Geostrategic magazine (it-en, 9 september 2023 am)

The Global Eye’s geostrategic magazine comprises two macro-sections: systemic sustainability and worlds (geostrategies). 

Global Eye in dialogue: 

In cooperation with The Science of Where Magazine




(1) Elisabet Aylwin, Peter Veit, Alberto Pallecchi e Carrick Reddin (World Resources Institute) scrivono del ruolo importante che le organizzazioni religiose svolgono, in molte parti del mondo, per il ripristino delle foreste

Elisabet Aylwin, Peter Veit, Alberto Pallecchi and Carrick Reddin (World Resources Institute) write about the important role that religious organisations play in many parts of the world in restoring forests

How Faith Organizations Are Restoring the World’s Forests | World Resources Institute (

(2) Daniel Quiggin e Tim Benton (Chatham House) scrivono dell’obiettivo di limitare l’aumento della temperatura globale a 1,5°C e considerano che la politica dell’Accordo di Parigi potrebbe essere fortemente problematizzata dalla richiesta dei cittadini di un cambiamento trasformativo. A tal punto, i Paesi dovrebbero competere per decarbonizzarsi più velocemente. In tal caso, sarà necessario un nuovo piano d’azione

Daniel Quiggin and Tim Benton (Chatham House) write about the goal of limiting the global temperature increase to 1.5°C and consider that the politics of the Paris Agreement could be severely problematised by citizens’ demands for transformative change. At that point, countries would have to compete to decarbonise faster. In that case, a new action plan will be needed

Whether 1.5°C is ‘alive’ or ‘dead’, a new climate plan will be required | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank

(3) Jacob Taylor (Brookings) scrive del ruolo delle università nell’avviare la seconda parte dell’azione globale sugli SDGs: occorre implementarli nell’attività accademica per la decisione locale

Jacob Taylor (Brookings) writes about the role of universities in initiating the second part of the global action on the SDGs: they need to be implemented in academic work for local decision-making

University action on the SDGs: 5 lessons from 17 Rooms-U experiments | Brookings


‘The threat spectrum’ by ASPI The Strategist

The threat spectrum | The Strategist (



Euan Graham (ASPI The Strategist) descrive le difficoltà dell’ASEAN a esistere come piattaforma comune. Molte sono le differenze strategiche tra i Paesi membri, soprattutto rispetto ai rapporti con Pechino

Euan Graham (ASPI The Strategist) describes ASEAN’s difficulties in existing as a common platform. There are many strategic differences between the member countries, especially with regard to relations with Beijing

ASEAN summits overshadowed by absences and a map | The Strategist (


Abel Abate Demissie (Chatham House) scrive delle possibilità per l’Etiopia di sfruttare le sue relazioni esterne nel Corno d’Africa per rafforzare i meccanismi di mediazione regionale e garantire una pace sostanziale e sostenibile nel nord del Paese, come concordato a Pretoria

Abel Abbot Demissie (Chatham House) writes about the possibilities for Ethiopia to use its external relations in the Horn of Africa to strengthen regional mediation mechanisms and secure substantial and sustainable peace in the north of the country, as agreed in Pretoria

Navigating the regionalization of Ethiopia’s Tigray conflict | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank


Ankit Tiwari e Sidharth Raimedhi (Lowy The Interpreter) scrivono a proposito delle difficili relazioni tra India e Cina, particolarmente per le questioni di confine, e sulle conseguenze geostrategiche che tali difficoltà avranno sulle alleanze di Nuova Delhi e sugli esiti del G20

Ankit Tiwari and Sidharth Raimedhi (Lowy The Interpreter) write about the difficult relations between India and China, particularly over border issues, and the geostrategic consequences these difficulties will have on New Delhi’s alliances and the outcome of the G20

Ahead of G20, India-China reconciliation fails to launch | Lowy Institute


(1) Sanya Dhingra (Lowy The Interpreter) scrive dell’impianto ideologico nazionalista che caratterizza l’India, il Vishwa Guru, e il ruolo del vertice G20

Sanya Dhingra (Lowy The Interpreter) writes about India’s nationalist ideological framework, the Vishwa Guru, and the role of the G20 summit

The G20 spectacle and the domestic imperatives of Modi’s global ambitions | Lowy Institute

