Prospettive dai think tank – Perspectives from think tanks – Perspectives des think tanks
Arctic – Russia – China
John C.K. Daly (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive che le sanzioni occidentali e i cambiamenti climatici stanno spingendo Mosca a realizzare un sogno che risale a tre secoli fa, all’epoca dello zar Pietro il Grande: una rotta interamente navigabile dal Mare di Barents al Pacifico attraverso le acque costiere russe dell’Artico. Il progetto della Northern Sea Route è strategico anche per Pechino – John C.K. Daly (The Jamestown Foundation) writes that Western sanctions and climate change are pushing Moscow to realise a dream that dates back three centuries to the time of Tsar Peter the Great: a fully navigable route from the Barents Sea to the Pacific via Russia’s Arctic coastal waters. The Northern Sea Route project is also strategic for Beijing – John C.K. Daly (The Jamestown Foundation) écrit que les sanctions occidentales et le changement climatique poussent Moscou à réaliser un rêve qui remonte à trois siècles, à l’époque du tsar Pierre le Grand : une route entièrement navigable de la mer de Barents au Pacifique via les eaux côtières de l’Arctique russe. Le projet Northern Sea Route est également stratégique pour Pékin – Russia Planning Year-Round Navigation of Northern Sea Route in Early 2024 – Jamestown
Artificial Intelligence
Sebastian Mallaby e Janet Haven (CFR) discutono del futuro dell’intelligenza artificiale e dei suoi impatti, tra opportunità e rischi – Sebastian Mallaby and Janet Haven (CFR) discuss the future of artificial intelligence and its impacts, between opportunities and risks – Sebastian Mallaby et Janet Haven (CFR) discutent de l’avenir de l’intelligence artificielle et de ses impacts, entre opportunités et risques – AI Meets World, Part One | Council on Foreign Relations (
Peyman Asadzade (Middle East Institute) scrive della diffusione dell’ ‘Asse della Resistenza’ dall’Iran nell’Asia Centrale. L’Autore scrive del gruppo azero Hoseyniyun, ancora in parte sconosciuto – Peyman Asadzade (Middle East Institute) writes about the spread of the ‘Axis of Resistance’ from Iran into Central Asia. The author writes about the still partly unknown Azerbaijani group Hoseyniyun – Peyman Asadzade (Middle East Institute) parle de la propagation de l'”axe de la résistance” de l’Iran vers l’Asie centrale. L’auteur parle du groupe azerbaïdjanais Hoseyniyun, encore partiellement inconnu – Azerbaijan’s Hoseyniyun: The prospects and challenges of a Caucasus Hezbollah | Middle East Institute (
Il think tank GLOBSEC analizza la trasformazione della ‘Zeitenwende’, politica di difesa tedesca, dopo la guerra della Russia in Ucraina – GLOBSEC think tank analyses the transformation of the ‘Zeitenwende’, German defence policy, after Russia’s war in Ukraine – Le think tank GLOBSEC analyse la transformation de la “Zeitenwende”, la politique de défense allemande, après la guerre de la Russie en Ukraine – How Committed is Germany to a Zeitenwende in Defence? | GLOBSEC – A Global Think Tank: Ideas Shaping the World
Raz Zimmt (INSS) scrive della grave crisi che colpisce, non da oggi, i fondi pensione iraniani e della possibilità di nuove rivolte di piazza – Raz Zimmt (INSS) writes about the serious crisis affecting Iranian pension funds and the possibility of further street riots – Raz Zimmt (INSS) parle de la grave crise qui affecte les fonds de pension iraniens et de la possibilité de nouvelles émeutes dans les rues – The Pensioners’ Protests and the Crisis of the Pension Funds in Iran | INSS
Il report quotidiano a cura dell’Institute for the Study of War – The daily report by the Institute for the Study of War – Le rapport quotidien de l’Institute for the Study of War – Iran Update, June 12, 2023 | Institute for the Study of War (
Iran – USA – Israel
