Previous geostrategic magazine
- Visione politica nella complessità – Political vision in complexity (Marco Emanuele)
- L’auto-inganno della vendetta – The self-deception of revenge (Marco Emanuele)
- USA, China and the mutual global responsibilities. In dialogue with Sourabh Gupta (Institute for China-America Studies)
- The Paris Agreement and the complex, winding road to overcoming climate change. In dialogue with Claudio Forner (World Resources Institute)
- An immersive experience to understand climate change at the Earth’s Poles. In dialogue with Julienne Stroeve (University of Manitoba)
- Regulating AI. The Chinese experience and models in comparison. In dialogue with Emmie Hine (University of Bologna)
- IMEEC for new opportunities for strategic autonomy in the multipolar world. Not only for India – In dialogue with Anil Trigunayat (Vivekananda International Foundation)
- Intelligenza artificiale. Tra business, etica e regolamentazione. La prossima tappa ? L’IA adattativa. In dialogo con Alfredo Maria Garibaldi (Deloitte)
We are in cooperation with The Science of Where Magazine
Daily from global think tanks
Attack on Israel
Steven A. Cook, Martin S. Indyk, Ray Takeyh (Council on Foreign Relations) – Virtual Media Briefing: Hamas Attacks on Israel | Council on Foreign Relations (
Richard Fontaine, Jonathan Lord (Center for a New American Security) – CNAS Responds: Israel Under Attack | Center for a New American Security (en-US)
Middle East Institute experts – Defense Rapid Reaction: Hamas attack on Israel | Middle East Institute (
Atlantic Council experts – Experts react: Israel is ‘at war’ after Hamas militants launch major assault – Atlantic Council
William F. Wechsler (Atlantic Council) – Dispatch from Tel Aviv: A new kind of conflict has begun – Atlantic Council
Kobi Michael (INSS) – Israel at War: The Meaning of the Surprise and the Goals for the Future | INSS