Geostrategic magazine (it-en, october 3, 2023)



We are in cooperation with The Science of Where Magazine

Daily from global think tanks

Systemic sustainability (Climate Impact & Action; Migration & Technology; Undersea Cables)

Climate Impact & Action

Dede Sulaeman (World Resources Institute) scrive sulla necessità di salvaguardare le torbiere, tra gli ecosistemi più importanti della Terra. L’Autore sottolinea il fenomeno della ‘subsidenza della torba’

Dede Sulaeman (World Resources Institute) writes about the need to safeguard peatlands, among the most important ecosystems on Earth. The author emphasises the phenomenon of ‘peat subsidence’.

What is Peat Subsidence? | World Resources Institute (

Ruth Townend (Chatham House) scrive sull’importanza di considerare gli effetti climatici ‘a cascata’ che richiedono solidarietà internazionale

Ruth Townend (Chatham House) writes about the importance of considering ‘cascading’ climate effects that require international solidarity

COP28 must tackle climate impacts that cascade over borders | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank

Migration & Technology

Alberto Tagliapietra (GMF) scrive sull’utilizzo delle tecnologie per controllare i movimenti migratori. Mentee gli strumenti tecnologici possono contribuire a realizzare controlli di frontiera più efficienti e accurati, possono anche essere dannosi e violare le libertà e i diritti individuali

Alberto Tagliapietra (GMF) writes about the use of technology to control migratory movements. While technological tools can contribute to more efficient and accurate border controls, they can also be harmful and violate individual freedoms and rights

Technologies and Borders | German Marshall Fund of the United States (

Undersea Cables

Bronte Munro e Iain MacGillivray (ASPI The Strategist) scrivono che, data l’importanza strategica dei cavi sottomarini in diversi ambiti, sarebbe giusto evitare che tale infrastruttura sia vittima delle tensioni geopolitiche

Bronte Munro and Iain MacGillivray (ASPI The Strategist) write that, given the strategic importance of submarine cables in several areas, it would be fair to prevent this infrastructure from falling victim to geopolitical tensions

The US should reconsider using undersea cables as military sensors | The Strategist (

Worlds (BRICS+; Europe/ASEAN; Hungary/Russia; New Caledonia/France; Panama Canal; Slovakia; Turkey/Azerbaijan/Nagorno Karabakh; USA/Africa; USA/China; USA/Turkey; War in Ukraine)


Laura Delgado López (Center for Strategic & International Studies) scrive a proposito dell’allargamento del blocco BRICS e della partita strategica della governance spaziale

Laura Delgado López (Center for Strategic & International Studies) writes about the enlargement of the BRICS bloc and the strategic challenge of space governance

BRICS+ from Above: Why the Space Dimension of the Expanded Alliance Matters (

Europe – ASEAN

Brasukra G Sudjana e Cazadira F Tamzil (East Asia Forum) scrivono dell’impatto del Green Deal europeo (in particolare la European Union Deforestation-Free Regulation e lo European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) sulle economie dei Paesi dell’ASEAN

Brasukra G Sudjana and Cazadira F Tamzil (East Asia Forum) write about the impact of the European Green Deal (in particular the European Union Deforestation-Free Regulation and the European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) on the economies of ASEAN countries

Towards an equitable EU–ASEAN green deal | East Asia Forum

Hungary – Russia

Mateusz Kubiak (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive che l’Ungheria continua la cooperazione con Mosca sulla produzione di energia nucleare. Ciò, inevitabilmente, pone un problema all’Europa rispetto alla Russia

Mateusz Kubiak (The Jamestown Foundation) writes that Hungary continues its cooperation with Moscow on nuclear energy production. This, inevitably, poses a problem for Europe in relation to Russia

Hungary Reiterates Commitment to Nuclear Cooperation with Russia – Jamestown

New Caledonia – France

Denise Fisher (Lowy The Interpreter) scrive come l’elezione del leader pro-indipendenza Robert Xowie (Nuova Caledonia) al Senato francese rappresenti un evento storico, non solo per l’area del Pacifico. L’Autrice nota che il silenzio di Paesi come l’Australia potrebbe diventare insostenibile quando i partiti indipendentisti cercheranno di sostenere processi democratici imparziali, esercitando pressioni all’interno dell’arcipelago

Denise Fisher (Lowy The Interpreter) writes how the election of pro-independence leader Robert Xowie (New Caledonia) to the French Senate represents a historic event, not only for the Pacific Rim. She notes that the silence of countries like Australia could become untenable when independence parties try to support non-partisan democratic processes by exerting pressure within the archipelago