Yoni Ben Menachem (JCPA) scrive dei dubbi di Israele, e dei rischi conseguenti, su un possibile nuovo accordo sul nucleare tra USA e Iran – Yoni Ben Menachem (JCPA) writes about Israel’s doubts, and the consequent risks, about a possible new nuclear agreement between the US and Iran – Yoni Ben Menachem (JCPA) écrit sur les doutes d’Israël, et les risques qui en découlent, concernant un éventuel nouvel accord nucléaire entre les États-Unis et l’Iran – A New Iranian Nuclear Agreement Poses a Threat to Israel (
Israel – China
Adi Ben Eli e Ori Sela (INSS) scrivono della copertura cinese delle rivolte in Israele contro la proposta di riforma giudiziaria. Gli autori sottolineano l’importanza per Israele della relazione con Pechino e dell’importanza di migliorare la sua immagine sui media cinesi – Adi Ben Eli and Ori Sela (INSS) write about the Chinese coverage of the riots in Israel against the proposed judicial reform. The authors stress the importance for Israel of its relationship with Beijing and the importance of improving its image in the Chinese media – Adi Ben Eli et Ori Sela (INSS) écrivent sur la couverture chinoise des émeutes en Israël contre la réforme judiciaire proposée. Les auteurs soulignent l’importance pour Israël de ses relations avec Pékin et l’importance d’améliorer son image dans les médias chinois – China and the Judicial Reform in Israel | INSS
Middle East
Il ‘monday morning’ del Middle East Institute – The Middle East Institute’s ‘monday morning’ – Le ‘monday morning’ du Middle East Institute – Monday Briefing: Iraq passes a massive, controversial budget bill | Middle East Institute (
Charles Barry (Atlantic Council) scrive sul prossimo Segretario Generale della NATO – Charles Barry (Atlantic Council) writes on the next NATO Secretary General – Charles Barry (Conseil Atlantique) écrit sur le prochain secrétaire général de l’OTAN – Should NATO extend Stoltenberg’s term as leader? – Atlantic Council
Systemic Sustainability – Climate action
C40 pubblica una dichiarazione dei sindaci di New York, Montréal, Toronto, Washington DC e Philadelphia – C40 publishes a statement by the mayors of New York, Montréal, Toronto, Washington DC and Philadelphia – C40 publie une déclaration des maires de New York, Montréal, Toronto, Washington DC et Philadelphie – C40 North America mayors’ response to wildfires and air quality crisis in the region – C40 Cities
Systemic Sustainability – Debt
Brahima S. Coulibaly e Wafa Abedin (G20-T20) scrivono di un ‘Brady Plan 2.0’ per affrontare il problema del debito nei Paesi in via di sviluppo – Brahima S. Coulibaly and Wafa Abedin (G20-T20) write about a ‘Brady Plan 2.0’ to tackle the debt problem in developing countries – Brahima S. Coulibaly et Wafa Abedin (G20-T20) parlent d’un ‘Brady Plan 2.0’ pour s’attaquer au problème de la dette dans les pays en développement – A Proposed ‘Brady Plan 2.0’ to Avert Sovereign Debt Crises in the Developing World | ThinkTwenty (T20) India 2023 – Official Engagement Group of G20 (
Il think tank GLOBSEC pubblica un policy brief che delinea alcuni elementi chiave della partecipazione del settore privato alle difese informatiche dell’Ucraina dopo l’invasione russa del febbraio 2022 – The think tank GLOBSEC publishes a policy brief outlining some key elements of private sector participation in Ukraine’s cyber defence after the Russian invasion in February 2022 – Le think tank GLOBSEC publie une note d’information sur les éléments clés de la participation du secteur privé à la cyberdéfense de l’Ukraine après l’invasion russe de février 2022 – Ukraine’s cyber defence: Insights on private sector contributions since the Russian invasion | GLOBSEC – A Global Think Tank: Ideas Shaping the World
Lavea Brachman, Joseph Parilla, Glencora Haskins e A.J. Herrmann (Brookings) scrivono dell’applicazione del American Rescue Plan Act lanciato nel marzo 2021 – Lavea Brachman, Joseph Parilla, Glencora Haskins and A.J. Herrmann (Brookings) write about the implementation of the American Rescue Plan Act launched in March 2021 – Lavea Brachman, Joseph Parilla, Glencora Haskins et A.J. Herrmann (Brookings) écrivent sur la mise en œuvre de l’American Rescue Plan Act lancé en mars 2021 – From recovery to revitalization: How local leaders are unlocking the potential of the American Rescue Plan (
