Daily news – January 31, 2022 p.m.


Sulla crisi russo-ucraina (e dintorni). Niko Vorobyov, Al JazeeraIn Western and Ukrainian media, the armed build-up at the border is a sign of Russian imperialist aggression, of Moscow trying to bully its smaller neighbour. In Russia, however, the situation is viewed rather differently. NATO is a “cancer”, Sergey Karaganov, an influential, hawkish Russian political scientist considered said in a recent interview. How are Russian media outlets portraying the Ukraine crisis?Marco Marsili, Formiche: Lungo la frontiera orientale ucraina si schierano oltre 100mila militari russi, manovra ripetuta anche in Bielorussia con il consenso di Minsk. Ma a quali rischi va incontro Putin? Prova a rispondere l’ambasciatore Marco Marsilli, consigliere scientifico della Fondazione Icsa, già rappresentante permanente presso il Consiglio d’Europa e direttore centrale alla Farnesina per le questioni globali e i processi G8/G20. Quanto costerà, a Putin, l’operazione ucraina? Risponde l’amb. MarsiliFrancesco De Palo, Formiche: Il Cda di Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), una società statale di proprietà del ministero dell’Energia bulgaro, è stato rinnovato per intero dopo un’indagine dei servizi bulgari. Si tratta di sospetti di infiltrazioni esterne che hanno portato il prezzo del gas a impennarsi del 30%. L’episodio si inserisce all’interno di uno scenario ad alta tensione, dove i riverberi della crisi russo-ucraina si spargono anche sul costone balcanico, terreno (non nuovo) di scontri di interessi e influenze. Spionaggio energetico sui Balcani. Chi ci guadagna dal risiko sui prezziReuters: Russia on Monday failed to keep a U.N. Security Council session on the Ukraine crisis behind closed doors, which provides the United States and other members with a public forum to criticize Moscow for its troop buildup. Russia fails to keep U.N. Security Council debate on Ukraine closed | Reuters

Russia. RFE RL: A Russian photographer who used to work for jailed opposition politician Aleksei Navalny’s group has been charged with inciting hatred and online calls for terrorism over his critical comments of President Vladimir Putin, the government, and law enforcement. Former Navalny Group Photographer May Face Up To Decade In Prison

Russia/Chechnya. RFE RL: One of the founders of the Committee Against Torture says his mother has been targeted in an intimidation campaign because of his recent public condemnation of the “abduction” of the mother of one of the Russian human rights group’s lawyers from her apartment in Nizhny Novgorod by Chechen police earlier this month. Posters Insulting Russian Activist Who Spoke Out On Chechnya Appear At His Mother’s Apartment (rferl.org)

Attacco alla libertà di stampa – Cina. Laura Harth, Formiche: Restrizioni sui visti, uso arbitrario delle restrizioni Covid-19, intimidazioni, minacce e non solo: le tattiche di Pechino per costringere i corrispondenti a “raccontare bene la Cina”. Il rapporto del Foreign Correspondents Club of China. Reporter rinchiusi o espulsi. La fine del giornalismo in Cina

Attacco alla libertà di stampa – Kyrgyzstan. RFE RL, OCCRP, Kloop: Inside Kyrgyzstan’s Campaign To Silence Journalist Bolot Temirov

L’Unione Africana ha sospeso il Burkina Faso. Al JazeeraThe African Union (AU) has suspended Burkina Faso a week after a faction of the army announced the removal of President Roch Kabore, as envoys from West Africa and the United Nations head for talks with the coup leaders. The AU’s 15-member Peace and Security Council on Monday said it had voted to suspend Burkina Faso’s participation “in all AU activities until the effective restoration of constitutional order in the country”. AU suspends Burkina Faso after coup as envoys head for talks

Missili israeliani in Siria. Al JazeeraSyrian air defences have intercepted a barrage of Israeli missiles targeting the vicinity of the capital Damascus, state media reported, citing a military source. The source was quoted as saying the interception on Monday resulted in some material damage, without elaborating on its intended target. Israel, which has carried out hundreds of attacks in war-ravaged Syria over the past decade, declined comment. Syria intercepts Israeli missiles targeting Damascus: State media

Giordania. Critiche all’ampliamento dei poteri del re Adullah II. Hanna Davis, Al JazeeraLegislators recently passed a slew of amendments that critics say further broaden King Abdullah II’s wide range of powers. The 30 constitutional amendments flew through the lower and upper houses with ease earlier this month — the only memorable dispute a fistfight in the legislature that was spurred more by personal than parliamentary matters. Jordan: Critics denounce reforms ‘enlarging king’s authority’

