Le forze ucraine riceveranno un addestramento per la difesa aerea Patriot negli Stati Uniti: Pentagono (fonte: The Defense Post)

The United States will train Ukrainian personnel at a base in the state of Oklahoma on how to use and maintain the advanced Patriot air defense system that...

L’unità dell’Aeronautica Militare USA sta esplorando gli usi dei piccoli droni in Medio Oriente (fonte: Defense News)

Rachel S. Cohen After struggling to fend off weaponized quadcopters in the Middle East for years, a band of volunteer airmen is trying to flip the script. The...

Mantenere le truppe USA in Siria (fonte: Defense One)

WILLIAM ROEBUCK It was nearly freezing that Syrian night. On a hard-dirt landing strip near the northeastern city of Kobani, I waited with two long...

USA. McCarthy ha pagato un prezzo altissimo per la sua presidenza: e ora? (fonte: Brookings)

Sarah A. Binder Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)’s rocky road to the House Speakership came at a steep price. After 15 ballots, the most since the Civil...

USA. Il costo economico della pandemia: Stato per Stato (fonte: Hoover Institution)

Eric Hanushek Data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) now shows the significant impact of the pandemic on learning. The Economic Cost of the...

USA – L’obiettivo dell’Indo Pacifico e la scarsità di risorse

"La strategia", ha scritto il guru del business Richard Rumelt, "implica la concentrazione e, quindi, la scelta. E scegliere significa mettere da parte alcuni...

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