UK. Appello per un rapido lancio del Great British Nuclear (fonte: World Nuclear News)

The UK government should urgently launch a fully-funded Great British Nuclear (GBN) programme to tackle the country's energy crisis, according to an open letter...

Gli equipaggi dei carri armati ucraini arrivano in Gran Bretagna per l’addestramento (fonte: RFE RL)

Ukrainian tank crews have arrived in Britain to begin training for their continued fight against Russia, the British Defense Ministry said on January 29,...

Le relazioni tra Regno Unito ed Europa vanno finalmente nella giusta direzione (fonte: Chatham House)

As relations between the UK and its European neighbours become less contentious, plenty of opportunities exist to build on this positive momentum in 2023. UK-Europe...

UK. Quale è la politica estera del Labour? (fonte: Chatham House)

In conversation with David Lammy, the UK shadow foreign secretary. What is Labour’s foreign policy? (

La Royal Navy aggiorna l’elicottero Merlin per la caccia ai sottomarini (fonte: The Defense Post)

JOE SABALLA The Royal Navy has received the final upgraded unit of its AW101 Merlin Mk3/3a submarine-hunting helicopter from Leonardo. Royal Navy Upgrades Merlin Submarine-Hunting Helicopter (

Il Medio Oriente nel 2023: cinque aree su cui concentrarsi per il Regno Unito e l’Europa (fonte: RUSI)

Tobias Borck Following a relatively quiet year in the Middle East from Europe’s perspective, 2023 is likely to bring significant challenges in the region – and...

Il governo libanese e quello britannico smentiscono le affermazioni sulla vendita di dati di utenti libanesi a un’azienda britannica (The New Arab)

The E-governance platform hosts sensitive information about its users, such as photos and banking information. Lebanese, UK government deny misuse of Lebanese data (

UK vende armi allo Yemen e aumentano gli abusi sui civili (fonte: The New Arab)

A report from Oxfam revealed on Wednesday that UK arms sales to Yemen have been fueling an ongoing cycle of civilian abuse in the...

UK e Giappone firmeranno un importante accordo sulla difesa che consentirà il dispiegamento di truppe (fonte: The Defense Post)

The British and Japanese prime ministers will sign a “hugely significant” new defense deal allowing UK troops to deploy in Japan when the pair...

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