Global Topics

Davos 2023: i punti chiave per le città e le economie locali (fonte: WEF)

Davos 2023 featured city-led initiatives to improve urban development and local economies. Nature and circularity are the future of climate action in cities,...

Leadership nel settore tecnologico: 4 percorsi per portare più donne ai vertici aziendali (fonte: WEF)

Gender balance within functional tech leadership remains an unfulfilled promise, heightening the challenges of chief technology officer (CTO) and chief information officer (CIO) succession...

L’assistenza allo sviluppo in diversi contesti di regime politico (fonte: Carnegie Europe)

MARC DE TOLLENAERE In the last decade, nondemocratic regimes have received more development assistance than democratic countries. This reveals how donors struggle with autocratization despite...

Cambiamenti climatici e migrazioni: rapporti dal Bangladesh, dalla Moldavia e dal Senegal (fonte: Wilson Center)

Wilson Center NOW is by Lauren Herzer Risi, Program Director of the Environmental Change and Security Program and Peter Schwartzstein, a Wilson Center Global Fellow and environmental journalist...

L’atlantismo meridionale rivisitato: quale spazio per il consenso Nord-Sud? (fonte: GMF)

Ian Lesser The idea of a wider approach to transatlantic relations, emphasizing the place of the southern Atlantic and the importance of North-South ties is...

Il tetto del prezzo del petrolio russo accelera il disaccoppiamento economico globale (fonte: East Asia Forum)

Suryaputra Wijaksana The oil ‘price cap’ of US$60 per barrel for Russian oil is a controversial move by the European Union and G7. The price...

Chi è il proprietario di Internet? (fonte: Chatham House)

Who controls the internet and internet data, and who should control it in the future? Who owns the internet? | Chatham House – International Affairs...

I cleptocrati autoritari prosperano sui fallimenti dell’Occidente. È possibile fermarli? (fonte: Atlantic Council)

Francis Shin and Ben Judah A hidden web of power revealed itself to Internet users in early 2022. Following a brutal government crackdown in Kazakhstan in January,...

Cosa c’è da temere nel 2023 (fonte: CFR)

Panelists discuss potential and ongoing crises that may erupt or escalate in 2023, as well as their global political implications. What to Worry About in 2023...

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