gas Supplies to Europe – Jamestown


Hannah Abdullah scrive sulla ricostruzione dell’Ucraina, sottolineando l’urgenza di un “Piano Marshall verde” – Hannah Abdullah writes on the reconstruction of Ukraine, emphasising the urgency of a ‘Green Marshall Plan’ – Hannah Abdullah écrit sur la reconstruction de l’Ukraine, soulignant l’urgence d’un “plan Marshall vert” – Ukraine Needs a “Green Marshall Plan” That Empowers Cities and Civil Society | Strengthening Transatlantic Cooperation (


Matt Hourihan, Mark Muro, and Melissa Roberts Chapman scrivono dell’importanza del CHIPS and Science Act e delle difficoltà di bilancio per la sua implementazione – Matt Hourihan, Mark Muro, and Melissa Roberts Chapman write about the importance of the CHIPS and Science Act and the budgetary difficulties for its implementation – Matt Hourihan, Mark Muro et Melissa Roberts Chapman décrivent l’importance du CHIPS and Science Act, ainsi que les difficultés budgétaires liées à sa mise en œuvre – The bold vision of the CHIPS and Science Act isn’t getting the funding it needs (

USA – Africa

Jane Munga scrive della Digital Transformation with Africa Initiative degli USA – Jane Munga writes about the US Digital Transformation with Africa Initiative – Jane Munga s’exprime sur l’initiative américaine Digital Transformation with Africa – How the United States Can Effectively Implement Its New Digital Transformation With Africa Initiative – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

USA – Europe

John Seaman e Agatha Kratz scrivono delle difficoltà nelle relazioni transatlantiche nella divisione tra “atlantisti” e “autonomisti strategici” – John Seaman and Agatha Kratz write about the difficulties in transatlantic relations in the division between ‘atlanticists’ and ‘strategic autonomists’ – John Seaman et Agatha Kratz évoquent les difficultés des relations transatlantiques dans la division entre “atlantistes” et “autonomistes stratégiques” – Strengthening US-EU Cooperation on Technical Standards in an Era of Strategic Competition | Strengthening Transatlantic Cooperation (

USA – South Korea – Japan – China

Seong-ho Sheen and Mireya Solís riflettono sulla cooperazione trilaterale tra Stati Uniti, Corea del Sud e Giappone in materia di sicurezza economica. Focus, la competizione tecnologica con la Cina e le prospettive di coordinamento trilaterale sui controlli delle esportazioni – Seong-ho Sheen and Mireya Solís reflect on trilateral cooperation between the US, South Korea and Japan on economic security. Focus, technology competition with China and prospects for trilateral coordination on export controls – Seong-ho Sheen et Mireya Solís se penchent sur la coopération trilatérale entre les États-Unis, la Corée du Sud et le Japon en matière de sécurité économique. Focus, concurrence technologique avec la Chine et perspectives de coordination trilatérale en matière de contrôle des exportations – How South Korea sees technology competition with China and export controls (


Artificial Intelligence

Darrell M. West scrive che la testimonianza di Sam Altman, CEO di Open AI, presso il Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law dimostra l’importanza dell’intelligenza artificiale generativa – Darrell M. West writes that the testimony of Sam Altman, CEO of Open AI, at the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law demonstrates the importance of generative artificial intelligence – Darrell M. West écrit que le témoignage de Sam Altman, CEO d’Open AI, devant le Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law démontre l’importance de l’intelligence artificielle générative – Senate hearing highlights AI harms and need for tougher regulation (

Rémi Bourgeot riflette sull’ intelligenza artificiale generativa e sulle possibilità di regolamentazione – Rémi Bourgeot reflects on generative artificial intelligence and regulatory possibilities – Rémi Bourgeot réfléchit à l’intelligence artificielle générative et aux possibilités de réglementation – L’IA générative défie les tentatives de régulation politique | IRIS (


Marco Emanuele
Marco Emanuele è appassionato di cultura della complessità, cultura della tecnologia e relazioni internazionali. Approfondisce il pensiero di Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. Marco ha insegnato Evoluzione della Democrazia e Totalitarismi, è l’editor di The Global Eye e scrive per The Science of Where Magazine. Marco Emanuele is passionate about complexity culture, technology culture and international relations. He delves into the thought of Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. He has taught Evolution of Democracy and Totalitarianisms. Marco is editor of The Global Eye and writes for The Science of Where Magazine.

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