USA – China – Taiwan – Israel
Ori Sela (INSS) inquadra il tema di Taiwan nella strategia cinese ‘One China’. Come evolveranno i rapporti tra USA e Cina e quale potrà essere il ruolo di Israele tra le due superpotenze ? – Ori Sela (INSS) frames the issue of Taiwan in China’s ‘One China’ strategy. How will the relationship between the US and China evolve and what role can Israel play between the two superpowers? – Ori Sela (INSS) aborde la question de Taïwan dans le cadre de la stratégie ‘One China’. Comment évolueront les relations entre les États-Unis et la Chine et quel rôle Israël peut-il jouer entre les deux superpuissances ? – China–Taiwan–United States: The Threat Triangle | INSS
War in Ukraine
Pavel Luzin (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive che il Cremlino sta combattendo contro il fattore tempo per reclutare il restante 45% del numero previsto di soldati di leva. In ogni caso, per i vertici militari russi è diventato molto più difficile mantenere l’attuale sistema di coscrizione. Di fronte alla controffensiva ucraina, il Cremlino potrebbe adottare misure straordinarie come la mobilitazione su larga scala – Pavel Luzin (The Jamestown Foundation) writes that the Kremlin is fighting the time factor to recruit the remaining 45% of the planned number of conscripts. In any case, it has become much more difficult for the Russian military leadership to maintain the current conscription system. Faced with the Ukrainian counteroffensive, the Kremlin could take extraordinary measures such as large-scale mobilisation – Pavel Luzin (The Jamestown Foundation) écrit que le Kremlin lutte contre le facteur temps pour recruter les 45% restants du nombre prévu de conscrits. Quoi qu’il en soit, il est devenu beaucoup plus difficile pour les dirigeants militaires russes de maintenir le système de conscription actuel. Face à la contre-offensive ukrainienne, le Kremlin pourrait prendre des mesures extraordinaires telles qu’une mobilisation à grande échelle – Tricky Recruiting in Russia: 2023 Spring Conscripts and Volunteers – Jamestown
Pavel K. Baev (The Jamestown Foundation) riflette sulla distruzione della diga di Kakhovka, sulle responsabilità per l’accaduto e, guardando alle prospettive della guerra, sul ruolo dei Paesi del Sud globale – Pavel K. Baev (The Jamestown Foundation) reflects on the destruction of the Kakhovka dam, the responsibility for what happened and, looking at the prospects of the war, the role of the countries of the global South – Pavel K. Baev (The Jamestown Foundation) réfléchit à la destruction du barrage de Kakhovka, à la responsabilité de ce qui s’est passé et, dans la perspective de la guerre, au rôle des pays du Sud – The Counteroffensive, the Dam and the Proliferation of ‘Peace Plans’ – Jamestown
Institute for the Study of War, attraverso una mappa interattiva, mostra come la distruzione della diga della centrale idroelettrica di Kakhovka sta trasformando la geografia e la topografia del fronte di Kherson, nell’Ucraina meridionale – Institute for the Study of War, through an interactive map, shows how the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station dam is transforming the geography and topography of the Kherson front in southern Ukraine – L’Institute for Study of War montre, à l’aide d’une carte interactive, comment la destruction du barrage de la centrale hydroélectrique de Kakhovka transforme la géographie et la topographie du front de Kherson, dans le sud de l’Ukraine – Interactive Map: Visualizing Flooding in Kherson, Ukraine | Institute for the Study of War (
Il report quotidiano a cura dell’Institute for the Study of War – The daily report by the Institute for the Study of War – Le rapport quotidien de l’Institute for the Study of War – Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 12, 2023 | Institute for the Study of War (