Nostre sintesi in italiano, inglese e francese di analisi tratte dai think tank
Our summaries in Italian, English and French of analyses from think tanks
Nos résumés en italien, anglais et français des analyses des think tank
ASEAN – Myanmar
La situazione nel Myanmar rappresenta un tema geopolitico di grande importanza, e di rischio evidente, per i Paesi dell’ASEAN – The situation in Myanmar is a geopolitical issue of great importance, and obvious risk, for ASEAN countries – La situation au Myanmar est une question géopolitique d’une grande importance, et d’un risque évident, pour les pays de l’ASEAN – Is Myanmar an existential threat for ASEAN? | The Strategist (
Australia and Commonwealth – Australie et Commonwealth
Il futuro del Commonwealth nell’era di Carlo III e il ruolo dell’Australia – The future of the Commonwealth in the age of Charles III and the role of Australia – L’avenir du Commonwealth à l’époque de Charles III et le rôle de l’Australie – Australia: The lynchpin of a modernised Commonwealth | Lowy Institute
Il Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism tra necessità di giustizia climatica e considerazioni geopolitiche – The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism between climate justice needs and geopolitical considerations – Le Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism entre les besoins de justice climatique et les considérations géopolitiques – A Political Economy Perspective on the EU’s Carbon Border Tax – Carnegie Europe – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
G7 and Russia – G7 et Russie
I membri del G7 esportano ancora circa 4,7 miliardi di dollari al mese in Russia, circa il 43% di quanto facevano prima dell’invasione dell’Ucraina. Cosa decideranno i Paesi del G7 durante il vertice di Hiroshima ? – The G7 members still export about USD 4.7 billion per month to Russia, about 43% of what they did before the invasion of Ukraine. What will the G7 countries decide at the Hiroshima summit? – Les membres du G7 exportent encore 4,7 milliards de dollars par mois vers la Russie, soit environ 43 % de ce qu’ils faisaient avant l’invasion de l’Ukraine. Que décideront les pays du G7 lors du sommet d’Hiroshima ? – What is the G7 still exporting to Russia? – Atlantic Council
Japan and Indo Pacific – Japon et Indo Pacifique
Il 20 marzo 2023, il Primo Ministro giapponese Fumio Kishida ha scelto di presentare in India il suo nuovo piano per un “Indo-Pacifico libero e aperto”. Il piano è in continuità con le politiche di Shinzo Abe e si pone in spirito di inclusione rispetto a tutti gli attori regionali – On 20 March 2023, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida chose to present his new plan for a ‘free and open Indo-Pacific’ in India. The plan is in continuity with Shinzo Abe’s policies and is in the spirit of inclusiveness with respect to all regional actors – Le 20 mars 2023, le Premier ministre japonais Fumio Kishida a choisi de présenter en Inde son nouveau plan pour un “Indo-Pacifique libre et ouvert”. Ce plan s’inscrit dans la continuité des politiques de Shinzo Abe et dans un esprit d’inclusion de tous les acteurs régionaux – Kicking off Kishida’s new Free and Open Indo-Pacific plan | East Asia Forum
Japan and South Korea – Japon et Corée du Sud
Al di là delle tensioni storiche, la geopolitica s’impone nei rapporti tra Giappone e Corea del Sud – Apart from historical tensions, geopolitics is at play in relations between Japan and South Korea – Outre les tensions historiques, la géopolitique joue un rôle dans les relations entre le Japon et la Corée du Sud – Kishida’s visit to South Korea and the triumph of geopolitics | East Asia Forum
Moldova – Moldavie
Chisinau tra la guerra in Ucraina e le (difficili) prospettive europee – Chisinau between the war in Ukraine and the (difficult) European outlook – Chisinau entre la guerre en Ukraine et les (difficiles) perspectives européennes – Time to Get Serious About Moldova – Carnegie Europe – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Con le ultime elezioni, in Nigeria le donne occupano il 3% dei seggi al Senato e il 4% alla Camera dei rappresentanti – In the latest elections, women in Nigeria hold 3% of the seats in the Senate and 4% in the House of Representatives – Lors des dernières élections, les femmes au Nigeria occupent 3 % des sièges au Sénat et 4 % à la Chambre des représentants – Why Women Haven’t Been Successful in Nigerian Elections – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Come evolverà la posizione strategica delle Filippine tra Cina e Stati Uniti ? – How will the Philippines’ strategic position between China and the US evolve? – Comment évoluera la position stratégique des Philippines entre la Chine et les États-Unis ? – The Philippines’ fight for foreign policy freedom | East Asia Forum
