Geostrategic magazine (it-en-fr, 17 june 2023)

Perspectives from think tanks

Avventura, Mappa Del Tesoro

Topics – Systemic Sustainability

Circular Economy

Esperti del think tank Chatham House scrivono che tassonomie della finanza sostenibile, sistemi di classificazione condivisi per definire gli investimenti sostenibili dal punto di vista ambientale, potrebbero contribuire a sbloccare gli investimenti aggiuntivi necessari per colmare il divario tra le risorse a favore dell’economia circolare e quelli destinati all’economia lineare – Experts from the think tank Chatham House write that taxonomies of sustainable finance, shared classification systems to define environmentally sustainable investments, could help unlock the additional investment needed to close the gap between resources for the circular economy and those for the linear economy – Les experts du groupe de réflexion Chatham House écrivent que les taxonomies de la finance durable, des systèmes de classification partagés pour définir les investissements durables sur le plan environnemental, pourraient aider à débloquer les investissements supplémentaires nécessaires pour combler l’écart entre les ressources destinées à l’économie circulaire et celles destinées à l’économie linéaire – Making sustainable finance taxonomies work for the circular economy | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank

Un report G20-T20 approfondisce il ruolo fondamentale del G20 nella promozione della sostenibilità e di iniziative come la Circular Carbon Economy (CCE) e il quadro LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) – A G20-T20 report explores the key role of the G20 in promoting sustainability and initiatives such as the Circular Carbon Economy (CCE) and the Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE) framework – Un rapport G20-T20 explore le rôle clé du G20 dans la promotion de la durabilité et d’initiatives telles que l’économie circulaire du carbone (CCE) et le cadre du mode de vie pour l’environnement (LiFE) – Integrating the Circular Carbon Economy and LiFE Frameworks to Promote Sustainable Consumption | ThinkTwenty (T20) India 2023 – Official Engagement Group of G20 (

Exchange Rate Volatility

Un report G20-T20 analizza come un regime di tassi di cambio adeguato e una regolamentazione prudenziale nazionale e internazionale sui flussi di capitale transfrontalieri possano ridurre la volatilità dei tassi di cambio – A G20-T20 report analyses how an appropriate exchange rate regime and prudential national and international regulation of cross-border capital flows can reduce exchange rate volatility – Un rapport du G20-T20 analyse comment un régime de change approprié et une réglementation prudentielle nationale et internationale des flux de capitaux transfrontaliers peuvent réduire la volatilité des taux de change – Exchange Rate Volatility and its Impact on Borrowing Costs | ThinkTwenty (T20) India 2023 – Official Engagement Group of G20 (

Human Trafficking

John Cotton Richmond (Atlantic Council)  segnala che, se esistono 27,6 milioni di vittime e i governi ne identificano solo 115.324, il mondo identifica solo meno della metà dell’1% delle vittime stimate (0,4%). Ciò significa che il 99,6% delle vittime rimane intrappolato dai trafficanti. Richmond suggerisce azioni ai governi – John Cotton Richmond (Atlantic Council) points out that if there are 27.6 million victims and governments only identify 115,324, the world only identifies less than half of one per cent of the estimated victims (0.4 per cent). This means that 99.6% of victims are trapped by traffickers. Richmond suggests action to governments – John Cotton Richmond (Atlantic Council) souligne que s’il y a 27,6 millions de victimes et que les gouvernements n’en identifient que 115 324, le monde n’identifie que moins de la moitié d’un pour cent des victimes estimées (0,4 %). Cela signifie que 99,6 % des victimes sont piégées par les trafiquants. Richmond propose des actions aux gouvernements – Less than half of 1 percent of human trafficking victims are identified. That needs to change. – Atlantic Council


