
I paesi del Lublin Triangle sostengono la formula di pace ucraina e il tribunale per perseguire la Russia (fonte: Ukrinform)

The joint declaration signed by the presidents of Ukraine, Lithuania, and Poland following the second summit of the Lublin Triangle supports holding the Global...

Il Kazakistan può salvare l’Europa nel pieno dell’embargo petrolifero russo? (fonte: The Jamestown Foundation)

Nurbek Bekmurzaev On December 29, 2022, Kazakhstani state-owned oil and gas company KazMunaiGaz announced plans to export oil to Germany starting in January 2023. Arrangements...

Russia. 5 milioni in meno rispetto al 2010, i russi etnici rappresentano solo il 72% della popolazione (fonte: The Jamestown Foundation)

Paul Globe Ethnic Russians, who form the core of President Vladimir Putin’s oft-promoted “Russian world,” are rapidly declining in number, with many of those who...

Russia-Ucraina. La minaccia della stanchezza da guerra (fonte: GMF)

Markus Ziener Russian President Vladimir Putin’s New Year’s Eve message to his people was the “moral, historical rightness” for his invasion of Ukraine that will...

Capire la cooperazione tra Cina e Russia nell’Artico (fonte: Manohar Parrikar Institute)

Bipandeep Sharma, Uttam Kumar Sinha The Arctic has become an important arena of cooperation between Russia and China. Energy, trade and NATO expansion are among...

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