
Un team industriale guidato da Leonardo ha firmato un contratto per supportare la partecipazione dell’Italia al Programma Global Combat Air (fonte: The Defense Post)

ROJOEF MANUEL A Leonardo-led industry team has signed a contract to support Italy’s participation in the Global Combat Air Program (GCAP). Under the agreement, the Italian...

L’Italia sceglie aziende locali della difesa per lavorare su aerei da guerra di nuova generazione (fonte: Defense News)

 Tom Kington Italy has signed a deal with its leading defense firms for the development of the Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP) aimed at producing a...

A 100 giorni dal suo insediamento, quali risultati ha ottenuto il governo Meloni? (fonte: IRIS)

Fabien Gibault La nouvelle présidente du Conseil italien était très attendue, aussi bien par les citoyens transalpins que par la presse. Trois mois après sa...

Documenti rivelano il cliente segreto dei droni kamikaze Hero-30: le forze speciali italiane (fonte: Defense News)

Elisabeth Gosselin-Malo The Italian special forces is the undisclosed European NATO member set to receive Hero-30 loitering munitions this year as an “urgent mission requirement,” according...

L’Italia conferma l’approvvigionamento della difesa missilistica Samp-T all’Ucraina (fonte: Defense News)

Tom Kington Italy has confirmed it is ready to supply Ukraine with its Samp-T air defense system after weeks of doubt over Rome’s readiness to hand...

L’Italia sceglie Iveco per la fornitura di nuovi veicoli anfibi da combattimento (fonte: Defense News)

Tom Kington Italy has made its first acquisition of an amphibious vehicle type which was developed by Italy’s Iveco and has inspired the new Amphibious Combat...

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