Geostrategic magazine (ita-eng-fr, 6 giugno 2023)

Prospettive dai think tank – Perspectives from think tanks – Perspectives des think tanks



Kabir Taneja (ORF) scrive della complessa situazione in Afghanistan e dei rapporti con i talebani come ‘fornitori di sicurezza’ – Kabir Taneja (ORF) writes about the complex situation in Afghanistan and relations with the Taliban as ‘security providers’ – Kabir Taneja (ORF) parle de la situation complexe en Afghanistan et des relations avec les talibans en tant que ‘fournisseurs de sécurité’ – Afghanistan: Costs and concerns of the Taliban as a security provider | ORF (

AUKUS – China

Alexandra Caples, Jamie Gaida e Danielle Cave (The Strategist) scrivono della prevalenza tecnologica di Pechino sui Paesi dell’AUKUS e di come questi ultimi debbano investire sul ‘secondo pilastro’ – Alexandra Caples, Jamie Gaida and Danielle Cave (The Strategist) write about Beijing’s technological dominance over the AUKUS countries and how they need to invest in the ‘second pillar’ – Alexandra Caples, Jamie Gaida et Danielle Cave (The Strategist) écrivent sur la domination technologique de Pékin sur les pays de l’AUKUS et sur la nécessité pour ces derniers d’investir dans le ‘deuxième pilier’ – AUKUS: three partners, two pillars, one problem | The Strategist (

Black Sea

Esperti di World Bank scrivono della necessità di affrontare il crescente inquinamento del Mar Nero, area strategica per lo sviluppo regionale – World Bank experts write about the need to tackle the increasing pollution of the Black Sea, a strategic area for regional development – Les experts de la Banque mondiale soulignent la nécessité de lutter contre la pollution croissante de la mer Noire, une zone stratégique pour le développement régional – Addressing Pollution in the Black Sea (


Jeremy Mark (Atlantic Council) scrive a proposito del de-risking verso la Cina – Jeremy Mark (Atlantic Council) writes about de-risking China – Jeremy Mark (Atlantic Council) écrit sur la réduction des risques liés à la Chine – Investors have been “de-risking” from China for years – Atlantic Council

China – Middle East

Mordechai Chaziza (The National Interest) scrive che la Cina è il maggior investitore straniero in Medio Oriente. Nell’ambito della BRI, sono molto importanti le infrastrutture digitali – Mordechai Chaziza (The National Interest) writes that China is the largest foreign investor in the Middle East. In the context of the BRI, digital infrastructure is very important – Mordechai Chaziza (The National Interest) écrit que la Chine est le plus grand investisseur étranger au Moyen-Orient. Dans le contexte de la BRI, l’infrastructure numérique est très importante – A Decade of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in the Middle East | The National Interest


Srinath Sridharan e Dakshita Das (ORF) scrivono di come l’India stia cercando di bilanciare la necessità di resilienza ai cambiamenti climatici con la necessità di stabilità fiscale – Srinath Sridharan and Dakshita Das (ORF) write about how India is trying to balance the need for resilience to climate change with the need for fiscal stability – Srinath Sridharan et Dakshita Das (ORF) écrivent sur la façon dont l’Inde tente de trouver un équilibre entre le besoin de résilience face au changement climatique et le besoin de stabilité fiscale – Climate twins: Weathering climate actions with fiscal stability | ORF (

Aparna Roy (ORF) scrive del progetto indiano ‘One Health for All’ e del rapporto tra salute pubblica e sostenibilità ambientale – Aparna Roy (ORF) writes about India’s ‘One Health for All’ project and the relationship between public health and environmental sustainability – Aparna Roy (ORF) écrit sur le projet indien ‘One Health for All’ et sur la relation entre la santé publique et la durabilité environnementale – A climate-resilient health system of tomorrow can only be possible if healthcare delivery is made greener | ORF (

