Prospettive dai think tank – Perspectives from think tanks – Perspectives des think tanks
Chayanika Saxena (ORF) scrive di come affrontare la presenza dei Talebani ponendo al centro la salvaguardia del popolo afghano – Chayanika Saxena (ORF) writes about how to deal with the presence of the Taliban by putting the protection of the Afghan people at the centre – Chayanika Saxena (ORF) explique comment gérer la présence des talibans en plaçant la protection du peuple afghan au centre des préoccupations – The survival discourse and engagement in Afghanistan | ORF (
Ankita Dutta (ORF) scrive della Presidenza norvegese del Consiglio Artico per il periodo 2023-2025 e le conseguenze geostrategiche – Ankita Dutta (ORF) writes about the Norwegian chairmanship of the Arctic Council for the period 2023-2025 and the geostrategic consequences – Ankita Dutta (ORF) écrit sur la présidence norvégienne du Conseil de l’Arctique pour la période 2023-2025 et les conséquences géostratégiques – Norway’s Arctic Council chairship: Priorities vs geopolitics | ORF (
China – Malawi
Raphael Mweninguwe (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive del ruolo chiave della Cina nella modernizzazione del settore agricolo nel Malawi – Raphael Mweninguwe (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about China’s key role in modernising the agricultural sector in Malawi – Raphael Mweninguwe (The Jamestown Foundation) écrit sur le rôle clé de la Chine dans la modernisation du secteur agricole au Malawi – China’s Role in the Modernization of Malawi’s Agriculture Sector – Jamestown
Vessela Tcherneva (ECFR) scrive dell’evoluzione della European Political Community proposta dal Presidente francese Macron – Vessela Tcherneva (ECFR) writes about the evolution of the European Political Community proposed by French President Macron – Vessela Tcherneva (ECFR) écrit sur l’évolution de la European Political Community proposée par le président français Macron – The future of the European Political Community | ECFR
France – China – West
Sine Ozkarasahin (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive dei rapporti di Parigi con Pechino e dell’idea di autonomia strategica europea come ‘alternativa’ alla NATO – Sine Ozkarasahin (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about Paris’ relations with Beijing and the idea of European strategic autonomy as an ‘alternative’ to NATO – Sine Ozkarasahin (The Jamestown Foundation) parle des relations entre Paris et Pékin et de l’idée d’une autonomie stratégique européenne comme “alternative” à l’OTAN – Will France’s China Gamble Endanger Transatlantic Ties? – Jamestown
Srijan Shukla (The Interpreter) scrive delle difficoltà di Delhi nell’intraprendere una politica industriale dinamica – Srijan Shukla (The Interpreter) writes about Delhi’s difficulties in embarking on a dynamic industrial policy – Srijan Shukla (The Interpreter) évoque les difficultés rencontrées par Delhi pour mettre en place une politique industrielle dynamique – Trading up can unlock India’s industrial potential | Lowy Institute
Indian Ocean
Riya Sinha (ORF) scrive dell’importanza dell’Oceano Indiano per i commerci globali e dello sviluppo di un sistema di sportello unico (Single Window System, SWS) – Riya Sinha (ORF) writes about the importance of the Indian Ocean for global trade and the development of a Single Window System (SWS) – Riya Sinha (ORF) écrit sur l’importance de l’océan Indien pour le commerce mondial et le développement d’un Single Window System (SWS) – Developing a regional Single Window System in the Indian Ocean Region | ORF (
Elli-Katharina Pohlkamp (ECFR) scrive del ruolo del Giappone nella regione dell’Asia orientale – Elli-Katharina Pohlkamp (ECFR) writes about Japan’s role in the East Asian region – Elli-Katharina Pohlkamp (ECFR) écrit sur le rôle du Japon dans la région de l’Asie de l’Est – The new central front: Japan’s special role in the West’s strategic rivalry with China | ECFR
Engjellushe Morina (ECFR) scrive della difficile situazione tra Serbia e Kosovo e delle responsabilità di Europa e USA – Engjellushe Morina (ECFR) writes about the difficult situation between Serbia and Kosovo and the responsibilities of Europe and the USA – Engjellushe Morina (ECFR) écrit sur la situation difficile entre la Serbie et le Kosovo et sur les responsabilités de l’Europe et des Etats-Unis – Violence in northern Kosovo: The United States’ failed bet on Serbia | ECFR
Gli esperti del think tank Atlantic Council riflettono sulla delicata situazione in Kosovo – Atlantic Council think tank experts reflect on the delicate situation in Kosovo – Les experts du think tank At – antic Council se penchent sur la situation délicate du Kosovo – Five questions (and expert answers) about the recent clashes in Kosovo – Atlantic Council
Southeast Asia
Esperti del think tank Lowy Institute descrivono la mappa degli aiuti allo sviluppo nella regione del Sud-Est Asiatico – Experts from the Lowy Institute think tank describe the map of development aid in the South East Asian region – Les experts du think tank Lowy Institute décrivent la carte de l’aide au développement dans la région de l’Asie du Sud-Est – Filling the gaps: The Southeast Asia Aid Map | Lowy Institute
