
L’Etiopia acquista decine di obici gommati cinesi (fonte: The Defense Post)

INDER SINGH BISHT Ethiopia has acquired dozens of Chinese-built 155 mm SH15 wheeled, self-propelled howitzers, images of a joint military exercise revealed. Ethiopia Acquires Dozens of Chinese Wheeled...

USA. Il capo dell’IA del Pentagono dice che l’ “etichettatura” dei dati è la chiave per vincere la gara con la Cina (fonte: Defense...

Colin Demarest To best China in the increasingly competitive artificial intelligence game, the U.S. must dramatically boost its efforts to collect, label and sort mountains of...

Stato attuale delle relazioni tra Cina e Medio Oriente: cosa significa la visita di Xi Jinping in Arabia Saudita (fonte: JIIA)

Masaaki Yatsuzuka Chinese President Xi Jinping paid an official visit to Saudi Arabia from 7 to 10 December 2022 and participated in a series of...

Un’analisi della strategia di sostegno di Stati Uniti e Cina all’Africa (fonte: IFANS)

SONG Jisun The deepening strategic competition between the United States of America (hereafter, the U.S.) and China is also taking place in Africa, with the...

L’Australia acquisterà mine marine ‘intelligenti’ come deterrente per la Cina (fonte: The Defense Post)

INDER SINGH BISHT Australia will soon buy sea mines to help deter potential Chinese aggression. Australia to Buy ‘Smart’ Sea Mines as China Deterrence: Report (

Aiuti cinesi nell’area del Pacifico: in diminuzione ma non scompaiono (fonte: The Interpreter)

ALEXANDRE DAYANT, MEG KEEN, ROLAND RAJAH Chinese engagement in the Pacific regularly hit the headlines in 2022, sometimes with dire warnings. The recent China–Solomon Islands security agreement sent...

Quale futuro per il partenariato Cina-Africa? (fonte: IRIS)

Francis Laloupo Moins de deux semaines après sa nomination, le ministre chinois des Affaires étrangères, Qin Gang, s’est rendu en Afrique pour son premier déplacement...

Secondo un report del think tank CSIS, l’industria della difesa statunitense non è preparata a combattere contro la Cina (fonte: Defense News)

Joe Gould The U.S. defense-industrial base is not ready for a battle over Taiwan, as it would run out of key long-range, precision-guided munitions in less than...

Alla nuova grande nave da guerra cinese manca un’ arma importante. Quando vedremo il missile HQ-26? (fonte: Defense One)

THOMAS CORBETT and PETER W. SINGER Last Christmas, the PLA Navy received a long-awaited gift when its seventh and eighth Type 055 destroyers entered service, completing delivery of...

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