The Global Eye’s geostrategic magazine comprises two macro-sections: systemic sustainability and worlds (geostrategies).
In cooperation with The Science of Where Magazine
(1) Michelle Lyons (Lowy Institute) pone il tema della giustizia climatica, a partire dall’Inflaction Reduction Act degli USA e guardando alle conseguenze geopolitiche che ne derivano. Al centro dell’Accordo di Parigi vi era il trasferimento di risorse dai Paesi sviluppati a quelli in via di sviluppo
Michelle Lyons (Lowy Institute) raises the issue of climate justice, starting with the US Inflaction Reduction Act and looking at the geopolitical consequences. At the heart of the Paris Agreement was the transfer of resources from developed to developing countries
Climate justice: friendshoring, China’s supremacy and America’s IR Act | Lowy Institute
(2) Radhika Purohit (Observer Research Foundation) scrive sull’impatto della transizione ecologica sul mercato del lavoro, in particolare per quanto riguarda i Paesi del Sud globale
Radhika Purohit (Observer Research Foundation) writes about the impact of the ecological transition on the labour market, particularly with regard to the countries of the global South
Greening the labour market: Sustainable employment in the Global South | ORF (
(3) Mannat Jaspal (Observer Research Foundation) scrive della necessità che si definisca un quadro operativo per il finanziamento dello sviluppo sostenibile nelle economie emergenti. Jaspal considera decisivo l’approccio del Sustainable Finance Working Group sotto la Presidenza indiana del G20
Mannat Jaspal (Observer Research Foundation) writes about the need for an operational framework for financing sustainable development in emerging economies. Jaspal sees the approach of the Sustainable Finance Working Group under the Indian G20 Presidency as decisive
Mark Leonard (Project Syndicate – ASPI The Strategist) scrive che la nuova ‘guerra fredda’, nel mondo multipolare, avverrà non su basi di polarizzazione ideologica ma su una logica di frammentazione
Mark Leonard (Project Syndicate – ASPI The Strategist) writes that the new ‘cold war’ in the multipolar world will take place not on the basis of ideological polarisation but on a logic of fragmentation
This cold war is different | The Strategist (
Abdulkader Sinno (East Asia Forum) scrive della difficile situazione del popolo afghano, stretto tra le politiche talebane e l’approccio sanzionatorio occidentale. L’Autore invita a tornare all’ Accordo di Doha del 2020
Abdulkader Sinno (East Asia Forum) writes about the plight of the Afghan people, caught between Taliban policies and the Western sanctions approach. The author calls for a return to the 2020 Doha Agreement
Afghans stave off starvation in the face of economic sanctions | East Asia Forum
Fergus Ryan (ASPI The Strategist) scrive sul dibattito in corso riguardo alla Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2023, presentata in bozza dal governo australiano. Ryan sottolinea l’importanza di un controllo democratico sul processo di moderazione dei contenuti digitali
Fergus Ryan (ASPI The Strategist) writes about the ongoing debate regarding the Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2023, submitted in draft by the Australian government. Ryan stresses the importance of democratic control over the digital content moderation process
Examining Australia’s bid to curb online disinformation | The Strategist (
Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan (Observer Research Foundation) scrive delle difficoltà dei BRICS a maturare un ruolo geostrategico chiaro e condiviso in assenza di un’agenda coerente tra i membri
Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan (Observer Research Foundation) writes of the difficulties of the BRICS in maturing a clear and shared geostrategic role in the absence of a coherent agenda among members
Growth and Incoherence: BRICS 2023 Summit in South Africa | ORF (
Denise Fisher (ASPI The Strategist) scrive della questione dell’indipendenza della Nuova Caledonia, dei movimenti politici e del ruolo di Parigi
Denise Fisher (ASPI The Strategist) writes about the issue of New Caledonian independence, political movements and the role of Paris
Macron faces resistance in New Caledonia | The Strategist (
Cornelia Tremann (Lowy The Interpreter) scrive del Gabon, dove il 30 agosto un gruppo di ufficiali militari ha annunciato di aver preso il potere, e dell’importanza strategica per la Cina
Cornelia Tremann (Lowy The Interpreter) writes about Gabon, where on 30 August a group of military officers announced they had seized power, and the strategic importance for China
Coup d’État in Gabon: Oil, champagne, and China’s geopolitical opportunity | Lowy Institute
Mie Oba (East Asia Forum) scrive che, vista la difficile congiuntura delle relazioni internazionali nel continente asiatico (in particolare la competizione sino-americana), Giappone e ASEAN debbono migliorare la loro partenership strategica: su difesa e sicurezza, sviluppo sostenibile, comprensione reciproca
Mie Oba (East Asia Forum) writes that, given the difficult juncture of international relations on the Asian continent (in particular the Sino-US competition), Japan and ASEAN must improve their strategic partnership: on defence and security, sustainable development, mutual understanding
Japan now has to deal with ASEAN on a more equal footing | East Asia Forum
Titli Basu (Observer Research Foundation) scrive del futuro della partnership trilaterale tra USA, Giappone e Corea del Sud, analizzando le dinamiche che potrebbero rafforzarla o indebolirla. Molto importante, in termini geostrategici regionali e globali e considerando la centralità di Pechino, è la stabilità nella catena di fornitura dei semiconduttori
Titli Basu (Observer Research Foundation) writes about the future of the trilateral partnership between the US, Japan and South Korea, analysing the dynamics that could strengthen or weaken it. Very important, in regional and global geostrategic terms and considering Beijing’s centrality, is stability in the semiconductor supply chain
The China challenge for the US-Japan-South Korea trilateral | ORF (
The daily report by the Institute for the Study of War