
L’ambasciatore cinese in Australia dice che le differenze non devono “dirottare” i legami bilaterali (fonte: Voice of America)

Phil Mercer China’s ambassador to Australia said in rare public comments that relations between the two nations have reached a period of “stability.”. China's Ambassador to...

Ricercatori cinesi hanno recentemente testato un sistema di ricarica per droni basato sul laser (fonte: The Defense Post)

 INDER SINGH BISHT Chinese researchers recently tested a laser-based drone charging system capable of keeping the platform aloft “forever.” The system involves firing a ground-based laser...

La Cina può rilanciare la crescita attraverso i consumi privati? (fonte: PIIE)

Tianlei Huang, Nicholas R. Lardy China’s chances to resuscitate its bleak economic growth now depend more than ever on increased consumer spending, as the nation’s...

Suggerimenti politici per le relazioni tra Stati Uniti e Cina (fonte: CFR)

Robert D. Blackwill China and the United States are in a competitive downward spiral that if not reversed could drastically damage the two countries and...

Capire la cooperazione tra Cina e Russia nell’Artico (fonte: Manohar Parrikar Institute)

Bipandeep Sharma, Uttam Kumar Sinha The Arctic has become an important arena of cooperation between Russia and China. Energy, trade and NATO expansion are among...

Analizzare il discorso cinese sull’India (fonte: ORF)

ANTARA GHOSAL SINGH The Chinese side is of the opinion that the real conflict between China and India is not at the LAC but on...

Cina – Rimpasto negli alti vertici militari. Cosa cambia per la sicurezza regionale ?

Il 23 ottobre, il Partito Comunista Cinese (PCC) ha scelto i nuovi membri dei suoi massimi organi di governo in occasione del 20° Congresso...

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