Geostrategic magazine (it-en, 18 september 2023)

Global Eye in dialogue

Global Eye – Research

Complex thinking in multipolar world

by Marco Emanuele

Global Eye On  

We are in cooperation with The Science of Where Magazine. Latest news:





UN News scrive della sfida del raggiungimento degli SDGs per i piccoli Paesi insulari in via di Sviluppo. Mentre a New York si apre l’SDG Summit

UN News writes about the challenge of achieving the SDGs for small island developing countries. As the SDG Summit opens in New York

‘Staggering proposition’ reaching SDGs for small island States: A UN Resident Coordinator blog | UN News


(1) Stéphanie Fillion (per Lowy The Interpreter) scrive dell’Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite che si apre a New York, dell’assenza di alcuni leader importanti (oltre a Cina e Russia) e del mondo ‘frammentato’

Stéphanie Fillion (for Lowy The Interpreter) writes about the UN General Assembly opening in New York, the absence of some important leaders (besides China and Russia) and the ‘fragmented’ world

UN General Assembly: Snubs and fragmentation | Lowy Institute

(2) Harsh V. Pant e altri Autori (per Observer Research Foundation) scrivono dell’evoluzione del gruppo BRICS in BRICS + e delle differenze tra i Paesi membri. Ciò pone domande sia sul funzionamento del gruppo che sulle sue finalità strategiche

Harsh V. Pant and other authors (for Observer Research Foundation) write about the evolution of the BRICS group into BRICS + and the differences between the member countries. This raises questions about both the functioning of the group and its strategic aims

From BRICS to BRICS Plus: Old Partners and New Stakeholders | ORF (

(3) Crisis Group, a proposito dell’Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite in corso a New York, scrive degli spazi di azione diplomatica che sono esercitabili da parte dell’ONU nella gestione delle minacce tradizionali ed emergenti alla pace e alla sicurezza internazionali. Senza arrendersi al declino del multilateralismo

Crisis Group, on the subject of the ongoing UN General Assembly in New York, writes about the spaces for diplomatic action that are exercisable by the UN in dealing with traditional and emerging threats to international peace and security. Without surrendering to the decline of multilateralism

Ten Challenges for the UN in 2023-2024 | Crisis Group


Rajiv Nayan (per MP-IDSA) scrive di come la Dichiarazione finale del vertice G20 di Delhi abbia considerato tra i temi strategici la questione complessa del nucleare (interrelazione tra le dimensioni economica, di transizione energetica e di sicurezza)

Rajiv Nayan (for MP-IDSA) writes about how the Final Declaration of the Delhi G20 Summit considered the complex issue of nuclear power (interrelationship between the economic, energy transition and security dimensions) as one of the strategic themes

Nuclear Issues and the G-20 Leaders’ Declaration | Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (



Temjenmeren Ao (per MP-IDSA) scrive del 18° East Asia Summit svoltosi a Giacarta. Si tratta del principale principale forum per il dialogo strategico nell’Indo-Pacifico. L’Autore commenta i risultati del summit e l’adozione dell’ EAS Leaders’ Statement on Maintaining and Promoting the Region

Temjenmeren Ao (for MP-IDSA) writes about the 18th East Asia Summit held in Jakarta. This is the main forum for strategic dialogue in the Indo-Pacific. The author comments on the outcome of the summit and the adoption of the EAS Leaders’ Statement on Maintaining and Promoting the Region

The 18th East Asia Summit: Priorities of a Region in Flux | Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (


Paul van Hooft e Tim Sweijs (The Hague Centre for Strategic Council) scrivono sulla necessità che l’Europa incrementi il proprio impegno strategico nella regione dell’Indo-Pacifico. L’accesso nella regione è importante per i Paesi europei, fuori dalla competizione tra Washington e Pechino e per salvaguardare i propri interessi economici. Altresì, secondo gli Autori, l’Europa può contribuire a promuovere un ordine marittimo multilaterale attraverso la collaborazione con nazioni di piccola e media potenza in Asia