(2) Chietigj Bajpaee (Chatham House) scrive del G20 a Presidenza indiana come una opportunità per Nuova Delhi. Ma, secondo Bajpaee, il vertice mostrerà anche le difficoltà dell’India di mantenere l’autonomia strategica in un mondo fortemente polarizzato

Chietigj Bajpaee (Chatham House) writes of the Indian G20 Presidency as an opportunity for New Delhi. But, according to Bajpaee, the summit will also show India’s difficulties in maintaining strategic autonomy in a highly polarised world

The G20 showcases India’s growing power. It could also expose the limits of its foreign policy | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank


(1) The daily report from The Institute for the Study of War

Iran Update, September 8, 2023 | Institute for the Study of War (

(2) Holly Dagres (Atlantic Council) scrive delle proteste in corso in Iran da molti anni e riporta l’opinione dello storico Ali Ansari secondo il quale il Paese si trova ad un punto critico, dentro una tempesta perfetta (politica, economica, ecologica)

Holly Dagres (Atlantic Council) writes about the protests that have been going on in Iran for many years and reports the opinion of historian Ali Ansari that the country is at a critical point, inside a perfect storm (political, economic, ecological)

Iran will never go back to the way it was – Atlantic Council


Karel Svoboda, Giangiuseppe Pili e Jack Crawford (RUSI) scrivono della difficile situazione economica in Russia. Gli autori sottolineano come la strategia interna di Putin ricordi il ‘contratto sociale’ di Leonid Brezhnev che voleva garantire un relativo benessere ai cittadini in cambio della loro apatia politica

Karel Svoboda, Giangiuseppe Pili and Jack Crawford (RUSI) write about the difficult economic situation in Russia. The authors point out how Putin’s domestic strategy is reminiscent of Leonid Brezhnev’s ‘social contract’ that sought to guarantee relative prosperity for citizens in exchange for their political apathy

Driving Towards a Brighter Past? A ‘Brezhnevisation’ of Russia’s Internal Market | Royal United Services Institute (


The weekly update from The Institute for the Study of War

Salafi-Jihadi Movement Weekly Update, September 7, 2023 | Institute for the Study of War (


Jane Nakano (Center for International & Strategic Studies) scrive dell’interesse dell’Arabia Saudita nello sviluppare energia nucleare acquisendo tecnologie da diversi Paesi. Il dibattito è vivo negli Stati Uniti, anche rispetto alla posizione di Israele. Intanto, l’interesse saudita è diventato fattore geopolitico e diversi player sono in campo

Jane Nakano (Center for International & Strategic Studies) writes about Saudi Arabia’s interest in developing nuclear energy by acquiring technologies from different countries. The debate is alive in the United States, also with respect to Israel’s position. Meanwhile, Saudi interest has become a geopolitical factor and several players are in the field

The Saudi Request for U.S. Nuclear Cooperation and Its Geopolitical Quandaries (


In un podcast per Crisis Group, Alan Boswell parla con Annette Weber, rappresentante speciale dell’UE per il Corno d’Africa, di diplomazia e pacificazione nella regione. Particolare attenzione è posta al conflitto in Sudan e alle prospettive di risoluzione coinvolgendo i civili nonché alla situazione in Darfur

In a podcast for Crisis Group, Alan Boswell talks to Annette Weber, EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa, about diplomacy and peace building in the region. Particular attention is paid to the conflict in Sudan and the prospects for resolution involving civilians as well as the situation in Darfur

Discussing Sudan and Regional Diplomacy with the EU’s Annette Weber | Crisis Group


The daily report from The Institute for the Study of War

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, September 8, 2023 | Institute for the Study of War (

Marco Emanuele
Marco Emanuele è appassionato di cultura della complessità, cultura della tecnologia e relazioni internazionali. Approfondisce il pensiero di Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. Marco ha insegnato Evoluzione della Democrazia e Totalitarismi, è l’editor di The Global Eye e scrive per The Science of Where Magazine. Marco Emanuele is passionate about complexity culture, technology culture and international relations. He delves into the thought of Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. He has taught Evolution of Democracy and Totalitarianisms. Marco is editor of The Global Eye and writes for The Science of Where Magazine.

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