Guerra in Ucraina

Le conseguenze globali della guerra in Ucraina (fonte: CFR)

Liana Fix, fellow for Europe at CFR, leads the conversation on the global ramifications of the war in Ukraine. Academic Webinar: Global Ramifications of the...

Le possibilità della Russia dopo Putin (fonte: The Strategist)

Carl Bildt Now that Russia has been so greatly damaged and diminished by President Vladimir Putin’s reckless war of choice in Ukraine, what might the...

La guerra in Ucraina insegna che i sistemi spaziali sono decisivi per vincere i conflitti attuali e futuri (fonte: Breaking Defense)

THERESA HITCHENS The new head of the Space Force, Gen. Chance Saltzman, says that the clearest take-away so far from the ongoing war in Ukraine is that space...

Come riarmare la NATO per il futuro post-Ucraina (fonte: Breaking Defense)

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a tragedy of historical proportions. It’s also offering strategists a glimpse of the future of modern warfare, from...

La guerra in Ucraina rallenterà la spinta della Russia verso l’Artico? (fonte: Defense News)

Elisabeth Gosselin-Malo Unmanned technologies could offer the West an opening to catch up with Russia, bogged down in Ukraine, in establishing a foothold in the warming...

Perché la Russia sta reclutando ex soldati afghani per la guerra in Ucraina? (fonte: The Jamestown Foundation)

Syed Fazl-e-Haider According to multiple reports, Russia is recruiting Afghan security personnel, who were previously trained by the United States, for its war effort against...

I costi vertiginosi dello sforzo bellico russo (fonte: The Jamestown Foundation)

Pavel Luzin The final deficit of the Russian federal budget for 2022 appeared to be 3.35 trillion rubles, almost $48.8 billion according to the average...

Gli UAV russi di produzione iraniana: un profilo tecnico (fonte: RUSI)

Uzi Rubin The precision of Iranian-made suicide UAVs, combined with their cheapness, has turned them into a potent weapon on the battlefields of Ukraine. Russia’s Iranian-Made UAVs:...

Consegna di carri armati all’Ucraina: una nuova fase del sostegno militare tedesco? (fonte: IRIS)

En visite en Ukraine, mardi 10 janvier, la ministre des Affaires étrangères s’est entretenue avec son homologue ukrainien qui lui a renouvelé sa demande...

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