Il rapporto 2023 Index Of US Military Strength (Heritage Foundation), commentato da Zamone Peres per Defense News (US military in decline, threats from China ‘formidable,’ report says), critica la debolezza militare americana rispetto alle sfide in essere.
Punti focali, per la minaccia agli interessi strategici USA, sono Europa, Asia e Medio Oriente. In Europe and Asia, alliances and military posture in those regions help the U.S. project its power. However, the U.S. risks losing its “moderate” rating in the Middle East, scrive Peres.
Russia, e soprattutto Cina, sono in cima alle preoccupazioni americane. Nota l’Autore: “[Russia] still maintains the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, and although a strike on the U.S. is highly unlikely, the latent potential for such a strike still gives these weapons enough strategic value vis-à-vis America’s NATO allies and interests in Europe to ensure their continued relevance,” the report said. But China remained the most “comprehensive security challenge” to U.S. forces across all areas considered by the report, with the Heritage Foundation citing the technological advances of the Chinese military. “The Chinese launched their first homegrown aircraft carrier during the past year and are fielding large numbers of new platforms for their land, sea, air, and outer-space forces as well as in the electromagnetic domain,” the report said.
Dal rapporto emerge un’immagine di debolezza delle forze armate americane, escluso il Corpo dei Marines. Peres sottolinea: The Army scored “marginal,” while the Air Force was ranked “very weak” and the Navy “weak.” The report backed calls for a naval force armed with 400 manned ships to meet its missions, but said the service’s fleet of 298 ships cannot keep up with an “intensified operational tempo.”. (…) The newest service, the Space Force, also was labeled “weak,” with the report citing “slow and incremental” efforts to modernize aging platforms.
English version
The report 2023 Index Of US Military Strength (Heritage Foundation), commented by Zamone Peres for Defense News (US military in decline, threats from China ‘formidable,’ report says), criticises US military weakness in the face of current challenges.
Focal points for the threat to US strategic interests are Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. In Europe and Asia, alliances and military posture in those regions help the U.S. project its power. However, the U.S. risks losing its “moderate” rating in the Middle East, writes Peres.
Russia, and especially China, are at the top of American concerns. The Author notes: “[Russia] still maintains the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, and although a strike on the U.S. is highly unlikely, the latent potential for such a strike still gives these weapons enough strategic value vis-à-vis America’s NATO allies and interests in Europe to ensure their continued relevance,” the report said. But China remained the most “comprehensive security challenge” to U.S. forces across all areas considered by the report, with the Heritage Foundation citing the technological advances of the Chinese military. “The Chinese launched their first homegrown aircraft carrier during the past year and are fielding large numbers of new platforms for their land, sea, air, and outer-space forces as well as in the electromagnetic domain”, the report said.
A picture of weakness in the US military, excluding the Marine Corps, emerges from the report. Peres points out: The Army scored “marginal,” while the Air Force was ranked “very weak” and the Navy “weak.” The report backed calls for a naval force armed with 400 manned ships to meet its missions, but said the service’s fleet of 298 ships cannot keep up with an “intensified operational tempo.”. (…) The newest service, the Space Force, also was labeled “weak,” with the report citing “slow and incremental” efforts to modernize aging platforms.