
La Turchia e la candidatura NATO di Svezia e Finlandia (fonte: Defense News)

Gerard O'Dwyer Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s dogged opposition to Sweden’s application for membership of NATO has stymied hopes in Stockholm and Helsinki that Ankara will...

Gli Stati Uniti lanciano un altro allarme su possibili attacchi terroristici in Turchia (fonte: Reuters)

The U.S. embassy in Turkey warned Americans on Monday of possible attacks against churches, synagogues, and diplomatic missions in Istanbul, marking its second such...

Circoli politici siriani: Ankara è seriamente interessata al riavvicinamento, non è una decisione tattica (fonte: The Syrian Observer)

An expert told Athr Press Damascus will not provide free gifts to Ankara, but that dialogue continues. Syrian Political Circles: Ankara Serious About Rapprochement, Not...

L’opposizione siriana e la Turchia (fonte: The Syrian Observer)

Syrian opposition groups refrained from directly criticizing Turkey's foreign policy, according to Haid Haid in the al-Arab Newspaper. Has the Syrian Opposition Reached the End...

Cosa vuole davvero la Turchia dalla Svezia (fonte: Atlantic Council)

Rich Outzen Turkey continues to impose conditions on Swedish and Finnish accession to NATO, clearly irritating Western officials and commentators and causing a renewed kerfuffle...

La profonda trasformazione della Turchia è importante per l’Europa (fonte: Carnegie Europe)

MARC PIERINI Turkey has been undergoing important political, economic, and foreign policy shifts that impact its European partners. But with Turkish parliamentary and presidential elections...

La Turchia rinvia i colloqui NATO con Svezia e Finlandia (fonte: The Defense Post)

Turkey on Tuesday postponed NATO accession talks with Sweden and Finland, further denting the Nordic neighbors’ hopes of joining the Western defense alliance after...

Il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan ha avvertito lunedì la Svezia che non deve aspettarsi il suo appoggio per entrare nella NATO dopo il...

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Sweden on Monday that it should not expect his backing to join NATO following the burning of the Koran outside Ankara’s embassy in Stockholm. Erdogan Warns Sweden on NATO After...

Più di un decennio di relazioni tra Ankara e Damasco. Cosa è cambiato? (fonte: Atlantic Council)

Ömer Özkizilcik After eleven years, an official meeting on the ministerial level occurred between Ankara and Damascus. The December 2022 meeting in Russia is the first of...

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