Turkey – India
Rajaram Panda (VIF) scrive della vittoria di Erdogan in Turchia e delle prospettive per l’India – Rajaram Panda (VIF) writes about Erdogan’s victory in Turkey and the prospects for India – Rajaram Panda (VIF) écrit sur la victoire d’Erdogan en Turquie et les perspectives pour l’Inde – Erdogan Consolidates Power in Turkey with Third Win: India needs to be Watchful | Vivekananda International Foundation (
Gary Clyde Hufbauer (East Asia Forum) scrive della scelta neo-mercantilista dell’Amministrazione USA. E’ la strada giusta ? – Gary Clyde Hufbauer (East Asia Forum) writes about the US Administration’s neo-mercantilist choice. Is this the right path? – Gary Clyde Hufbauer (East Asia Forum) écrit sur le choix néo-mercantiliste de l’administration américaine. Est-ce la bonne voie ? – Washington’s turn to neo-mercantilism | East Asia Forum
David Dollar (East Asia Forum) scrive del rischio delle spinte protezionistiche nella strategia economica globale USA – David Dollar (East Asia Forum) writes about the risk of protectionist pushes in US global economic strategy – David Dollar (East Asia Forum) écrit sur le risque de poussées protectionnistes dans la stratégie économique mondiale des États-Unis – US protectionism is a flawed strategy | East Asia Forum
Esperti del think tank Brookings discutono l’accordo sul debito USA raggiunto il 2 giugno – Brookings think tank experts discuss the US debt deal reached on 2 June – Les experts du think tank Brookings discutent de l’accord sur la dette américaine conclu le 2 juin – Who won the debt ceiling fight? (
Elaine C. Kamarck (Brookings) descrive il percorso di Trump verso la nomination repubblicana per le prossime presidenziali USA – Elaine C. Kamarck (Brookings) describes Trump’s path to the Republican nomination for the next US presidential election – Elaine C. Kamarck (Brookings) décrit le chemin de Trump vers la nomination républicaine pour la prochaine élection présidentielle américaine – The only way Trump can lose the Republican nomination (
USA – China
Mercedes Page (The Strategist) scrive della recentissima ‘United States government national standards strategy for critical and emerging technology’. Definire gli standard tecnologici a livello globale è questione geostrategica, soprattutto nei rapporti con Pechino – Mercedes Page (The Strategist) writes about the very recent ‘United States government national standards strategy for critical and emerging technology’. Defining global technology standards is a geostrategic issue, especially in relations with Beijing – Mercedes Page (The Strategist) écrit sur la toute récente ‘United States government national standards strategy for critical and emerging technology. La définition de normes technologiques mondiales est une question géostratégique, en particulier dans les relations avec Pékin – Biden’s battle for technology standards | The Strategist (
Graeme Dobell (The Strategist) scrive delle difficoltà di rapporti tra USA e Cina e della necessità di un vero dialogo strategico – Graeme Dobell (The Strategist) writes about the difficulties in US-China relations and the need for a real strategic dialogue – Graeme Dobell (The Strategist) s’exprime sur les difficultés des relations entre les États-Unis et la Chine et sur la nécessité d’un véritable dialogue stratégique – The choppy seas and non-dialogue of US–China relations | The Strategist (
Artificial Intelligence
Esperti del think tank Brookings riflettono sulle possibili modalità di regolamentazione dell’IA generativa – Experts from the Brookings think tank reflect on possible ways to regulate generative AI – Des experts du think tank Brookings réfléchissent aux moyens possibles de réglementer l’IA générative – Around the halls: What should the regulation of generative AI look like? (
Multipolar World
Sergey Mikhnevich (Valdai Discussion Club) scrive dell’evoluzione del BRICS nel quadro della transizione planetaria – Sergey Mikhnevich (Valdai Discussion Club) writes about the evolution of the BRICS in the context of planetary transition – Sergey Mikhnevich (Valdai Discussion Club) écrit sur l’évolution des BRICS dans le contexte de la transition planétaire – ‘The BRICS Path’: Key Aspects and Tasks of Expanding Membership — Valdai Club
Diya Dixit (ORF) scrive delle prospettive del dollaro nel come principale valuta a livello internazionale in un mondo sempre più multipolare – Diya Dixit (ORF) writes about the prospects of the dollar as a major international currency in an increasingly multipolar world – Diya Dixit (ORF) s’interroge sur les perspectives du dollar en tant que principale monnaie internationale dans un monde de plus en plus multipolaire – The mighty dollar: Questioning the role of a monetary hegemon | ORF (
Samir Saran (ORF) scrive della necessità di riformare il Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite – Samir Saran (ORF) writes about the need to reform the UN Security Council – Samir Saran (ORF) écrit sur la nécessité de réformer le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU – The United Nations Security Council is constituted to further the colonisation project | ORF (