
USA, Partito Repubblicano. Kevin McCharty e le battaglie interne

OLIVIA BEAVERS, JORDAIN CARNEY and SARAH FERRIS per Politico: Conservatives have made their demands known to Kevin McCarthy as he rounds up votes for speaker. Now centrists are...

La Turchia respinge o deporta decine di migliaia di afghani (fonte: Human Rights Watch)

La Turchia sta sistematicamente respingendo decine di migliaia di afghani al confine terrestre con l'Iran o li sta deportando direttamente in Afghanistan, senza che...

L’istruzione per i rifugiati (fonte: Brookings)

A livello globale, l'istruzione è in crisi, con forti disuguaglianze, bassi risultati di apprendimento, e così via. La crisi globale dell'istruzione vale, in particolare,...

Kennedy brings Washington closer to Canberra (Stephen Loosley, The Strategist)

It was Prime Minister Robert Menzies who told President Lyndon B. Johnson bluntly but accurately what the simple requirement happened to be for an...

How the US and Australia can support Taiwan before it’s too late (Adam Taylor, The Strategist)

Remarks by Australia’s prime minister and defence minister and discussions in Washington about the future of US security policy in the Taiwan Strait highlight a growing consensus...

Presidential election could put Italy’s Draghi-led recovery at risk (Paola Subacchi, Project-Syndicate, The Strategist)

As Italy scrambles to control surging Covid-19 infections—including by making vaccination compulsory for anyone over 50—cracks are appearing in the broad ruling coalition led by Prime...

Iran, Russia, China To Hold Joint Naval Drill Amid Growing Ties (RFE RL)

Iran, Russia, and China will hold joint naval exercises in the north of the Indian Ocean on January 21, Iranian media have reported, amid...

Russia Imprisons Another Jehovah’s Witness For ‘Extremism’ (RFE RL)

A Russian court in Siberia has handed a three-year prison term to a Jehovah's Witness, in the latest persecution of members of the banned...

N Korea may resume nuclear, long-range missile tests: State media (Al Jazeera)

A meeting of the powerful politburo of North Korea’s ruling party, presided over by leader Kim Jong Un, has said that it will consider...

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