Bioinformatics is a field of biotechnology that lies at the intersection of data, computer science, and biology. Specifically, bioinformatics employs computational methods to address research questions in biological sciences and is often used in regards to storing, processing, and analyzing biological data (such as genetic information, including DNA). Innovations in bioinformatics can aid in the development of critical medicines and tools for research in the life sciences.
To take a broad look at the bioinformatics research landscape, we examined research clusters (RCs) in CSET’s Map of Science. We searched for RCs with “Bioinformatics” as a common subject classification (see Microsoft Academic Graph). We then filtered out RCs that have fewer than 50 papers from the past 5 years, that are more than 20 years old, and with fewer than half of their papers having AI classifications, in order to ensure confidence in AI paper classifications. This resulted in 1,212 bioinformatics RCs.