Un report di G20-T20 analizza come la blockchain e l’Internet of Things (IoT) possono aiutare la gestione dell’approvvigionamento di acqua potabile. Il focus, in particolare, è su alcuni Paesi del G20: Sudafrica, Corea del Sud, Giappone, India e Indonesia. I risultati mostrano che l’IoT e la blockchain possono essere implementate con successo in aree caratterizzate da scarsità d’acqua in presenza di un sostegno governativo, di investimenti pubblici e privati e di un’elevata cooperazione locale e internazionale – A G20-T20 report analyses how blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT) can help the management of drinking water supply. The focus, in particular, is on some G20 countries: South Africa, South Korea, Japan, India and Indonesia. The results show that IoT and blockchain can be successfully implemented in water-scarce areas in the presence of government support, public and private investment, and high local and international cooperation – Un rapport G20-T20 analyse comment la blockchain et l’Internet of Things (IoT) peuvent contribuer à la gestion de l’approvisionnement en eau potable. L’accent est mis, en particulier, sur certains pays du G20 : l’Afrique du Sud, la Corée du Sud, le Japon, l’Inde et l’Indonésie. Les résultats montrent que l’IoT et la blockchain peuvent être mis en œuvre avec succès dans les régions où l’eau est rare en présence d’un soutien gouvernemental, d’investissements publics et privés et d’une forte coopération locale et internationale – Blockchain and IoT for Drinking Water in G20 Countries: A Game-Changing Opportunity | ThinkTwenty (T20) India 2023 – Official Engagement Group of G20 (

Alex Engler (Brookings) scrive che la proposta del Parlamento centralizzerebbe la supervisione dell’IA in un’agenzia per ogni Stato membro, ampliando al contempo il ruolo di un Ufficio di coordinamento dell’IA, un cambiamento fondamentale rispetto alla Commissione e al Consiglio. Tutte e tre le proposte mirano a creare un ecosistema di controllo dell’IA. Il successo della legge europea sull’IA dipenderà da una struttura di applicazione ben concepita – Alex Engler (Brookings) writes that the Parliament’s proposal would centralise AI supervision in one agency per member state, while expanding the role of an AI Coordination Office, a fundamental change from the Commission and the Council. All three proposals aim to create an ecosystem of AI supervision. The success of European AI law will depend on a well-designed implementation structure – Alex Engler (Brookings) écrit que la proposition du Parlement centraliserait la supervision de l’IA dans une agence par Etat membre, tout en élargissant le rôle d’un bureau de coordination de l’IA, un changement fondamental par rapport à la Commission et au Conseil. Les trois propositions visent à créer un écosystème de supervision de l’IA. Le succès de la législation européenne sur l’IA dépendra d’une structure de mise en œuvre bien conçue – Key enforcement issues of the AI Act should lead EU trilogue debate (

Esperti del think tank Atlantic Council riflettono sul recente progetto di legge approvato dal Parlamento europeo sui requisiti di trasparenza all’uso dell’intelligenza artificiale nei ventisette Paesi del blocco. I  legislatori si sono concentrati sulle preoccupazioni relative alla sorveglianza biometrica e alle informazioni sull’IA generativa come ChatGPT. Come si svilupperà l’ ‘effetto Bruxelles’  ? – Experts from the think tank Atlantic Council reflect on the recent draft law passed by the European Parliament on transparency requirements for the use of artificial intelligence in the bloc’s twenty-seven countries. Legislators focused on concerns about biometric surveillance and information on generative AI such as ChatGPT. How will the ‘Brussels effect’ develop? – Des experts du think tank Atlantic Council se penchent sur le récent projet de loi adopté par le Parlement européen sur les exigences de transparence pour l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle dans les vingt-sept pays de l’Union européenne. Les législateurs se sont concentrés sur les préoccupations relatives à la surveillance biométrique et à l’information sur l’IA générative telle que ChatGPT. Comment l'”effet Bruxelles” va-t-il se développer ? – The world’s regulatory superpower is taking on a regulatory nightmare: artificial intelligence – Atlantic Council


India – Pakistan

Sarral Sharma (ORF) scrive sulla scelta del ‘no-reaction approach’ dell’India rispetto al Pakistan, delle trasformazioni in corso a Islamabad e delle possibili prospettive tra i due Paesi vicini – Sarral Sharma (ORF) writes about India’s ‘no-reaction approach’ vis-à-vis Pakistan, the ongoing transformations in Islamabad and the possible perspectives between the two neighbouring countries – Sarral Sharma (ORF) écrit sur l’approche de non-réaction de l’Inde vis-à-vis du Pakistan, les transformations en cours à Islamabad et les perspectives possibles entre les deux pays voisins – Understanding India’s silence on the political crisis in Pakistan | ORF (