India – China – Russia

Nivedita Kapoor (Valdai Discussion Club) scrive della possibilità (per Mosca) di mediare tra Delhi e Pechino – Nivedita Kapoor (Valdai Discussion Club) writes about the possibility (for Moscow) of mediating between Delhi and Beijing – Nivedita Kapoor (Valdai Discussion Club) écrit sur la possibilité (pour Moscou) d’une médiation entre Delhi et Pékin – Can Russia Mediate Between India and China? — Valdai Club

Latin America and the Carribean

Pepe Zhang (Atlantic Council) scrive sulle possibilità per le imprese private di sostenere la ripresa e lo sviluppo sostenibile in America Latina e Caraibi – Pepe Zhang (Atlantic Council) writes on the possibilities for private companies to support recovery and sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean – Pepe Zhang (Atlantic Council) écrit sur les possibilités pour les entreprises privées de soutenir la reprise et le développement durable en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes – Enhancing market size, scalability, and regional integration in Latin America and the Caribbean – Atlantic Council

Middle East

Leon Hadar (The National Interest), partendo dall’ ‘alleanza della periferia’, guarda all’evoluzione dei rapporti tra Israele e i Paesi arabi – Leon Hadar (The National Interest), starting with the ‘alliance of the periphery’, looks at the evolution of relations between Israel and the Arab countries – Leon Hadar (The National Interest), partant de l’ ‘alliance de la périphérie’, examine l’évolution des relations entre Israël et les pays arabes – From the Alliance of the Periphery to a Solidifying the Arab-Israeli Core | The National Interest


Pavel Luzin (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive sui possibili successori di Putin al potere – Pavel Luzin (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about Putin’s possible successors in power – Pavel Luzin (The Jamestown Foundation) écrit sur les successeurs possibles de Poutine au pouvoir – Succession in Russia? – Jamestown

Saudi Arabia

Tobias Borck (RUSI) scrive dell’evoluzione della politica estera di Riyadh – Tobias Borck (RUSI) writes about the evolution of Riyadh’s foreign policy – Tobias Borck (RUSI) écrit sur l’évolution de la politique étrangère de Riyad – Kingdom of Change: Saudi Arabia’s Evolving Foreign Policy | Royal United Services Institute (

Southeast Asia

Benoît Bosquet (World Bank) scrive che il sud-est asiatico è un punto caldo per l’inquinamento da plastica, soprattutto a causa della rapida urbanizzazione, della crescita della classe media e delle infrastrutture sottosviluppate per la gestione dei rifiuti – Benoît Bosquet (World Bank) writes that South-East Asia is a hotspot for plastic pollution, mainly due to rapid urbanisation, a growing middle class and underdeveloped waste management infrastructure – Benoît Bosquet (Banque mondiale) écrit que l’Asie du Sud-Est est un point chaud de la pollution plastique, principalement en raison d’une urbanisation rapide, d’une classe moyenne croissante et d’une infrastructure de gestion des déchets sous-développée –

Natasha Hamilton-Hart (East Asia Forum) scrive delle prospettive per i Paesi del Sud-Est Asiatico nel quadro generale della competizione tra USA e Cina – Natasha Hamilton-Hart (East Asia Forum) writes about the prospects for South East Asian countries in the overall framework of the competition between the US and China – Natasha Hamilton-Hart (East Asia Forum) s’exprime sur les perspectives des pays d’Asie du Sud-Est dans le cadre général de la concurrence entre les États-Unis et la Chine – Geopolitical challenges to Southeast Asian development strategies | East Asia Forum


Galip Dalay (Chatham House) scrive, rispetto al nuovo mandato presidenziale di Erdogan, della crescente integrazione tra politica estera e politica economica – Galip Dalay (Chatham House) writes about the increasing integration of foreign and economic policy in respect of Erdogan’s new presidential term – Galip Dalay (Chatham House) parle de l’intégration croissante de la politique étrangère et de la politique économique dans le cadre du nouveau mandat présidentiel d’Erdogan – How will geopolitics shape Turkey’s international future? | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank


Alexander William Salter (The National Interest) scrive dell’importanza per gli USA di un programma chiamato Commercial Augmentation Space Reserves – Alexander William Salter (The National Interest) writes about the importance for the US of a programme called Commercial Augmentation Space Reserves – Alexander William Salter (The National Interest) écrit sur l’importance pour les États-Unis d’un programme appelé Commercial Augmentation Space Reserves – Does the United States Need a Reserve Space Fleet? | The National Interest


Artificial Intelligence

Esperti del World Economic Forum scrivono della necessità di migliorare la formazione dei gruppi sociali marginalizzati per quanto riguarda le frontiere dell’intelligenza artificiale e l’impatto sul mercato del lavoro – World Economic Forum experts write about the need to improve the education of marginalised social groups regarding the frontiers of artificial intelligence and the impact on the labour market – Les experts du World Economic Forum évoquent la nécessité d’améliorer l’éducation des groupes sociaux marginalisés en ce qui concerne les frontières de l’intelligence artificielle et l’impact sur le marché du travail – Ethical AI requires future-ready, inclusive education system | World Economic Forum (

Economist Intelligence Unit scrive della diffusione dell’intelligenza artificiale nelle attività quotidiane di molti settori e imprese – Economist Intelligence Unit writes about the spread of artificial intelligence in the daily activities of many sectors and companies – L’Economist Intelligence Unit parle de la diffusion de l’intelligence artificielle dans les activités quotidiennes de nombreux secteurs et entreprises – How companies use artificial intelligence – Economist Intelligence Unit (

Environmental Sustainability 

Simon Torkington e Gill Einhorn (WEF) scrivono dei limiti dello sviluppo umano per preservare la resistenza della Terra – Simon Torkington and Gill Einhorn (WEF) write about the limits of human development to preserve the Earth’s resilience – Simon Torkington et Gill Einhorn (WEF) écrivent sur les limites du développement humain pour préserver la résilience de la Terre – Scientists are defining the boundaries of planetary survival | World Economic Forum (

Eleni Kemene (WEF) scrive delle vie possibili per contrastare l’inquinamento da plastica – Eleni Kemene (WEF) writes about possible ways to tackle plastic pollution – Eleni Kemene (WEF) écrit sur les moyens possibles de lutter contre la pollution plastique – Perspectives on plastic pollution and climate change issues | World Economic Forum (

Esperti del think tank ORF scrivono sulle possibilità di mitigare l’inquinamento da materie plastiche – ORF think tank experts write on the possibilities of mitigating plastic pollution – Les experts du think tanks ORF s’expriment sur les possibilités d’atténuer la pollution plastique – Collective action against plastic pollution: A global priority agenda | ORF (

Global Governance

Jenny Gordon (The Interpreter) scrive del ‘consenso di Washington’ rivisto – Jenny Gordon (The Interpreter) writes about the revised ‘Washington Consensus  – Jenny Gordon (The Interpreter) écrit sur la révision du ‘consensus de Washington’ – Two views on the best way forward for the “Washington Consensus” | Lowy Institute

IISS Shangri-La Dialogue

I video del summit 2023 – Videos of the 2023 summit – Vidéos du sommet 2023 – IISS Shangri-La Dialogue 2023 – Asia’s premier defence summit


Marco Emanuele
Marco Emanuele è appassionato di cultura della complessità, cultura della tecnologia e relazioni internazionali. Approfondisce il pensiero di Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. Marco ha insegnato Evoluzione della Democrazia e Totalitarismi, è l’editor di The Global Eye e scrive per The Science of Where Magazine. Marco Emanuele is passionate about complexity culture, technology culture and international relations. He delves into the thought of Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. He has taught Evolution of Democracy and Totalitarianisms. Marco is editor of The Global Eye and writes for The Science of Where Magazine.

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