- La finanza fa marcia indietro sui fondi ESG. Una doccia fredda sulla transizione – Finance backtracks on ESG funds. A cold shower on the transition (Marzia Giglioli)
- The Paris Agreement and the complex, winding road to overcoming climate change. In dialogue with Claudio Forner (World Resources Institute)
- Belloni e l’architettura analitico strategica dell’intelligence (Adriana Piancastelli)
- An immersive experience to understand climate change at the Earth’s Poles. In dialogue with Julienne Stroeve (University of Manitoba)
- Climate change: un sondaggio su cause/opinioni – Climate change: a survey of causes/opinions (Marzia Giglioli)
- Regulating AI. The Chinese experience and models in comparison. In dialogue with Emmie Hine (University of Bologna)
- IMEEC for new opportunities for strategic autonomy in the multipolar world. Not only for India – In dialogue with Anil Trigunayat (Vivekananda International Foundation)
- Intelligenza artificiale. Tra business, etica e regolamentazione. La prossima tappa ? L’IA adattativa. In dialogo con Alfredo Maria Garibaldi (Deloitte)
We are in cooperation with The Science of Where Magazine
Daily from global think tanks
Systemic sustainability (Climate Impact & Action-Sustainable Development-SDGs)
Climate Impact & Action – Sustainable Development – SDGs
Un report del think tank Stockholm Environment Institute (Vigil, S. and D. Kim (2023). International Labour Migration in a Changing Climate: Insights from Malaysia and Thailand. International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Bangkok, Thailand) analizza, con focus su Malesia e Thailandia, come, e in quali contesti, la migrazione internazionale di manodopera possa essere una valida strategia di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici
A report by the think tank Stockholm Environment Institute (Vigil, S. and D. Kim (2023). International Labour Migration in a Changing Climate: Insights from Malaysia and Thailand. International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Bangkok, Thailand) analyses, with a focus on Malaysia and Thailand, how, and in which contexts, international labour migration can be a viable climate change adaptation strategy
International labour migration in a changing climate: insights from Malaysia and Thailand | SEI
Chloe Pottinger-Glass and Uttam Ghimire (source: Stockholm Environment Institute) write about the importance of working towards health-secure cities given the impacts of climate change. The authors look at countries in the Global South and, in particular, Nepal
Un policy brief di Stockholm Environment Institute (Hildén, M., Axelsson, K., Børke, R., Pedersen, A.B., Aamaas, B., Saikku, L., & Sanderson, H. (2023). Municipal consumption-based inventories of GHG emissions. Nordic Council of Ministers) analizza le pratiche delle municipalità nella stima e nell’intervento sulle emissioni basate sui consumi in quattro Paesi nordici: Danimarca, Finlandia, Norvegia e Svezia. Gli autori sottolineano le barriere che impediscono ai comuni di avanzare nella mitigazione degli impatti basati sui consumi e forniscono raccomandazioni per un approccio più sistematico
A policy brief by Stockholm Environment Institute (Hildén, M., Axelsson, K., Børke, R., Pedersen, A.B., Aamaas, B., Saikku, L., & Sanderson, H. (2023). Municipal consumption-based inventories of GHG emissions. Nordic Council of Ministers) analyses the practices of municipalities in estimating and acting on consumption-based emissions in four Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The authors highlight the barriers that prevent municipalities from advancing in the mitigation of consumption-based impacts and provide recommendations for a more systematic approach
Municipal consumption-based inventories of GHG emissions | SEI
Worlds (Australia; China; Europe; India/China; Japan/Indo Pacific; Korean Peninsula; Libya; Russia/Central Asia; Syria; USA; USA/Australia/Indo Pacific; USA/Mongolia;)
Peter Layton (ASPI The Strategist) descrive i contorni, le potenzialità e le possibilità delle ‘grand strategies’ dell’Australia e sottolinea le carenze nel settore della difesa
Peter Layton (ASPI The Strategist) describes the contours, potential and possibilities of Australia’s ‘grand strategies’ and highlights the gaps in the defence sector
The defence gaps in Australia’s emerging grand strategies | The Strategist (
Martin Chorzempa e Samm Sacks (fonte: Peterson Institute for International Economics) scrivono che le ultime norme cinesi in tema di regolamentazione dei dati evidenziano un cambio di approccio più finalizzato alla crescita che non solo alla sicurezza nazionale
Martin Chorzempa and Samm Sacks (source: Peterson Institute for International Economics) write that China’s latest data regulation rules point to a change in approach that is more focused on growth than national security
China’s new rules on data flows could signal a shift away from security toward growth | PIIE
Mathieu Droin e Ilke Toygür (fonte: Center for Strategic & International Studies) scrivono sui limiti e sulle potenzialità della ‘European Political Community’ di fronte alle sfide che interessano l’Europa
Mathieu Droin and Ilke Toygür (source: Center for Strategic & International Studies) write about the limits and potential of the ‘European Political Community’ in the face of the challenges facing Europe
The Granada Summit of the European Political Community: Ambition or Oblivion? (
India – China
Tanvi Madan, Walter Ladwig, Raji Rajagopalan e Karambir Singh (fonte: Brookings) discutono, in un podcast, delle sfide che l’India deve affrontare con la Cina. E’ in atto una competizione di sicurezza e un gap di capacità tra Nuova Delhi e Pechino in diversi settori strategici: convenzionale, marittimo, spaziale, nucleare e informatico