New Caledonia: Independence leader wins French Senate seat over Macron favourite | Lowy Institute

Panama Canal

Diana Roy (Council on Foreign Relations) scrive di come il basso livello delle acque abbia provocato un ingorgo in uno dei passaggi marittimi più trafficati del mondo, il Canale di Panama. Ciò dimostra come l’accelerazione del cambiamento climatico stia minacciando le catene di approvvigionamento globali

Diana Roy (Council on Foreign Relations) writes about how low water levels have caused gridlock in one of the world’s busiest sea passages, the Panama Canal. This shows how accelerating climate change is threatening global supply chains

What’s Causing the Panama Canal Logjam | Council on Foreign Relations (


Daniel Hegedüs (GMF) scrive a proposito della vittoria dell’ex Primo Ministro Fico e del partito Smer e delle possibili soluzioni per la formazione del governo

Daniel Hegedüs (GMF) writes about the victory of former Prime Minister Fico and the Smer party and possible solutions for government formation

Slovakia’s Challenge Starts Now | German Marshall Fund of the United States (

Turkey – Azerbaijan – Nagorno Karabakh

Fuad Shahbazov (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive sul sostegno della Turchia alle operazioni azere nel Nagorno Karabakh. Sono in gioco gli interessi regionali di Ankara, soprattutto per quanto riguarda il futuro sviluppo e l’apertura del Corridoio Zangezur

Fuad Shahbazov (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about Turkey’s support for Azerbaijani operations in Nagorno Karabakh. Ankara’s regional interests are at stake, especially with regard to the future development and opening of the Zangezur Corridor

Turkey Supports Azerbaijan’s Operation in Karabakh – Jamestown

USA – Africa

Zainab Usman e Alexander Csanadi (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) scrivono delle sinergie tra lo sviluppo di nuove catene di approvvigionamento di energia pulita da parte di Washington e il riorientamento delle relazioni economiche e strategiche degli Stati Uniti con l’Africa

Zainab Usman and Alexander Csanadi (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) write about the synergies between Washington’s development of new clean energy supply chains and the reorientation of US economic and strategic relations with Africa

How Can African Countries Participate in U.S. Clean Energy Supply Chains? – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

USA – China

Joseph S. Nye (ASPI The Strategist – Project Syndicate) scrive della competizione tra USA e Cina e che se gli Stati Uniti mantengono le loro alleanze ed evitano la demonizzazione e le analogie storiche fuorvianti, la ‘rivalità cooperativa’ con Pechino sarà un obiettivo sostenibile

Joseph S. Nye (ASPI The Strategist – Project Syndicate) writes of the competition between the US and China and that if the US maintains its alliances and avoids demonisation and misleading historical analogies, ‘cooperative rivalry’ with Beijing will be a sustainable goal

China and America are not destined for war | The Strategist (

USA – Turkey

Grady Wilson (Atlantic Council) scrive a proposito dell’annuncio delle dimissioni temporanee del Presidente della Commissione Esteri del Senato degli Stati Uniti, Robert Menendez, e della possibilità che si riapra la partita strategica per la vendita degli F-16 da parte di Washington alla Turchia

Grady Wilson (Atlantic Council) writes about the announcement of the temporary resignation of the Chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Robert Menendez, and the possibility that the event could reopen the strategic Washington’s sale of F-16s to Turkey

How the Menendez scandal could end up with Turkey getting F-16s—and Sweden getting into NATO – Atlantic Council

War in Ukraine

Il think tank Brookings (a cura di Michael E. O’Hanlon, Constanze Stelzenmüller e David Wessel) avvia il progetto ‘Ukraine Index’. Lo scopo è fornire informazioni aggiornate su parametri chiave come le vittime civili, gli aiuti occidentali e le sfide economiche dell’Ucraina

The Brookings think tank (edited by Michael E. O’Hanlon, Constanze Stelzenmüller and David Wessel) launches the ‘Ukraine Index’ project. The aim is to provide up-to-date information on key parameters such as civilian casualties, Western aid and Ukraine’s economic challenges

Ukraine Index | Brookings

Pavel K. Baev (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive delle difficoltà economiche e sociali che stanno ponendo seri problemi alle prospettive russe di prevalere nella guerra in Ucraina. L’Autore sostiene la necessità di un sostegno occidentale continuo alle forze di Kiev

Pavel K. Baev (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about the economic and social difficulties that are posing serious problems for Russian prospects of prevailing in the war in Ukraine. The author argues for continued Western support for the forces in Kiev

Winter in the Long War Is Coming for Russia – Jamestown

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