Balancing Energy and Ecology: Floating Solar in the 3S River Basin (Courtney Weatherby, Stimson Center)

As policymakers in the Mekong region try to meet both rapidly rising electricity demand and transition away from fossil fuels, hydropower remains central to the region’s power mix. There are 190 existing hydropower dams across the Mekong river basin in 2024, with an additional 19 projects under construction and 287 proposed dams. Though renewable, dams can significantly and negatively impact ecosystems and the natural environment, particularly when they have cumulative impacts. Over 25% of projects under development or proposed will be in one sub-basin system: the Sekong, Srepok, and Sesan (3S), a transboundary system across Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam (CLV), which remains crucial for fisheries and food security.

Balancing Energy and Ecology: Floating Solar in the 3S River Basin • Stimson Center

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