I walked six miles from downtown Washington to home as the buses had stopped running on that beautiful fall weather day, with almost no human-made sounds around me other than jets flying combat air patrol above. As I walked, I knew the arc of my life would change because of the terrorist attacks, but I had no idea by how much. On a personal level, security personnel would be immediately outside my front door for months, and the mailbox across the street would be draped in crime-scene tape as part of the Anthrax attacks investigation. More long lasting were the changes stemming from that day, for not only the course of my personal and professional life, but for the entire field of nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
9/11-Arms Control. Control A New Paradigm for Terrorism: September 11 and Strategic Trade Controls to Prevent the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (Richard Cupitt, Stimson Center)
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