Climate action - Sustainable development - SDGs

The Paris Agreement and the complex, winding road to overcoming climate change. In dialogue with Claudio Forner (World Resources Institute)

 (Marco Emanuele) The Global Eye in dialogue with Claudio Forner, an international climate policy expert in the Climate Program at the World Resources Institute. He is...

An immersive experience to understand climate change at the Earth’s Poles. In dialogue with Julienne Stroeve (University of Manitoba)

(Marco Emanuele) The Global Eye is in dialogue with Dr Julienne Stroeve from the University of Manitoba. In a reflection for The World Economic Forum, Julienne...

Le Big Cities: nuova trincea del cambiamento climatico – Big Cities: the new trench of climate change

(di Marzia Giglioli - foto di Ines Pellegrini)  Le grandi città sono la nuova frontiera del climate change. Se ne è parlato al Climate Week...

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