Jordan Kyle and Danielle Resnick (Brookings) analizzano, focalizzandosi sul caso del Nepal, le dinamiche di riforma costituzionale dopo la fine di guerre civili – Jordan Kyle and Danielle Resnick (Brookings) analyse, focusing on the case of Nepal, the dynamics of constitutional reform after the end of civil wars – Jordan Kyle et Danielle Resnick (Brookings) analysent, en se concentrant sur le cas du Népal, la dynamique de la réforme constitutionnelle après la fin des guerres civiles – Building popular support for post-conflict constitutions: Lessons from Nepal (


D P Srivastava (Vivekananda International Foundation) analizza criticamente il bilancio del Pakistan per il 2023-24. Con un aumento crescente delle spese per la difesa, ben poco viene assegnato ai programmi sociali (con una situazione economica allarmante). Moody’s ha dichiarato che il Pakistan potrebbe non essere in grado di completare il programma del FMI, “avvicinando il Paese a un default sovrano” – D P Srivastava (Vivekananda International Foundation) critically analyses Pakistan’s budget for 2023-24. With increasing defence spending, very little is allocated to social programmes (with an alarming economic situation). Moody’s stated that Pakistan may not be able to complete the IMF programme, ‘bringing the country closer to a sovereign default’ – D P Srivastava (Vivekananda International Foundation) analyse de manière critique le budget du Pakistan pour 2023-24. Les dépenses de défense augmentent, mais très peu de fonds sont alloués aux programmes sociaux (alors que la situation économique est alarmante). Moody’s a déclaré que le Pakistan pourrait ne pas être en mesure d’achever le programme du FMI, “rapprochant le pays d’un défaut de paiement souverain” – Pakistan’s Deepening Crisis and Budget | Vivekananda International Foundation (


Juan Felix, Ferdinand Sanchez II e Nicole Curato scrivono delle strategie in campo nelle Filippine contro il fenomeno dilagante della disinformazione – Juan Felix, Ferdinand Sanchez II and Nicole Curato write about strategies in the Philippines against the rampant phenomenon of disinformation – Juan Felix, Ferdinand Sanchez II et Nicole Curato décrivent les stratégies mises en œuvre aux Philippines pour lutter contre le phénomène rampant de la désinformation – Creatives as frontliners in the Philippines’ fight against disinformation | East Asia Foru (

Singapore’s global perspective

Il Ministro degli Esteri di Singapore Vivian Balakrishnan discute delle relazioni tra Singapore e gli Stati Uniti, del futuro dell’ASEAN e della sua importanza geopolitica ed economica, del commercio internazionale e delle tendenze economiche, del ruolo dei piccoli Stati nell’ordine internazionale basato sulle regole e delle relazioni tra Stati Uniti e Cina – Singapore’s Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan discusses Singapore-US relations, the future of ASEAN and its geopolitical and economic importance, international trade and economic trends, the role of small states in the rules-based international order, and US-China relations – Le ministre des affaires étrangères de Singapore, Vivian Balakrishnan, évoque les relations entre Singapour et les États-Unis, l’avenir de l’ANASE et son importance géopolitique et économique, les tendances économiques et commerciales internationales, le rôle des petits États dans l’ordre international fondé sur des règles et les relations entre les États-Unis et la Chine – A Conversation With Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan of Singapore | Council on Foreign Relations (


Orysia Lutsevych (Chatham House) scrive dell’importanza del coinvolgimento delle organizzazioni della società civile ucraina per la ricostruzione del Paese – Orysia Lutsevych (Chatham House) writes about the importance of involving Ukrainian civil society organisations in the reconstruction of the country – Orysia Lutsevych (Chatham House) écrit sur l’importance d’impliquer les organisations de la société civile ukrainienne dans la reconstruction du pays – Giving civil society a stake in Ukraine’s recovery | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank

USA – China

Il think tank Council on Foreign Relations propone un excursus storico dei rapporti complessi tra Cina e USA dal 1949 a oggi – The think tank Council on Foreign Relations offers a historical overview of the complex relations between China and the US from 1949 to the present day – Le think tank Council on Foreign Relations propose un aperçu historique des relations complexes entre la Chine et les États-Unis de 1949 à nos jours – Timeline: U.S.-China Relations (

USA – India

Manoj Joshi (ORF) scrive della prossima visita del premier indiano Modi in India. Il focus sarà sul rafforzamento della partnership particolarmente nel campo delle tecnologie per la difesa, a partire dalla Initiative for Critical and Emerging Technologies (iCET) e nel quadro del ‘nuovo’ Consenso di Washington – Manoj Joshi (ORF) writes about Indian PM Modi’s upcoming visit to India. The focus will be on strengthening the partnership particularly in the field of defence technologies, starting with the Initiative for Critical and Emerging Technologies (iCET) and within the framework of the ‘new’ Washington Consensus – Manoj Joshi (ORF) parle de la prochaine visite du Premier ministre indien Modi en Inde. L’accent sera mis sur le renforcement du partenariat, en particulier dans le domaine des technologies de défense, en commençant par l’ Initiative for Critical and Emerging Technologies (iCET) et dans le cadre du “nouveau” consensus de Washington – Modi’s visit to the US | ORF (

Vivek Mishra e Vivek Mishra (ORF) scrivono della visita in India (4 e 5 giugno) del Segretario alla Difesa degli Stati Uniti, Lloyd Austin per  rafforzare l’importante partenariato nel campo della difesa e promuovere la cooperazione in settori critici. Modi sarà a Washington il 22 giugno. Molti aspetti strategici sono in gioco: la Cina è sullo sfondo – Vivek Mishra and Vivek Mishra (ORF) write about US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin’s visit to India (4 and 5 June) to strengthen the important defence partnership and promote cooperation in critical areas. Modi will be in Washington on 22 June. Many strategic issues are at stake: China is in the background – Vivek Mishra et Vivek Mishra (ORF) parlent de la visite du secrétaire américain à la défense, Lloyd Austin, en Inde (4 et 5 juin) pour renforcer l’important partenariat de défense et promouvoir la coopération dans des domaines critiques. Modi sera à Washington le 22 juin. De nombreuses questions stratégiques sont en jeu : la Chine est en arrière-plan – Jumpstarting the next phase of U.S.-India defence ties | ORF (

War in Ukraine

Darya Dolzikova e Jack Watling (War on the Rocks) scrivono sui possibili rischi per la centrale nucleare di Zaporizhzhia – Darya Dolzikova and Jack Watling (War on the Rocks) write about the possible risks to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant – Darya Dolzikova et Jack Watling (War on the Rocks) écrivent sur les risques possibles pour la centrale nucléaire de Zaporizhzhia – Securing Zaporizhzhia with Diplomacy and Deterrence – War on the Rocks

Riley McCabe Alexander Palmer and Joseph S. Bermudez Jr. (CSIS) scrive dell’impatto della parziale distruzione della diga di Kakhovka sulla controffensiva ucraina – Riley McCabe , Alexander Palmer and Joseph S. Bermudez Jr. (CSIS) write about the impact of the partial destruction of the Kakhovka dam on the Ukrainian counteroffensive – Riley McCabe , Alexander Palmer et Joseph S. Bermudez Jr. (CSIS) écrivent sur l’impact de la destruction partielle du barrage de Kakhovka sur la contre-offensive ukrainienne – The Impact of the Kakhovka Dam Breach on the New Ukrainian Counteroffensive (

Published analyses do not necessarily correspond to the strategic line of The Global Eye

Marco Emanuele
Marco Emanuele è appassionato di cultura della complessità, cultura della tecnologia e relazioni internazionali. Approfondisce il pensiero di Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. Marco ha insegnato Evoluzione della Democrazia e Totalitarismi, è l’editor di The Global Eye e scrive per The Science of Where Magazine. Marco Emanuele is passionate about complexity culture, technology culture and international relations. He delves into the thought of Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. He has taught Evolution of Democracy and Totalitarianisms. Marco is editor of The Global Eye and writes for The Science of Where Magazine.

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