
Kiev reprime l’influenza della Chiesa ortodossa russa in Ucraina (prima parte) (fonte: The Jamestown Foundation)

Hlib Parfonov While some analysis has covered Ukrainian church life, a Western layman might think that religious persecutions are actively taking place in Ukraine. Moreover,...

Le prospettive per l’economia ucraina nel 2023 restano cautamente ottimistiche (fonte: The Jamestown Foundation)

Oleg Varfolomeyev Russia’s re-invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 took a heavy toll on the Ukrainian economy. Moscow focused on destroying the Russian-speaking industrial heartland...

Il Kuban: un vero e proprio “cuneo” tra Russia e Ucraina (fonte: The Jamestown Foundation)

Paul Globe Moscow is increasingly concerned about Kyiv’s increased attention not only to the non-Russian republics and regions within the current borders of the Russian...

Pace per sfinimento in Ucraina (fonti: The Strategist-Project Syndicate)

Shlomo Ben-Ami While wars invariably end, the underlying disagreements often remain. The peace is tenuous and interrupted by spasms of violence. The way a war...

Zircon: quanto rappresenta una minaccia il missile ipersonico russo? (fonte: RUSI)

Sidharth Kaushal  Russian moves to operationalise the Zircon hypersonic missile represent an important development, but the significance – especially in terms of the current conflict...

Germania. Scholz si piegherà alle pressioni per inviare carri armati in Ucraina (fonte: Chatham House)

John Lough German chancellor Olaf Scholz is the victim of his own logic. To justify his reluctance to deepen Berlin’s involvement in the war by...

Consegna di carri armati: quali esigenze operative per l’Ucraina? (fonte: IRIS)

Jean-Claude Allard Les alliés occidentaux de l’Ukraine se sont réunis, ce vendredi 20 janvier 2023, sur la base aérienne de Ramstein (Allemagne), siège du commandement...

Le truppe ucraine potrebbero combattere con i Leopard 2 all’inizio della primavera (fonte: Breaking Defense)

SYDNEY J. FREEDBERG JR.  Poland has offered to train Ukrainians on its soil using its own Leopards, bypassing Berlin’s reluctance to allow allies to send...

Consegna di carri armati all’Ucraina: una nuova fase del sostegno militare tedesco? (fonte: IRIS)

En visite en Ukraine, mardi 10 janvier, la ministre des Affaires étrangères s’est entretenue avec son homologue ukrainien qui lui a renouvelé sa demande...

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