Guerra in Ucraina

Il messaggio della Russia sul “cessate il fuoco”: Un segno di ciò che verrà? (fonte: RUSI)

Emily Ferris The Kremlin’s choreography around the proposal for a Christmas ‘ceasefire’ in Ukraine suggests that it may be trying to construct a public narrative over...

L’Occidente invia carri armati leggeri in Ucraina. Faranno la differenza? (fonte: CFR)

Ukraine is set to receive dozens of light tanks from the United States, France, and Germany. How will these weapons bolster Ukraine’s defense against...

Il Cremlino sta pianificando la creazione di 20 nuove divisioni e l’espansione dell’esercito a 1,5 milioni di uomini (fonte: Ukrinform)

The Kremlin is planning to create 20 new divisions and expand the Russian armed forces to 1.5 million troops in order to continue its...

Il difficile cammino verso la giustizia per i crimini di guerra russi (fonte: The Interpreter)

SHAUN CAMERON As evidence of and investigations into war crimes committed by the Russian military during the invasion of Ukraine continue to be reported, consideration has also been applied into how...

I ministri degli esteri ucraino ed estone discutono del sostegno alla difesa dell’Ucraina (fonte: Ukrinform)

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and his Estonian counterpart Urmas Reinsalu have discussed Ukraine's defense needs. Ukrainian, Estonian foreign ministers discuss defense support for Ukraine...

Stati Uniti e alleati preparano nuove sanzioni contro l’industria petrolifera russa – WSJ (fonte: Ukrinform)

Western countries will introduce a new round of sanctions against the Russian oil sector next month. US, allies prepare new sanctions against Russian oil industry...

Austin: non c’è conferma che i russi abbiano catturato Soledar (fonte: Ukrinform)

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has said that as of Wednesday evening, he had no confirmation of the claims made by the Russians about...

Ucraina. I russi attaccano Zaporizhzhia, colpiscono infrastrutture e case (fonte: Ukrinform)

The Russian army attacked Zaporizhzhia in the early hours of Thursday, January 12, damaging infrastructure facilities and houses. Invaders attack Zaporizhzhia, hit infrastructure, houses (

Il fallimento dell’invasione ucraina di Putin mette in luce i limiti della propaganda russa (fonte: Atlantic Council)

Victor Tregubov As the Russian attack on Ukraine approaches the one-year mark, it is increasingly clear that Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade was one of...

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