The Global Eye’s geostrategic magazine comprises two macro-sections: systemic sustainability and worlds (geostrategies).
Global Eye in dialogue:
In cooperation with The Science of Where Magazine
World Resources Institute scrive del primo Global Stocktake che sarà condotto dalle Nazioni Unite alla COP28 di Dubai. Si tratta di un acceleratore globale per introdurre azioni trasformative contro i cambiamenti climatici
World Resources Institute writes about the first Global Stocktake to be conducted by the United Nations at COP28 in Dubai. This is a global accelerator to introduce transformative actions against climate change
Elements for the First Global Stocktake Outcome | World Resources Institute (
Theodore Murphy (European Council on Foreign Relations) scrive, guardando ai recenti colpi di Stato in Africa, dell’affermazione di medie potenze assertive nel panorama internazionale, tra un vecchio ordine in disfacimento e un altro ordine che ancora non è emerso
Theodore Murphy (European Council on Foreign Relations) writes, looking at the recent coups in Africa, of the assertion of assertive middle powers in the international landscape, between an old order in shambles and another order that has yet to emerge
Middle powers, big impact: Africa’s ‘coup belt,’ Russia, and the waning global order | ECFR
Alexandre Marc (Institut Montaigne) scrive su difficoltà economiche, allontanamento dalla democrazia, disuguaglianze, richieste identitarie e securitarie
Alexandre Marc (Institut Montaigne) writes about economic hardship, a move away from democracy, inequality, identity and security demands
Inégalités et confiance dans la démocratie : une relation complexe | Institut Montaigne
(1) Arran Hope (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive delle prospettive economiche del Dragone, e delle politiche necessarie. In attesa del ‘Terzo Plenum’
Arran Hope (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about the Dragon’s economic prospects, and the policies needed. Awaiting the ‘Third Plenum’
The Chinese Debate on Economic Reform – Jamestown
(2) Daniel Fu (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive del rapporto tra il Partito Comunista Cinese e le aziende private e del futuro del sistema economico (anche in relazione alle dinamiche globali, in particolare al disaccoppiamento di Washington)
Daniel Fu (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about the relationship between the Chinese Communist Party and private companies and the future of the economic system (also in relation to global dynamics, especially Washington’s decoupling)
Political Drivers of China’s Private Sector Demise – Jamestown
(3) Jackson Smith e Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga (The Jamestown Foundation) scrivono della crescente importanza che il People’s Liberation Army assegna ai social media come spazio per le operazioni militari non cinetiche
Jackson Smith and Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga (The Jamestown Foundation) write about the growing importance the People’s Liberation Army assigns to social media as a space for non-kinetic military operations
PLA Social Media Warfare and the Cognitive Domain – Jamestown
Kadri Liik (European Council on Foreign Relations) scrive della realtà degli esuli russi in Europa e degli approcci possibili, da parte europea, al fenomeno
Kadri Liik (European Council on Foreign Relations) writes about the reality of Russian exiles in Europe and possible European approaches to the phenomenon
Caution and embrace: How Europeans should treat exiles from Putin’s Russia | ECFR
Baptiste Larseneur (Institut Montaigne) scrive delle disuguaglianze nell’accesso all’istruzione in Francia e sottolinea dieci proposte per migliorare l’equità educativa
Baptiste Larseneur (Institut Montaigne) writes about inequalities in access to education in France and highlights ten proposals to improve educational equity
Inégalités scolaires : agir à la racine | Institut Montaigne
François Gaulme (IFRI) scrive del recente colpo di Stato in Gabon
François Gaulme (IFRI) writes about the recent coup in Gabon
Gabon : anatomie d’un coup d’État | IFRI – Institut français des relations internationales
Jacob Zenn (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive che l’Indonesia ha lavorato sulle azioni di contrasto all’ IS. Il Paese resta vigile sui rischi ancora presenti e ha migliorato le relazioni con la Turchia, Paese da cui passavano centinaia di indonesiani per recarsi in Siria
Jacob Zenn (The Jamestown Foundation) writes that Indonesia has been working on countering IS. The country remains alert to the remaining risks and has improved relations with Turkey, a country through which hundreds of Indonesians used to travel to Syria
Brief: Indonesia Reins in Islamic State Remnants – Jamestown
(1) Russia in Rewiew by Russia Matters
Russia in Review, Sept. 1-8, 2023 | Russia Matters
(2) Vadim Shtepa (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive del cambiamento di approccio del partito Russia Unita da posizioni iper-militariste a posizioni più regionaliste
Vadim Shtepa (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about the change in approach of the United Russia party from hyper-militarist to more regionalist positions
United Russia Considering New Focus on Peaceful Regionalism – Jamestown
(3) Pavel Luzin (The Jamestown Foundation) descrive la crisi dell’industria aeronautica russa, dovuta principalmente a due fattori: l’impossibilità di accedere ad attrezzature e tecnologia di Stati Uniti, Europa, Giappone, Corea del Sud e Taiwan; la mancanza di capitale umano, a causa della guerra in Ucraina
Pavel Luzin (The Jamestown Foundation) describes the crisis in the Russian aviation industry, which is mainly due to two factors: the lack of access to equipment and technology from the US, Europe, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan; the lack of human capital, due to the war in Ukraine
Western Sanctions and Personnel Shortages Plague Russia’s Aircraft Industry – Jamestown
Mateusz Kubiak (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive a proposito dell’attività di diplomazia nucleare della Russia in Africa
Mateusz Kubiak (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about Russia’s nuclear diplomacy activities in Africa
Russia Eyes Civilian Nuclear Markets in Africa – Jamestown
Ameer Chughtai e Theodore Murphy (European Council on Foreign Relations) scrivono della difficile situazione in Sudan e della necessità di una opera di mediazione internazionale integrata
Ameer Chughtai and Theodore Murphy (European Council on Foreign Relations) write about the difficult situation in Sudan and the need for an integrated international mediation effort
Conflict and interests: Why Sudan’s external mediation is a barrier to peace | ECFR