An independent group of economists, academics, security analysts and former diplomats, including this columnist, held a series of interactions over the past year to chart out a trajectory for India during the current decade. The result of our deliberations is a discussion paper which was released on October 2, entitled ‘India’s Path to Power: Strategy in a World Adrift.’ The key premise of the paper is that we are living through a period of rapid geopolitical, economic and technological shifts which has heightened risks and uncertainties for India’s policy-makers and has also created new opportunities for the country to enhance its economic prospects and its diplomatic options. The current decade will be critical to determining India’s ability not only to preserve its strategic autonomy but also to expand it. Strategic autonomy refers to the capacity of the state to make relatively independent choices on issues of vital interest to the country and this is the hallmark of a great power.
Seize the moment. India in a sweet spot because of concerns about a rising challenge from China (Shyam Saran, The Tribune)
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