La rivoluzione biologica nella produzione globale e i Paesi del Quadrilateral Security Dialogue – The biological revolution in global production and the countries of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue – La révolution biologique dans la production mondiale et les pays du Quadrilateral Security Dialogue – The Quad should commit to a biomanufacturing hub in India | The Strategist (
Russia and Georgia – Russie et Géorgie
La Georgia tra Mosca e l’Occidente – Georgia between Moscow and the West – La Géorgie entre Moscou et l’Occident – As Kremlin Boosts Soft Power, Will Georgia ‘Fly’ to Moscow or Brussels? – Jamestown
Russia and Ukraine – Russie et Ukraine
E’ tempo per gli USA e per l’Occidente di ripensare la propria strategia rispetto alla guerra in Ucraina ? – Is it time for the US and the West to rethink their strategy with respect to the war in Ukraine? – Est-il temps pour les États-Unis et l’Occident de repenser leur stratégie en ce qui concerne la guerre en Ukraine ? – U.S. Strategy in Ukraine, With Charles Kupchan | Council on Foreign Relations (
Il futuro dei rapporti tra Mosca e Kiev, l’Occidente e il percorso incerto – The future of relations between Moscow and Kiev, the West and the uncertain path – L’avenir des relations entre Moscou et Kiev, l’Occident et la voie incertaine – The Fallacy of Negotiating With Putin – Jamestown
Syria and the Arab League – La Syrie et la Ligue arabe
Dopo anni di lavoro da parte di Emirati Arabi Uniti, Oman e Giordania, la Lega Araba ha votato per riammettere la Siria, sospesa dal 2011. Cosa significa questo per gli equilibri regionali ? – After years of work by the UAE, Oman and Jordan, the Arab League voted to readmit Syria, suspended since 2011. What does this mean for regional balances ? – Après des années de travail des Émirats arabes unis, d’Oman et de la Jordanie, la Ligue arabe a voté la réadmission de la Syrie, suspendue depuis 2011. Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour les équilibres régionaux ? – Syria’s normalization signals a new Middle Eastern order (
Thailand – Thaïlande
La situazione della Thailandia è critica dal 2014. Peggiorano le condizioni sociali, la situazione delle minoranze (inclusi i Rohingya) e i dati economici – Thailand’s situation has been critical since 2014. Social conditions, the situation of minorities (including the Rohingya) and economic data worsen – La situation de la Thaïlande est critique depuis 2014. Aggravation des conditions sociales, de la situation des minorités (dont les Rohingyas) et des données économiques – Thailand’s choice | The Strategist (
Tunisia – Tunisie
La democrazia tunisina è sempre più in crisi. La realtà sembra precipitare e gli indici più importanti (Economist Intelligence Unit, Freedom House, Reporter senza frontiere) lo confermano. Cosa si può fare per cambiare via ? – Tunisian democracy is increasingly in crisis. The reality seems to be precipitating and the most important indices (Economist Intelligence Unit, Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders) confirm this. What can be done to change course ? – La démocratie tunisienne est de plus en plus en crise. La réalité semble se précipiter et les indices les plus importants (Economist Intelligence Unit, Freedom House, Reporters sans frontières) le confirment. Que peut-on faire pour changer de cap ? – It’s not too late: How to save Tunisian democracy (
USA – États-Unis
Come funziona il processo di asilo dei migranti negli USA – How the migrant asylum process works in the US – Comment fonctionne la procédure d’asile pour les migrants aux États-Unis – Seeking Protection: How the U.S. Asylum Process Works | Council on Foreign Relations (
Artificial Intelligence – Intelligence Artificielle
La grande domanda rispetto alle frontiere dell’intelligenza artificiale, in particolare di quella generativa, è come saranno bilanciati rischi e opportunità per incidere in maniera positiva sulla produttività e sul benessere per tutti – The big question regarding the frontiers of artificial intelligence, particularly generative intelligence, is how risks and opportunities will be balanced to positively impact productivity and welfare for all – La grande question concernant les frontières de l’intelligence artificielle, en particulier l’intelligence générative, est de savoir comment les risques et les opportunités seront équilibrés pour avoir un impact positif sur la productivité et le bien-être de tous – Machines of mind: The case for an AI-powered productivity boom (
Deterrence – Dissuasion
Una riflessione strategica sul ruolo della deterrenza nelle relazioni internazionali – A strategic reflection on the role of deterrence in international relations – Une réflexion stratégique sur le rôle de la dissuasion dans les relations internationales – Dilemmas of deterrence | The Strategist (
Una riflessione sul futuro della globalizzazione dopo il rallentamento a partire dal 2015 – A reflection on the future of globalisation after the slowdown from 2015 – Une réflexion sur l’avenir de la globalisation après le ralentissement observé depuis 2015 – What is the evidence for deglobalization? (