Emirati Arabi Uniti/Houthi. Emanuele Rossi, Formiche: “Nelle prime ore di lunedì, la difesa aerea degli Emirati Arabi Uniti ha intercettato e distrutto un missile balistico lanciato dal gruppo terroristico Houthi verso il Paese. L’attacco non ha provocato danni, poiché i resti del missile balistico sono caduti fuori dalle aree popolate”, così il ministero della Difesa di Abud Dhabi ha comunicato ai giornalisti un nuovo step di quella che un paio settimane sembra diventata una costante: missili che colpiscono il territorio emiratino, dallo Yemen. Perché gli Emirati finiscono ancora nel mirino degli Houthi

Afghanistan. Più di 100 tra ex membri del governo, delle forze di sicurezza e collaboratori delle truppe internazionali sono stati uccisi dopo la presa del potere da parte dei talbeni. Rapporto ONU. Al JazeeraMore than 100 former members of the Afghan government, its security forces and those who worked with international troops have been killed since the Taliban took over the country in August, according to a report by the United Nations. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in Sunday’s report addressed to the UN Security Councilthat “more than two-thirds” of the victims were allegedly killed extrajudicially by the Taliban or its affiliates. Taliban killed dozens of former Afghan officials: UN report

Al confine tra Afghanistan e Pakistan. Asad Hashim, Al JazeeraPakistan and Afghanistan will form a new coordination mechanism to resolve issues at border crossing points, the two governments have said in separate statements following the conclusion of a visit by Pakistan’s national security adviser to Kabul. Pakistani NSA Moeed Yusuf concluded his visit to Kabul – aimed at discussing economic engagement and ways to address the humanitarian crisis in Pakistan’s northwestern neighbour – on Sunday, a Pakistani statement said. Pakistan, Afghanistan pledge coordination on border crossings

Ancora vittime nel Kashmir. Al JazeeraIndian forces have killed five suspected rebels in stepped-up operations in Indian-administered Kashmir, police say. The five people were killed in two separate operations that started on Saturday night in Pulwama and Budgam districts, police said on Sunday, adding that the dead included a top commander of the Jaish-e-Muhammad (JeM) armed group and a Pakistani national. Indian forces kill five suspected rebels in Kashmir | Conflict News | Al Jazeera

Terrore in Myanmar. Al Jazeera: In the year since Myanmar’s coup, resistance movements have emerged across the country, and the military has cracked down hard – on both armed fighters and civilians. It’s a form of total war that has killed more than 1,000 people. And the rural areas of the country have seen the worst of it. A ‘campaign of terror’ in Myanmar

USA, UK, Canada e le nuove sanzioni al Myanmar. Simon Lewis and Chris Gallagher, Reuters: The United States, Britain and Canada on Monday imposed sanctions on seven individuals and two entities connected to Myanmar, the U.S. Treasury Department announced, in the latest measures against people connected to the military that seized power in a coup one year ago. U.S., Britain, Canada issue new Myanmar sanctions one year after coup – U.S. Treasury

Italia/Venezuela. Rossana Miranda, Formiche: Un altro caso lega il Venezuela con l’Italia. Dopo la vicenda del presunto prestanome di Nicolás Maduro, Alex Saab, estradato negli Stati Uniti, questa volta il futuro del caso dell’ex ministro dell’Energia, e presidente della petrolifera statale venezuelana Pdvsa, Rafael Ramírez, sembra essere deciso dalla giustizia italiana. L’Italia dice no a Maduro. L’estradizione di Ramirez e i diritti umani in Venezuela

Asse tecnologico tra USA, EU, UK. Lorenzo Santucci, Formiche: Dal documento del think tank britannico Chatham House emerge la necessità di cooperazione per i leader transatlantici, se vogliono offrire un modello diverso da quello cinese, per ora più persuasivo. Dal mercato digitale alla creazione di standard unici per tutti: la strada è lunga e per riuscirci occorre dialogare con quanti più attori possibile. Collaborare per non soccombere. L’asse tecnologico Usa-Ue-Uk

The Global Eye è pubblicato in collaborazione con The Science of Where Magazine

Marco Emanuele
Marco Emanuele è appassionato di cultura della complessità, cultura della tecnologia e relazioni internazionali. Approfondisce il pensiero di Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. Marco ha insegnato Evoluzione della Democrazia e Totalitarismi, è l’editor di The Global Eye e scrive per The Science of Where Magazine. Marco Emanuele is passionate about complexity culture, technology culture and international relations. He delves into the thought of Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. He has taught Evolution of Democracy and Totalitarianisms. Marco is editor of The Global Eye and writes for The Science of Where Magazine.

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