Paul van Hooft and Tim Sweijs (The Hague Centre for Strategic Council) write about the need for Europe to increase its strategic engagement in the Indo-Pacific region. Access to the region is important for European countries outside the competition between Washington and Beijing and to safeguard their own economic interests. Furthermore, according to the authors, Europe can contribute to promoting a multilateral maritime order through cooperation with small and medium-sized power nations in Asia

Why should Europe guard the Indo-Pacific maritime commons: Order, Access, or US hegemony? – HCSS


Akshat Upadhyay (per MP-IDSA) scrive dell’azione di strumenti di realtà virtuale per le Forze Armate Indiane. Serve un cambiamento culturale per la migliore efficienza nei teatri operativi

Akshat Upadhyay (for MP-IDSA) writes about the action of virtual reality tools for the Indian Armed Forces. A cultural change is needed for better efficiency in operational theatres

Military Applications of Virtual Reality and Beyond | Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (


Cassandra Steer (per ASPI The Strategist) scrive dell’importanza crescente del dominio spaziale e della necessità, per India e Australia, di accrescere la loro partnership nell’ambito delle tecnologie spaziali

Cassandra Steer (for ASPI The Strategist) writes about the growing importance of the space domain and the need for India and Australia to increase their partnership in the area of space tecnologies

The untapped potential of Australia–India defence space cooperation | The Strategist (


Crisis Group scrive delle difficoltà finanziarie per la UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) che assiste i rifugiati palestinesi. Il fallimento dell’UNRWA sarebbe un gravissimo problema sia per milioni di rifugiati, che si vedrebbero improvvisamente privati di posti di lavoro e servizi, sia per i fragili Stati ospitanti

Crisis Group writes about the financial difficulties for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which assists Palestinian refugees. The bankruptcy of UNRWA would be a very serious problem both for millions of refugees, who would suddenly be deprived of jobs and services, and for the fragile host States

UNRWA’s Reckoning: Preserving the UN Agency Serving Palestinian Refugees | Crisis Group


Rajneesh Singh (per MD-IDSA) scrive dell’impatto delle sanzioni internazionali sull’economia russa e sull’evoluzione della guerra in Ucraina

Rajneesh Singh (for MD-IDSA) writes about the impact of international sanctions on the Russian economy and the evolution of the war in Ukraine

Sanctions on Russia: A Study of Economic Coercion in the Contemporary World | Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (


Greg Raymond (per East Asia Forum) scrive della complessa situazione politica in Thailandia e degli adattamenti in corso del sistema di ‘autoritarismo competitivo’

Greg Raymond (for East Asia Forum) writes about the complex political situation in Thailand and the ongoing adjustments to the system of ‘competitive authoritarianism’

Srettha Thavisin’s election raises questions for Thailand | East Asia Forum


Fred Kempe (per Atlantic Council) scrive della necessità che gli USA si concentrino su alcune priorità strategiche (Ucraina; alleanze; governo del cambiamento tecnologico; affrontare le debolezze interne e democratiche) con un occhio attento all’evoluzione della Cina e dei rapporti con Pechino

Fred Kempe (for Atlantic Council) writes of the need for the US to focus on certain strategic priorities (Ukraine; alliances; governing technological change; addressing domestic and democratic weaknesses) with an eye on the evolution of China and relations with Beijing

On China, grant the US the wisdom to distinguish between what it can and cannot change – Atlantic Council


Tim Huxley (per IISS) scrive di come la guerra in Ucraina stia  influenzando gli sforzi dei governi dell’Asia-Pacifico per migliorare le capacità militari dei loro Paesi

Tim Huxley (for IISS) writes about how the war in Ukraine is affecting the efforts of Asia-Pacific governments to improve their countries’ military capabilities

The war in Ukraine unfolds alongside a military build-up in the Asia-Pacific (

Marco Emanuele
Marco Emanuele è appassionato di cultura della complessità, cultura della tecnologia e relazioni internazionali. Approfondisce il pensiero di Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. Marco ha insegnato Evoluzione della Democrazia e Totalitarismi, è l’editor di The Global Eye e scrive per The Science of Where Magazine. Marco Emanuele is passionate about complexity culture, technology culture and international relations. He delves into the thought of Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. He has taught Evolution of Democracy and Totalitarianisms. Marco is editor of The Global Eye and writes for The Science of Where Magazine.

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