Tanvi Madan, Walter Ladwig, Raji Rajagopalan and Karambir Singh (source: Brookings) discuss the challenges India faces with China in a podcast. There is an ongoing security competition and capability gap between New Delhi and Beijing in several strategic sectors: conventional, maritime, space, nuclear and cyber
India-China security competition on land, at sea, in space, and beyond | Brookings
Japan – Indo Pacific
Noriyuki Segawa (ASPI The Strategist) scrive delle difficoltà del Giappone a imporre i propri ideali e alleati agli Stati insulari del Pacifico nell’ambito dell’iniziativa ‘Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting’
Noriyuki Segawa (ASPI The Strategist) writes about Japan’s difficulties in imposing its ideals and allies on the Pacific Island States as part of the ‘Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting’ initiative
Japan’s struggle to sell its ideals in the Pacific | The Strategist (
Korean Peninsula
Victor Cha (fonte: Center for Strategic & International Studes) ha testimoniato davanti alla Sottocommissione del Senato per le Relazioni Estere sull’Asia Orientale e il Pacifico sui recenti sviluppi della sicurezza nella penisola coreana e sul futuro della cooperazione trilaterale tra Stati Uniti, Giappone e Corea
Victor Cha (source: Center for Strategic & International Studies) testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asia and the Pacific on recent security developments on the Korean peninsula and the future of trilateral cooperation between the US, Japan and Korea
Security on the Korean Peninsula (
All’indomani della massiccia inondazione che ha ucciso circa 20.000 persone, l’esperta di Crisis Group Claudia Gazzini si è recata in Libia per indagare sulle cause del disastro e sulle eventuali responsabilità
In the aftermath of the massive flooding that killed around 20,000 people, Crisis Group expert Claudia Gazzini travelled to Libya to investigate the causes of the disaster and possible responsibilities
When the Dams in Libya Burst: A Natural or Preventable Disaster? | Crisis Group
Russia – Central Asia
Nikola Mikovic (fonte: Lowy The Interpreter) scrive sui rapporti sempre più complicati tra Mosca e i Paesi dell’Asia Centrale. Putin utilizzerà il prossimo vertice della CSI in Kyrgyzstan per consolidare le relazioni con il Paese
Nikola Mikovic (source: Lowy The Interpreter) writes about the increasingly complicated relations between Moscow and Central Asian countries. Putin will use the upcoming CIS summit in Kyrgyzstan to strengthen relations with the country
Putin steps abroad, even as an international warrant hangs over his head | Lowy Institute
Rima Flihan (Lowy The Interpreter) scrive che le proteste nel governatorato di al-Suwayda, nel sud della Siria, dove migliaia di persone si sono unite a manifestazioni pacifiche nelle ultime settimane per chiedere un cambiamento del regime e l’istituzione di un ‘organo di governo transitorio inclusivo con pieni poteri esecutivi’, pongono un problema ai Paesi della Lega Araba in caso di uso di violenza da parte di Damasco
Rima Flihan (Lowy The Interpreter) writes that the protests in the al-Suwayda governorate in southern Syria, where thousands of people have joined peaceful demonstrations in recent weeks to demand regime change and the establishment of an ‘inclusive transitional governing body with full executive powers’, pose a problem for Arab League countries should Damascus use violence
The uprising in al-Suwayda Syria presents the world a moral test – again | Lowy Institute
Sarah Binder (fonte: Brookings) discute, in un podcast, il significato dell’estromissione di McCarthy e di cosa significhi per la governance del Congresso
Sarah Binder (source: Brookings) discusses, in a podcast, the significance of McCarthy’s ouster and what it means for congressional governance
What Kevin McCarthy’s ouster as Speaker of the House means for governance | Brookings
William A. Galston (fonte: Brookings) suggerisce, dopo l’uscita di scena di Kevin McCarthy, che il prossimo speaker della Camera dei Rappresentanti sia bypartisan
William A. Galston (source: Brookings) suggests, after the exit of Kevin McCarthy, that the next speaker of the House of Representatives should be bypartisan
With Kevin McCarthy out, it is time for a bipartisan Speaker | Brookings
Andrew D’Anieri (fonte: Atlantic Council) scrive che, mentre la crescente polarizzazione politico-istituzionale americana, con l’estromissione dello speaker della Camera Kevin McCarthy, potrebbe mettere in pericolo il sostegno di Washington all’Ucraina, l’opinione pubblica sembra essere favorevole a Kiev
Andrew D’Anieri (source: Atlantic Council) writes that while the growing American political-institutional polarisation, with the ouster of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, could jeopardise Washington’s support for Ukraine, public opinion seems to be in favour of Kiev
Are Americans more supportive of Ukraine than Congress is? – Atlantic Council
USA – Australia – Indo Pacific
Marcus Schultz (fonte: ASPI The Strategist) scrive dell’importanza, nel teatro dell’Indo-Pacifico, di una serie maggiore cooperazione tra l’US Army Pacific e l’esercito australiano
Marcus Schultz (source: ASPI The Strategist) writes about the importance, in the Indo-Pacific theatre, of increased cooperation between the US Army Pacific and the Australian Army
USA – Mongolia
Bolor Lkhaajav (fonte: East Asia Forum) scrive che prosegue la partnership strategica tra Washington e Ulaanbaatar. Ma la Mongolia deve bilanciare la politica estera anche nei rapporti con Pechino e Mosca
Bolor Lkhaajav (Source: East Asia Forum) writes that the strategic partnership between Washington and Ulaanbaatar continues. But Mongolia must also balance foreign policy in its relations with Beijing and Moscow
Advancing the Mongolia–US strategic economic partnership | East Asia Forum