Geostrategic thinking

Geostrategic environment (september 30, 2022)

THINKING COMPLEX The bureaucratic state finds itself overcome by historical processes. Dynamism, speed and radicality are the characteristics of what we experience. Think of the...

Geostrategic environment (september 29, 2022)

THINKING COMPLEX The 'bureaucratic state' does not feel the breath of history because it has the sole purpose of realising 'its own' history. In a...

Geostrategic environment (september 28, 2022)

THINKING COMPLEX  Holding together the enhancement of the national interest and the preservation of the open society is possible. We want to protect and improve democracy,...

Geostrategic environment (september 27, 2022)

THINKING COMPLEX The future is already present. We write, with the freedom of intellectuals, a daily memo for new ruling classes. We live in a historical...

Geostrategic environment (september 26, 2022)

THINKING COMPLEX Our strategic question, the starting point for research, is: how to politically govern the necessary reorganisation of the planetary framework in the continuous...

Geostrategic environment (september 25, 2022)

All that is taken up here, in the complexity of open sources, does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Global Eye THINKING COMPLEX We wrote...

Geostrategic environment (september 24, 2022)

All that is taken up here, in the complexity of open sources, does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Global Eye THINKING COMPLEX Thinking complex,...

Geostrategic environment (september 23, 2022)

All that is taken up here, in the complexity of open sources, does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Global Eye THINKING COMPLEX We continue...

Geostrategic environment (september 22, 2022)

All that is taken up here, in the complexity of open sources, does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Global Eye THINKING COMPLEX Every day,...

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