
La Germania dà il via libera ai tanto attesi carri armati Leopard per l’Ucraina (fonte: The Defense Post)

Berlin on Wednesday approved the delivery of powerful German-made Leopard tanks to help Ukraine repel Russia’s invasion, after weeks of pressure from Kyiv and many...

Hensoldt doterà l’Eurodrone tedesco di Signals Intelligence Capability (The Defense Post)

JOE SABALLA Germany has tapped the services of local technology firm Hensoldt to equip its Eurodrone unmanned aerial system (UAS) with signals intelligence (SIGNIT) capability. Hensoldt...

Il governo tedesco sarebbe pronto a inviare all’Ucraina carri armati Leopard 2 (fonte: Defense News)

Sebastian Sprenger The German government is expected to announce Wednesday a decision to support Ukraine with Leopard 2 tanks, as Washington is considering a similar move...

Germania. Scholz si piegherà alle pressioni per inviare carri armati in Ucraina (fonte: Chatham House)

John Lough German chancellor Olaf Scholz is the victim of his own logic. To justify his reluctance to deepen Berlin’s involvement in the war by...

La Polonia continua a parlare di una “alleanza” per i Leopard 2, anche senza la Germania (fonte: Defense News)

Jaroslaw Adamowski Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has announced his country will request Germany’s approval for the planned transfer of some of its Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine....

Consegna di carri armati all’Ucraina: una nuova fase del sostegno militare tedesco? (fonte: IRIS)

En visite en Ukraine, mardi 10 janvier, la ministre des Affaires étrangères s’est entretenue avec son homologue ukrainien qui lui a renouvelé sa demande...

La Germania rifiuta di fornire armi a Taiwan (fonte: The Defense Post)

JOE SABALLA A German lawmaker has revealed that the country will not supply weapons and military equipment to Taiwan amid its tensions with China. Germany Refuses...

Sostegno all’Ucraina e scelte della Germania (fonte: Carnegie Europe)

Judy Dempsey New Western commitments to deliver combat vehicles to Ukraine are putting Berlin on the spot. To prevent Russia from further destabilizing Europe, Germany...

La Germania contribuirà a far decollare i legami tra UE e Taiwan? (fonte: The Strategist)

Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy The European Union is in the process of rethinking its relations with China, with an increasing awareness that China presents mounting challenges...

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